I'm not a flashy person. My favorite vehicle ever was a Ford Falcon.
and mine was a Chevy convertible; white on the outside, red on the inside...and I mean RED. Put that top down and got a lot of whistles.
I was a whistler, never a whistle-ee.
Whistler's Mother. Wow. I gotta remind myself of that picture from time to time.
Red is a little tricky to work with in planting design. Bright red, or bright gold yellows can attract the eye, stand out about the surroundings; if this is desired then it's useful to choose those, and not, if not. If you have installed flowering plants that have generally more subtilely colored flowers, the bright red can be disconcerting, but a darker red can sometimes work.
JL, your rooms sound delightful.
I haven't chosen my walls' paint colors yet as I am still in the ever so slowly going wall prep stage, but I am leaning towards greens (go with the redwood/eucalyptus wainscotting). Trouble is, the green I like is also on our walls at work, and I fear green inundation. This is working itself out though, as we may move our office in the next year, and I won't feel so green overwhelmed.
My computer room is "vintage rose" which I admit is sort of pinky red - reminds me of my mother's old nail polish. I don't hate it, but I'll probably change the color as I get to the rest of the house, as I like the rooms to blend from room to room.
The article is very interesting, Letty.
Well I'm a man and I'll tell you a story. When I was a young man my girlfriend and I were trying to find a tie to match a beautiful coral-pink dress she had bought. We searched and searched but she always thought the color was too pink, or too red, never just right. But everytime I saw a tie that was remotely close I thought it was perfect! Then we finally decided on a tie that she thought was perfect and I thought the color was off, but am I gunna keep on lookin? Heck no. It turns out her choice of tie matched perfectly with the dress.
Osso, I just know what colors make me feel, well, secure. I guess that's the word. You and JL and other artists here on A2K, have experienced the feel of the palette. I am just a wannabe. I do know that I loved your treatment of the light in your painting of Venice. That made me feel, somehow, a part of the water. Reflections are difficult to paint.
In my kitchen hangs a primitive painting of my daughter's. It is all different types of red and is a believable contrast to the other ecrus and understated greens. Underneath that painting, I have a bowl that my friend from Virginia sent me years ago. It is totally wood and one piece of sculpture. I have red, red apples in that bowl. I like it, and that is with an objective eye, too.
By the way, I like a lot of colors that men usually don't like. I don't know why but the colors like light blue, shades of purple, and even some pinks apeal to me. I'm not some macho guy and I don't have to try and prove my sexuality to myself and others by rejecting these 'feminine' colors. I have a much more accepting and open mind than other guys too, I'm also sensitive about things and show my feelings a lot. Luckily, the woman I love loves that part of me, so I don't ever have to supress my feelings.
CarbonSystem, and that is what makes a man a man. Sensitivity and the lack of fear of that very expression, simply make you a person of substantial worth, to the woman that you love, but more importantly, to yourself. I bought, on a whim, a potted plant of autumn asters that are russet. They don't particularly go with the rest of my decor, but I love looking at those blooms. They are akin to African daisies, I think.
If you like them, keep em. There's no reason not to. My bedroom is basically a collage of thrift store artwork and my own creations, along with pictures of athletes, and family, the color itself is a color called scottish waltz. It is a darker shade of lime green, much darker but bright too. Nothing matches but I love the room becuase it is me.
and that's how it should be, C.S.
I am so delighted with all the responses here. I get carried away, I guess, but it just occurred to me that I have a very busy day tomorrow.
With love from Letty.
Exactly, CS, as long as it is you. I wanted to do my "victorian" red and gold study in Early Bordello, but my wife insisted that I consider her reputation. Marriage is nothing if it is not compromise.
Bordello? Hilarious, JL. Let me guess. That was no compromise, that was a fiat from your wife.
Just joking, JL. Letty has had a rough day.
Where cars are concerned there is only one colour for me, British Racing Green.
Our three piece suite is red leather though it's a lot warmer colour for the living room.
So, Don, I don't mean to be intrusive, but I am interested in your living room, if you would describe it.
I'll be glad to describe mine, lame as it is.
Hi Ossobuco,
It's 18'x16' Mahogany fireplace in the style of the victorian era although it's only 5 years old, polished hardwood floors, red leather suite few bits of furniture that complement the room, ditto small carpets tasteful lighting.
Overall it's pretty nice although it gets a bit lost in the description of it.
Good morning. Hey, Don, Your living quarters sound warm and cozy, but exactly what "red" shade is your suite? <smile>