I love Gene Kelly (my favorite Gene Kelly movie was when he played a dance instructor at a summer camp. It reminds me of "dirty dancing" what was the name of that movie? That was my fav Gene Kelly movie. Fav scene when was playing an upright piano and singing. What was the name of that song?) and "Becket" Burton the greatest known verbal command of the English language! Love Virginia Wolf!
Just bought the DVD of the Wizard of Oz at bestbuy tonight. They cleaned up the film scratches almost completely and took out the video distortions and I watched it on my computer. The video is so vibrant and clean GREATLY improved! Not blurry! Very Nice and the audio was not flat! A great buy!
Love Bing Crosby movies too...
The yellow brick road is so yellow....

The camera is so in focus...
The Wizard of Oz looks like it was filmed yesterday. I can't believe they had so much insight to know the perfection of every focus angle and scene field of vision. Very revealing of the past technology.
14 bucks for the DVD. I am very happy about the purchase.
I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Golly, Rex -- click the red ruby slippers already and come back home!
The Gene Kelly movie I think you're writing about was also with Judy Garland and was her last MGM musica. LINK:
The restoration work on "The Wizard of Oz" is amazing -- it's as good as its famous 1939 film by the same director (Victor Fleming), "Gone With the Wind." This was a film that was high up on the best film off all time lists years ago but has dropped down on international lists.
Don't you guys watch foreign movies? No American movie surpasses CHILDREN OF PARADISE, 8 1/2, or THE SEVEN SAMURAI. How childish to gush over THE WIZARD OF OZ when movies can do so much more than provide juvenile entertainment. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy THE WIZARD too, but to put it at the top of your list reveals total ignorance of movie history and the full potential of the medium.
Disagree that it is the best movie ever however, considering when it was produced i'd say they were leaps and bounds over most movies ever made. People were awed at the movie...Gone With the Wind is a tie in this area as far as I am concerned. They also made huges strides in movie making.
Hiya larry, welcome back. I actually side with you, but there really isn't any reason to characterize the poster as childish, is there, hmm?
larry is right -- the three films he mentioned could easily be the best film ever made as well as Truffaut's "The 400 Blows," "L'Aventura," or hundreds of other films not made in the USA. This this should perhaps have been titled My Favorite American Film of All Time.
I love many foreign movies but... I do not see the formula changing radically much from the early Hollywood movies. Foreign films today exemplify the dysfunctional family and Freudian style plot lines. Much like Ingmar Bergman and the older Hollywood themes they are a certain formula of people gone awry. As for the "Wizard of Oz" The blend of music and plot line were and still are a great deviation from the standard psychological drama. There are very few musicals today and this is I think because producers/directors lack imagination and musical education. I love foreign films but i do not think they are "new" or deserving of any particular note other than that they have been being produced since early Hollywood things. It takes much more talent to merge GOOD music and singing with a GREAT story than to just make a drama. You're just diminishing the psychological interpretations of the "Wizard of Oz" by saying it was for "children" that is a wrong assumption in my opinion.
Many foreign films are much like an American country song. Whose wife has left them and their doggie just died and they are drinking their life away in the local tavern. This is not a real innovative approach to movie making. Hollywood has been writing the such for years.
"The Wizard of Oz" may be child-like but not childish. I think Victor Fleming saw to that. Not everyone who posts on this forum are movie buffs but that doesn't mean anyone can learn something and perhaps diversify their taste. I saw "The 400 Blows" when I was young and was thunderstruck. I also remember seeing "Torment" with a screenplay by Ingmar Bergman and was so enthralled that I had to see every film he subsequently directed. A great movies list has to include a good share of foreign films, especially those of the Italian realists.
...and Kurosawa, and the Japanese cinema, of course. "Woman in the Dunes" is one of my favorites.
I like the movie "Virgin Spring" by Bergman.
I saw 84 of the titles on the list, but I would, for example, have included Down by Law and Moonstruck in the top 100. Well no accounting for tastes
i think i'm in LOVE with the late cary grant
oh man.
no joke my fave of all time has to be NOTORIOUS just because he looks so good coming down the stairs in the last scene carrying ingred- <333
there are other more mature films i love i just turn into a big sappy girl when i see him. Audrey Hepburn too. gosh.
nerd wrote:i think i'm in LOVE with the late cary grant
oh man.
no joke my fave of all time has to be NOTORIOUS just because he looks so good coming down the stairs in the last scene carrying ingred- <333
there are other more mature films i love i just turn into a big sappy girl when i see him. Audrey Hepburn too. gosh.
your quote is why i truly love movies..it is the emotion that they draw from us...just watched "Man under fire" and though the movie was average..Denzels performance was stunning...and i know i've mentioned this in another thread but everyone should catch Ben Kingsleys performance in "House of Sand and Fog"...truly superb..
i'm the most emotional movie watcher ever... wow. i really do think so. i cry like the biggest baby during kids movies like... Finding Nemo... its lame. oh well.