I also met my future husband online about two and a half years ago. It was not through an online dating service nor was it in a chatroom. We were playing a very old, somewhat obscure game from way back in the old bbs days. He had asked to meet in person way back then, but I said no at the time. We were both involved in other relationships and it didn't feel right....He left the game for about a year and during that time each of our respective relationships had ended though neither of us knew that as we had not stayed in touch at all. I was not even really playing that game anymore, but just logging on about once a week so my character didn't get deleted...I don't know why I did that....
One day when I logged on, I saw his character name much to my surprise. Nothing was said by either of us for several days and then I got the courage to ask him why he had come back. He said, "I came back looking for you." Everything just clicked...we chatted, we talked on the phone, we met. Everything that I was ready for in life, I saw in him.
Next year we are getting married, something I was very adamantly opposed to since my divorce 10 years ago. I guess one should never say never as I am happier than I can truly ever remember being before.
And right now it is still long distance. I think the key to surviving the long distance separation anxiety is frequent visits, lots and lots of communication. We talk on the phone every day. He is my morning wake up ray of sunshine and my every evening tuck in of sweet dreams and I love you's. We have talked for hours at times and never ran out of things to say. One of the cutest days I "spent" with him was when we went to his state fair. He called me when he got there and we talked until he left. I saw all of the "sites, the expo's, the displays, the vendors" you name it.....vicariously through him. It was wonderful!