A plan was leaked yesterday from the Kerry/Edwards campaign and the Democratic National Committee advising Democrats that they should claim that there was voter intimidation, even if there was none. Of course this should come as absolutely no surprise, because the left has been claiming voter intimidation and "disenfranchisement" since the 2000 election, despite the fact that there no proof that such intimidation ever took place and the leftist U.S. Civil Rights Commission, given six months, couldn't find one single qualified registered voter who was turned away from the polls.
If you think back to 2000, Democrats were claiming that police were using dogs and fire hoses to keep blacks away from polling places. Never happened.
I guess this is just the new Democratic Party. It used to be that when liberals couldn't win at the ballot box they would legislate from the bench. Their new strategy now is to not accept election results...and instead to pretend those evil Republicans intimidated people at the polls. Now that they have been exposed, let's look at the lies and the dishonesty.
In a Drudge exclusive, the 66-page Democratic mobilization plan says "If no signs of intimidation techniques have emerged yet, launch a 'pre-emptive strike.'" The 'Election Day Manual' goes on to say that operatives should issue a press release and call out the race warlords to discuss the mythical "voter intimidation" in the press. It also says talking points should be provided to the "minority leadership." This is absolutely unbelievable. Essentially, it is the official position of the Democratic Party that even if there is no voter intimidation occurring, they should make some up. They are telling people to lie and to slander Republicans.
Fear mongering at its finest. But notice, please, just how this is being covered in the media. You see little criticism of the Democrats for this ploy. Instead, you see constant revisits to the election of 2000 and the disproved charges that somehow tens of thousands of voters were kept from voting in 2000. The seed is being planted from coast to coast, and if Kerry should lose on November 2nd. there will be a huge cry of "I told you so!" from the Democrats ... and the lawsuits will fly.
One more thing. Studies of the 2000 election in Florida show that the vast majority of the problems there were caused by people who were not bright enough to figure out a simple punch-card ballot. Democrats were in charge of the election process in 24 of the 25 Florida counties in which these problems emerged. This means that the bulk of the people who lacked the limited amount of intelligence necessary to figure out how to punch a hole through a card were living in Democrat controlled counties in Florida. Is anyone surprised?