More bush Contradictions

Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 11:02 am
I too talk to God and my God informs me that Bush's god told him he never spoke to George and that George is f**** up. Laughing Laughing

It's game time, gotta go
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 08:59 pm
You fail to realize what the talking points are, and why they are focused towards income tax. While your tax bracket DID decrease, your tax burden to society did INCREASE. How much did the price of milk increase? How about your SSI increase?

I don't care about talking points, I look at how it affects me and me alone. Please explain to me how I can have a decrease but have an increase. If you mean I have to pay for more, you are wrong. I still have the same amount of money coming out of my pocket as I did before. When it comes to SS I don't want to pay into it anyways. I want that money to take care of myself. I'm paying into a system that isn't going to be there when I need it, so give it to me now and let me do something with it. I can't wait till SS is privatized and I can do with part of it if I want to. It will be my choice and I look forward to having some control over my future.

Did your property tax go up? How about your school system, did they lay off any workers? How many fire stations closed? How many police officers were laid off?

My property tax did go up, but that is nothing new because it has gone up every year I have owned my home. The Tax cuts didn't make any difference. My son's school did layoff some teachers but I have found out that they offer some bullshit classes to the high schools that are not needed. Why does a HS need a forensic science class? Shouldn't that be taken in college? With classes like this it is no wonder my school system is going broke.

In my city no police officers or fire fighters have been laid off, in fact they are hiring more people, part of the reason I applied and will hopeful be hired in the next few months. If you missed another thread here, the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) the largest organized group of police officers is backing Bush for President. I guess the police officers like him because of what he has done for them.

What you fail to realize is that a MAJORITY of the tax cuts WEREN'T attributed to income, but to capitol gains tax!!! This tax, which is imposed on NON-WORKING income (you know, the type of income a billionaire gets by sitting by his pool sipping champagne) that is taxed at 15%!!! Yes, a billionaire pays LESS taxes on UNEARNED INCOME then somebody working 80 hours a week to provide for a family of 4!!!! This is what the taxes were about, the so-called "middle class cut" is an abberation. It was directly reflected into loss of goods and services, and further increases in "hidden taxes" ie, state, property, cigs, gas, health care etc. So before you go off spurting that you don't pay an increase in taxes, why don't you actually look at what you have in your pocket, and where it is going. The increase of prices is a direct result of the tax cuts!!!!

I don't care if the rich get tax cuts or not. Do you know why I don't care? I don't care because a vast majority has earned their way to being rich and deserve it. What do I care if some rich bastard gets back his money? After all he did earn it didn't he? If he sits by his pool and earns money on money he has invested then so be it, good for him for making the right choice.

This does NOT even mention the grab bag for the rich that SSI is. As of right now, SSI is capped at 88K. If you make more then that, you pay NOTHING towards SSI. Normally, I don't have a problem with this, because people in the top usually have other retirements setup. BUT, SSI IS NOT SECURE!!! Bush has CONSTANTLY dipped into the SSI fund to give money to other areas of the federal government. This makes SSI a TAX in its most basic definition. A federal payment by the taxpayer to the federal government. It is a poor persons tax!!!

Every politician since the creation of SS has dipped into, and Bush is no different. As stated above, I can't wait till SS is in the hands of the people and not the govt. Then maybe there will be something for me when my time comes. I hope I break that $88K limit and don't have to pay into it. That would be grand.

What a crock of crap. Do you know what these "poor" people got back from Bush? NADA, nothing. They are FAR worse off now, then 4 years ago. Social programs slanted towards the underprivileged have been slashed in favor of tax cuts for the rich.

Good, give the money to those that have earned it. The poor don't pay taxes on the federal level so why should they get money back. You can't except to get something back from something you didn't pay it to. To even help these people, Bush created the 10% bracket that allows them to pay less in taxes and even get some back if they over pay. This is a great country we live in.

Oh, and by the way, the top 1% of the population received over 33% of the tax cuts. How is this a "fair" tax cut? You have NO problem giving a Billionaire tax breaks on NON-WORKING income??? We're at WAR!!! And instead of acting like it,

When you pay over 80% of the taxes in this country I think getting 33% of the cut is about fair. I don't believe in over taxing the rich, they earned it and it is their money, so they should get it back.

Bush went on a spending spree to give FREE federal money to his "base", ie. THE BILLIONAIRES OF THE us!!!!

