Wed 13 Oct, 2004 04:02 pm
I'm stuck on hold for technical support and reading it to pass the time. Seems pretty fantasmagorical, but we'll see what comes of it. Seems Bill earlier filed a suit against this woman claiming extortion.
Oy- The plot thickens. Somewhere in the middle of this morass lies the truth. Whether we will ever KNOW the truth, is another story!
While I don't want to play the game that's being played against Kerry right now (let's find the wildest accusations against him and see how many people believe it), I do wonder what will come of this...
Oh god! Did anyone read the complaint? It's hilarious. I can just imagine him saying that stuff the way he does the news. Totally creepy, and way too believable. I don't really care what comes of it. I just find it highly amusing.
And I didn't find it believable at all. I do smell a rat though.
I find it easily believable. Any blowhard so impressed with his own wit could easily think of himself as irresistible to all women...
Oh, it's believable, all right - O'reilly has never shown himself to be a compassionate fellow, or one who believes in Political Correctness....
Trying to bring down O'Bill a peg or two seems like a waste of resources. Return the contents of the envelope and throw in trash can.
The issue is whether he did (or didn't do) what's been alleged. Any consequences to his career will (or won't) happen as a result.
It's funny, though, ain't it, when the shoe's on the other foot. All those years of Clinton and his sexual misbehavior...
I'm sorry, did you you just comapare a Fox TV news guy to the President of the United States like they were equal in importance?
equating Clinton with O'Reilly seems a real Clinton
No, McG, not like they were equal in importance. Well, maybe equal in self-importance, but there is a difference...
ahhh...the pitter-patter of a backpedal.
Call it what you will, pan. Right now, more people follow O'Reilly than Clinton...
The funniest line was
"he was using the vibrator on himself and climaxed." The defendant was repulsed
This is so funny, reality is much better then fiction
no injury intended D'. In thirty years I'm sure OBill will be mentioned in American History books.
Well I haven't figured out yet how anyone can be forced to have phone sex, especially on multiple occasions. Gut level, if this even happened at all, it was consensual.....and probably recorded....for purposes of extortion?
Let's see..he flings filth, he talks filth, if it walks like a duck..etc...he deserves everything that's coming to him...i feel no pity for this man.
Its called 'Clinton's Curse'. each and every man who overly criticized the man, has been caught with his pants down.
Gingrich, Giuliani, Livingston come to my mind.