Mon 26 Dec, 2016 05:03 am
I have irregular periods yet this is the first time this has happened, I've just finished today and woke up feeling queasy, tired and sleepy, I've had irregular sleeping schedules before my period, while on my period and now after my period, I also was bloated, I've been air bending from my front and rear ( aka burping and farting ) more that usual, I feel a lot better now but I still feel tired and hungry even when I was just eating, my throat is tight and it feels like I'm gonna throw up though I never do, apparently being too anxious also can cause this and trust me I'm the most anxious person I know in my very short yet still ongoing life and I've felt stressed, pressured, and anxious lately, does this have anything to do with this too?
Did you get a flu shot this year? Because if you didn't, that's what this sounds like. If you did, then maybe you're getting panic attacks. Either way, contact your doctor and ask.
Stomach flu, premenstrual queasiness, food poisoning, - there's a number of things that fit your symptoms. After three days go to Dr.