You’re witnessing a fantastic fit of pique from Barack Obama. This American president is watching a legacy of statism, Islamism, globalism, elitism, blackism, post-Americanism, post-Christianity slip away, and he’s fighting tooth-and-nail for the ideological sludge in which he has mired America.
Obama is having a terrific tantrum, the effects of which President-elect Donald Trump must reverse. Why so? Aside from a few laudable initiatives—trade with Cuba and a lesser involvement in the Syrian civil war—Obama has fought for nothing but the dreadful propositions already mentioned. Trump has promised to fight for the American people. Never the twain shall meet.
To Trump, making America great means making the American people great. To Obama, making America great means making government great and aggrandizing himself in the process.
But the metrosexual Obama has finally met his match. Two Alpha Males, Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, are causing the world’s wunderkind to unravel. Both represent the interests of their voters; while Obama fights for the coercive ideology he shares with Angela Merkel and George Soros. Looking for a brawl with the Russian Bear certainly works against the interests of the American people, and for Washington, Brussels and the “expert” and think-tank internationalist industry.
Here's the basic synopsis of Obunga's last little chimpout prior to leaving office:
Step 1. They get some stooge in the CSA (Central Stupidity Agency) in Langley Va. to keep his face straight while claiming that evil Russians hacked the poor Hildabeast out of the presidency.
Step 2. Bork threatens to exact vengeance against the evil Russians at a time and place of his own choosing i.e. threatens to perpetrate something like Pearl Harbor or 9/11 against Russia thereby declaring himself to be the prime suspect for any sort of BS harmful to Russia which ever comes down the road.
Subsequently. Within a space of two weeks a Russian ambassador is killed in Turkey and an aircraft of a type known for reliability goes down in the black sea with the Alexandrov choir on board. Probably had nothing to do with Bork but, again, it doesn matter, Bork had already declared himself to be the prime suspect.
Step 3. Bork figures "OH ****, gotta figure out something else dastardly to do so people don´t think these two events are what I had in mind with my stupid threat..."and expels 40 Russian diplomats.
Vladimir Putin, expected to reply in kind, refuses to rise to the bait, declares that Russia is a Christian nation which does not engage in stupid bullshit lilke that, and invites American diplomats and their families to Christmas services in the Kremlin.
If there is a way for an American president to be made to look stupider or worse than that, I couldn´t tell anybody what it would be.