Best Film ever? No doubt....Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton) both Winters and Mitchum claim it's the film they are most proud of. Anyone who disagrees is WRONG :wink:
Most horrible waste of time: Fish Called Wanda, utter crap! (and Collateral)
Sarah Morgan wrote:Best Film ever? No doubt....Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton) both Winters and Mitchum claim it's the film they are most proud of. Anyone who disagrees is WRONG :wink:
Most horrible waste of time: Fish Called Wanda, utter crap! (and Collateral)
I don't disagree re "Night of the Hunter" ... because I've never heard of it, let alone seen it.
I do disagree that A Fish Called Wanda is crap. It's a funny movie, worth a rent.
Such sublime critical assessment -- utter crap, yet.
Just watched "Kill Bill Vol. 2" again and it made me want to watch Vol. 1 again, even though 2 is obviously the better movie. I think it has to be judged as one long film.
Lightwizard wrote:Such sublime critical assessment -- utter crap, yet.
There you go being wrong again.
That assessment is utter crap.
OMG i actually agree with Ticomaya, i love a Fish Called Wanda...I like british humor...:-)
Sorry, Lightwizard, sometimes you just have to tell it like it is....Fish Called Wanda = utter crap! I stand by it! However, I do realise that I may be in a minority, I went to see it with a group of friends, they all found it very amusing - I did not laugh once. But then, I thought Deuce Bigalow was funny!
My sublime critical assessment of Kill Bill(2) - Brill! :wink:
now you are suspect Sarah...Deuce
oh well, but i do agree with Kill Bill 1&2...:-)
Willow ... you make it sound as if it's the first time.
I will not argue, LW, if you place the mantle of "crap" upon the "sequel," Fierce Creatures. I could have done without that.
"Duece Bigalow?" "D-u-e-c-e B-i-g-a-l-o-w?"
John Cleese's "house sitting" scene in "Fish" has to be a comedy classic.
The point that we get our share of escapees from Yahoo! chat who sometimes pick a movie that is obviously not the best movie of all time is disconcerting but not really worthy of comment. I suppose it gives some the feeling of superiority to do so but it's really nothing more than a cheap shot.
Ticomaya wrote:Willow ... you make it sound as if it's the first time.
I will not argue, LW, if you place the mantle of "crap" upon the "sequel," Fierce Creatures. I could have done without that.
The sequel wasn't crap but it was headed towards the bathroom.
Shaun of the that's a funny film
I don't think of Fish as a British film, let alone a 'comedy classic' it's purile slapstick. :wink:
LW, I believe I may have misunderstood your earlier post .... so let me ask this:
Is you, or is you not, of the opinion that "A Fish Called Wanda" is "utter crap"?
I thought you were referring to my "sublime" critique, and that you believed the movie to be "utter crap." Oh the importance of comma placement. But you just referred to a scene in the movie as classic comedy. Hence my apprehension as to whether I interpreted correctly. I'm so confused ...
I thought "Ghostbusters" 1(especially)+2 were both funny and scared the "crap" out of me...

It wasn't like scary like fear but scary like astonishing. I was chilled when they were in the ambulance scene talking about the ending days in the book of revelations... it somehow seemed plausible... one of "my" best...
I also like "Planet of the Apes"... that one creeped me out too...
I haven't watched it yet...and also have no intention for doing that.
btw i have watched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I found it novel at the very beginning but got more and more bored until I turn off the TV and went to sleep......
I meant the original "Planet of the Apes" with Charleton Heston... it was really great for it's day. Although the one with Mark Whalberg is a great movie too... I own the later on DVD...
I love the movie "Pump up the Volume" with Christian Slater... I like movies with musical themes. It made me want my own "pirate" radio station... hehe Later I moved to a city with cable internet so I could broadcast over the internet. It was the second city in the US to have cable internet. This was how much I like this movie. The internet made that movie a reality... I just think that is so cool...
Reservoir Dogs! Now that's a great American movie!
Reservoir Dogs is an ok film, in my opinion... (mostly drama) Pulp Fiction is of the same idea but I cannot stand Travolta... Natural Born Killers is better I think... although America would not "cheer on" or "idolize" serial killers... another good one is Rules of Attraction.
My friend says they like Jurassic Park... they loved the book. Also they like Perfect Storm, Shawshank Redemption and Steven King movies.