This money isn't free and it isn't the govt's money, it is the people's money. I don't' know where you get "free money" from.

BS, everyone who WORKS should receive a tax cut, not everyone who pays taxes. Why should a billionaire pay less in tax percentage then a Police officer who is protecting our security? Why should they pay less then the military fighting for our country? Why should they pay less then the teachers who teach our kids, and why the hell should they be given a ridiculous tax cut in the first place?

You don't like rich people do you? What is about someone who works their way to the top living the American dream that gets you so angry? Could it be that you don't have what they have so there for you hate them?

Everyone who pays taxes should get taxes back. Just because you have done will in life doesn't mean you should be punished for being successful. There is no way on earth that a billionaire pays less in % then a police officer or someone in the military. No one in the military makes as much as someone in the civilian world, even for a job that is similar. Do I think the military are under paid? Sure I do in some respects but there are benefits in the military that people don't get as civilians. I think this makes up for most it, but no one joins the military for the pay, those that do are disillusioned.

I'll tell you, Bush could care less what happens to middle class America, he only cares about the top. He only cares about the ultra elite, the ultra rich, his supporters and his base. He could care less about any person making 50K, I dare you to prove me wrong.

I can't prove you wrong, because I can't prove your right either. I happen to think Bush cares about America as a whole. Every politician has their niche group who they try and do things for, but I do believe Bush has America at the top of his list.

Every policy which was supposedly skewed towards middle class America has a government giveaway to big business. It's all there, look through the BS and see it for yourself.

I have looked and I don't' see it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:09 pm
Baldimo, where do you get the idea that a majority of the 1% richest americans ever worked at all?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:32 pm
Where do you get the idea that they didn't? Could it because their rich and they couldn't possibly have worked.

There are loads of self-made millionaires.

Look at:

John Edwards-Trial Lawyer
Jake Burton Carpenter-Burton Snowboards
Michael Dell-Dell Computer
Robert Johnson-BET Network
Fred Smith-FedEx
Tom Stemberg-Staples
Richard Thalheimer-The Sharper Image
Bill Gates-Microsoft
Steve Jobs-Apple
Oprah-TV personality
Sam Walton-Wal*mart
Richard Branson-Virgin Records

These are just a few that I could think of.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:39 pm
Question was, why do you the majority of the 1% richest americans are "selfmade"? I won't deny that there are some, but I think they are exeptions to the rule rather than the rule itself.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2004 01:56 pm
Einherjar wrote:
Question was, why do you the majority of the 1% richest americans are "selfmade"? I won't deny that there are some, but I think they are exeptions to the rule rather than the rule itself.

As I stated, most millionaires are self-made. They have stated a business and taken it to its heights of success. All you have to do is look at the comparison of the # of millionaires 30 years ago and look at the # of millionaires today, and the # is larger.

Stats on millionaires
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 18 Oct, 2004 03:07 pm
au1929 wrote:
I too talk to God and my God informs me that Bush's god told him he never spoke to George and that George is f**** up. Laughing Laughing

It's game time, gotta go


...any chance you can join us for a drink in Manhattan Wednesday night?

Some of us are having dinner...and some are just stopping by for a drink later.

There'll be a lot of A2K folk there.

Send me an email: [email protected]

Damn...I wish they would get the PM function working again!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 02:18 am
I would be interested in the folowing stats if you know where to find them:

The amount of money required to make the top 1% in the US.

The number of people who make this requirement.

The number of people who made the requirement X years ago, capital income taken innto acount.
0 Replies
Joe Republican
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 03:44 pm
Baldimo wrote:
Einherjar wrote:
Question was, why do you the majority of the 1% richest americans are "selfmade"? I won't deny that there are some, but I think they are exeptions to the rule rather than the rule itself.

As I stated, most millionaires are self-made. They have stated a business and taken it to its heights of success. All you have to do is look at the comparison of the # of millionaires 30 years ago and look at the # of millionaires today, and the # is larger.

Stats on millionaires

Read your link, only 20% are business owners, that's not "MOST" millionaires jeesh.

Also from your link.
The NFO study comes after a government report last week found poverty is on the rise for the second straight year and median incomes in the United States fell for the third year in a row.

The percentage of Americans living in poverty rose to 12.1 percent from 11.7 percent in 2001, the Census Bureau reported, the highest rate since 12.9 percent in 1998.

