Tue 3 Jan, 2017 08:13 am
From the BBC. In fairness senior Republicans have condemned the vote, and Trump has yet to comment, but getting rid of the ethics body does not drain the swamp in any way.
Quote:Republicans in the US House of Representatives have voted to weaken the body that investigates claims of misconduct against members of Congress.
Under the change, the independent Office of Congressional Ethics would come under the control of the House Ethics Committee.
Republican leaders in the House had opposed the change. The newly elected Congress meets later and the full House will vote on the proposed new rules.
Democrats reacted angrily to the vote.
The vote happened behind closed doors on a bank holiday, with no advance notice the issue was being considered.
It came on the eve of the start of a major power shift in Washington, with Republicans now holding all the levers of power for the first time in nine years.
I look at it as more rope they have to hang themselves, they are off to a good start. On a positive side, I am glad there are some ethical and reasonable republicans left in Washington, with democrats virtually powerless except for verbal protesting which at least has the effect of keeping issues out there, we are going to need those few republicans in days and perhaps years ahead.
I wonder whether the Dumpster is gonna be offended at this attempt to "refill the swamp" by making all the drains inoperative.
Lets see if it makes it through the Senate because the Dems (if they can maintain a monolithic structure) will have the support of at least 3 GOPers in the upper house.
Trump has tweeted, let's see if that's all he does.
Quote:President-elect Donald Trump has criticised Republicans who have voted to gut the independent body that investigates congressional misconduct.
Republicans voted in secret to close the Office of Congressional Ethics, against the advice of party leaders.
"Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance!" Mr Trump said in a tweet.
Mr Trump made cleaning up corruption in Washington a key theme of his campaign.
He ended his tweet with "#DTS", which is an acronym for "drain the swamp", one of his campaign slogans.
Canada's apparently working on draining America's brain power.
it was reported in the weeks right after the election
and instead of slowing down, is picking up the pace
seems like Global is running out of ways to say increased
They've backed down. Kudos to those who kept the spotlight on the sneaky gits.
Quote:Republicans are to drop a plan to gut the independent body that investigates political misconduct, after an outcry.
President-elect Donald Trump had criticised Republicans after they voted to strip the Office of Congressional Ethics of its independence.
"Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance!" Mr Trump said in a tweet.
The proposal was dropped in an emergency meeting at the new Congress, unnamed lawmakers told the US media.
Mr Trump made cleaning up corruption in Washington a key theme of his campaign, and he ended his tweet with "#DTS", an acronym for "drain the swamp".
Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan had argued unsuccessfully against the vote but on Tuesday he defended the proposal.
"I want to make clear that this House will hold its members to the highest ethical standards and the Office will continue to operate independently to provide public accountability to Congress," he said.
hes clearly in charge of the party at this point. He aint even sworn in yet
This is a fight they don't need and can't win. As far as Trump's concerned it's really low hanging fruit.
As long as you are commenting about the internal affairs of the U.S., I hope the Queen gets over her bad cold.
Not one of you disingenuous bleeding hearts will acknowledge that it was SOLELY Trump's tweet showing his disapproval that led to them backing off the vote. That's why you have zero ******* credibility in any thing negative you post about Trump... Typical leftist trolls.
If they do this early in the election cycle the voters will have forgotten it in 4 years.
what it sounds like to me is "FAILYAH TA C'MMUNICATE"
Looks like the "Ryan wing" qnd the "Dumpster's wing" aint tweeting each n other, at least not until it hits the news cycles.
Farmerman, did you happen to read the Guardian article about John Berger and his book (and tv show), Ways of Seeing? Berger died recently, at 90. The Guardian writer pulled a lot together - some of Berger's views, agreed with or not, some of today's happenings, and a lot about the powers of imagery.
I have the book on my shelves, it's small, I need to read it again. Not even sure I finished it the first time, as I flit from book to book, always have. Re the article, to me it's a keeper.
Jonathan Jones is the author; no link since my computer is having an off day.
no I hqvent read it. Whatd he say that hearkens to this day??
I'd copy and paste, but the paste part isn't working. I'll reboot and maybe Paste will show up..
I think he wrote it better than I would trying to explain.
That's a lie, Trump stayed quiet for a long time. He only tweeted once public opinion had been mobilised.
Just because you don't understand what's going on doesn't mean others are similarly disadvantaged. And if Trump had tweeted in support of the motion you would have slavishly gone along with that as well.
His death made the news over here, I must admit I'm not that familiar with him. My favourite TV academic right now is Jonathan Meades.
Sounds like the populist Trump still has his finger on the pulse of the nation.... after the voters blare it in his ear loud and clear.
I understand perfectly even the lame stream media is reporting that it was Trump's tweet that made them do an about-face. The Congress after elected doesn't seem to listen to the public. It takes someone like Trump who goes over their heads and directly to the people by way of Twitter to shame them into getting things done. That's why the establishment is concerned with Trump's use of Twitter. And as the Donald said after the 20th it's not going to be business as usual anymore.