Thank you, paulaj. I appreciate your kindness.
Our decision about who was going to move was pretty much a slam dunk, too. There really wasn't any question for us at all in other words. Seems too easy, huh?
If we had to evaluate it...he has been in his career much longer than I have and his benefits are better.
Plus, my children are both over 21 now and finding their own lives and independence, while he still has a son under his wing. Lastly, the cost of living where he is is a whole lot less than where I am now! The entire quality of life we will have will make it worthwhile. Well, and not to mention that I'd follow him to the ends of the earth anyway...
I'm not concerned about finding a job right away, if at all. He has said it is my choice if I want to work outside the home, full time, part time, volunteer, stay at home...whatever makes me happy. After so many years of raising my own kids solely on my own, I am welcoming the opportunities like a breath of fresh air! The bonus part? I get to be a stepmom to an adorable young man that I already love as my own!
Are you currently in a long distance relationship yourself? If so, what are some of the benefits and liabilities that you see?