And on Tuesday, the bureau said the number of Americans without health insurance grew by 2.4 million people in 2002, bringing the total number of uninsured to nearly 44 million.

Poverty increasing, median income decreasing and rich guys getting tax cuts, yep, sounds about right to me.
0 Replies
Joe Republican
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 04:31 pm
Baldimo wrote:
You fail to realize what the talking points are, and why they are focused towards income tax. While your tax bracket DID decrease, your tax burden to society did INCREASE. How much did the price of milk increase? How about your SSI increase?

I don't care about talking points, I look at how it affects me and me alone. Please explain to me how I can have a decrease but have an increase.

Maybe you should check out this link.



If you mean I have to pay for more, you are wrong. I still have the same amount of money coming out of my pocket as I did before. When it comes to SS I don't want to pay into it anyways. I want that money to take care of myself. I'm paying into a system that isn't going to be there when I need it, so give it to me now and let me do something with it. I can't wait till SS is privatized and I can do with part of it if I want to. It will be my choice and I look forward to having some control over my future.

I'll debate you on SSI, that's another issue all together, but doesn't it bother you that this money is getting picked from? It's your money and the "Everyone does it" excuse isn't what I'm asking, so I don't want to hear that for a reply. I want to know if that it offends you that your president is dipping into SSI.


Did your property tax go up? How about your school system, did they lay off any workers? How many fire stations closed? How many police officers were laid off?

My property tax did go up, but that is nothing new because it has gone up every year I have owned my home. The Tax cuts didn't make any difference. My son's school did layoff some teachers but I have found out that they offer some bullshit classes to the high schools that are not needed. Why does a HS need a forensic science class? Shouldn't that be taken in college? With classes like this it is no wonder my school system is going broke.

In my city no police officers or fire fighters have been laid off, in fact they are hiring more people, part of the reason I applied and will hopeful be hired in the next few months. If you missed another thread here, the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) the largest organized group of police officers is backing Bush for President. I guess the police officers like him because of what he has done for them.

OK, your school took cuts. You are making the same amount of money and the cost of living has increased drastically, how are you being helped again? The tax cut for a couple of hundred dollars? You do realize that IF Bush gets elected, he wants to make sure you have NO hope of making it to the top don't you? You see, the cuts were made in such a way to make you believe that you did better, but the reality of the matter is that hidden costs went up, so you didn't notice it. They are all related to the cuts, you just have to remove the BS to see it.


What you fail to realize is that a MAJORITY of the tax cuts WEREN'T attributed to income, but to capitol gains tax!!! This tax, which is imposed on NON-WORKING income (you know, the type of income a billionaire gets by sitting by his pool sipping champagne) that is taxed at 15%!!! Yes, a billionaire pays LESS taxes on UNEARNED INCOME then somebody working 80 hours a week to provide for a family of 4!!!! This is what the taxes were about, the so-called "middle class cut" is an abberation. It was directly reflected into loss of goods and services, and further increases in "hidden taxes" ie, state, property, cigs, gas, health care etc. So before you go off spurting that you don't pay an increase in taxes, why don't you actually look at what you have in your pocket, and where it is going. The increase of prices is a direct result of the tax cuts!!!!

I don't care if the rich get tax cuts or not. Do you know why I don't care? I don't care because a vast majority has earned their way to being rich and deserve it. What do I care if some rich bastard gets back his money? After all he did earn it didn't he? If he sits by his pool and earns money on money he has invested then so be it, good for him for making the right choice.

Sorry, but these cuts aren't for the "vast majority" (which is BS by the way) they're for the Paris Hiltons of the world. Why should she receive federal money just because of her birth rights? She had the luck of being born into a rich family, why should she deserve to get $500,000 from the government, especially when she doesn't even pay into the system?

The majority of ultra rich AREN'T man made from hard work, they are legacy billionaires. They've had their money passed down from father to son for generations. It's these people that Bush is giving the tax cut to. And YES, I DO have a problem when somebody pays less of a % in tax because they are rich and don't have to work. It's not right, it's actually Dooh Nibor (Ribin Hood in reverse) robbing from the poor to give to the rich. Well, it was wrong in the middle ages and it's wrong now.


