Tue 27 Dec, 2016 07:25 am - I took a picture of the sun, like i just focused my camera on it, obviously the surrounding sky is dark and the sun is like a shining orb of magic and I was like this is cool but then i noticed... (view)
Tue 27 Dec, 2016 03:44 am - I know but my family is kind of having problems right now, I'm a bit too inexperienced to get a job, I don't want to add to their problems and make an appointment with a doctor just... (view)
Mon 26 Dec, 2016 07:35 am - With my horrible luck, not only have I been scratched with claws, I have also been scratched with teeth, it didn't break skin, it didn't bleed but it stings, it was on my thumb on the... (view)
Mon 26 Dec, 2016 05:03 am - I have irregular periods yet this is the first time this has happened, I've just finished today and woke up feeling queasy, tired and sleepy, I've had irregular sleeping schedules before... (view)
Sun 25 Dec, 2016 11:25 pm - I'm nervous since rabies is a bit common in my country, I adopted a feral kitty, she's getting her shots next month but she scratched me 3 weeks ago, it wasn't that deep it was... (view)