This does NOT even mention the grab bag for the rich that SSI is. As of right now, SSI is capped at 88K. If you make more then that, you pay NOTHING towards SSI. Normally, I don't have a problem with this, because people in the top usually have other retirements setup. BUT, SSI IS NOT SECURE!!! Bush has CONSTANTLY dipped into the SSI fund to give money to other areas of the federal government. This makes SSI a TAX in its most basic definition. A federal payment by the taxpayer to the federal government. It is a poor persons tax!!!

Every politician since the creation of SS has dipped into, and Bush is no different. As stated above, I can't wait till SS is in the hands of the people and not the govt. Then maybe there will be something for me when my time comes. I hope I break that $88K limit and don't have to pay into it. That would be grand.

I think we agree here


What a crock of crap. Do you know what these "poor" people got back from Bush? NADA, nothing. They are FAR worse off now, then 4 years ago. Social programs slanted towards the underprivileged have been slashed in favor of tax cuts for the rich.

Good, give the money to those that have earned it. The poor don't pay taxes on the federal level so why should they get money back. You can't except to get something back from something you didn't pay it to. To even help these people, Bush created the 10% bracket that allows them to pay less in taxes and even get some back if they over pay. This is a great country we live in.

So I guess Paris Hilton earned their money in your eyes huh? She deserved to get back the 500K while the janitor working 80 hours just got his OT taken away, yes we do live in a great country Rolling Eyes


Oh, and by the way, the top 1% of the population received over 33% of the tax cuts. How is this a "fair" tax cut? You have NO problem giving a Billionaire tax breaks on NON-WORKING income??? We're at WAR!!! And instead of acting like it,

When you pay over 80% of the taxes in this country I think getting 33% of the cut is about fair. I don't believe in over taxing the rich, they earned it and it is their money, so they should get it back.

The top 1% DO NOT pay 80% of the taxes!!!! THis is a fact!!! The top 1% pay 33% of the taxes, yet they got 50% of the cut. Hence, you have a flattening of the tax and the tax burden of society being shifted to lower taxes.

I'm not trying to call you out here, this is the truth. The Bush tax cuts specifically were done to push more of the tax burden to the middle class. It's the republican way, maybe one day you'll figure it out. Here's a link which breaks down the upper class.



BS, everyone who WORKS should receive a tax cut, not everyone who pays taxes. Why should a billionaire pay less in tax percentage then a Police officer who is protecting our security? Why should they pay less then the military fighting for our country? Why should they pay less then the teachers who teach our kids, and why the hell should they be given a ridiculous tax cut in the first place?

You don't like rich people do you? What is about someone who works their way to the top living the American dream that gets you so angry? Could it be that you don't have what they have so there for you hate them?

Actually, I'm in the top 5% of income generators, and I am considered a "millionaire" by net worth, but that's not the point. I want a fair and equatable system of income generation for the government. I have thought long and hard about what we could do and I have some ideas, but we are NOT doing things right now. What we ARE doing is screwing the middle class. Read up on it, not on Fox and Rush, because it's propaganda. Do the research yourself and see what the %'s are!!!


Everyone who pays taxes should get taxes back. Just because you have done will in life doesn't mean you should be punished for being successful. There is no way on earth that a billionaire pays less in % then a police officer or someone in the military.

YOUR WRONG!!!! billionaires make their money from capitol gains and dividends, am I correct? Yes, I think so. So, can you tell me what a Billionaire pays on his capitol gains? That would be 15%, look it up. The average Police Officer makes 50K, that would put him in the 25% bracket, 10% MORE than the billionaire sipping drinks by his pool doing NOTHING!!!

Read about it, because these are the F-A-C-T-S!!!! Don't get your information from a drug addict or a homoerotic male (Reiley), get the information yourself and make an honest judgement about the situation.


Every policy which was supposedly skewed towards middle class America has a government giveaway to big business. It's all there, look through the BS and see it for yourself.

I have looked and I don't' see it.

You haven't even glanced, do you want specific examples? I can give you pages and pages of examples of how Bush has sided with Big Business over the working class. Just look at what's going on. Minimum wage? $5.50/hour? Yep, you work your first hour just to get you to and from work, what a freaking joke. Look at some of the questions I asked and investigate them yourself, you'll be suprised at what you find.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Oct, 2004 05:12 pm
Joe, ever work a minimum wage job? Are you working one now? Why is that? (Assuming you answered "no" to the second one. If you answered "yes", I am sorry.)
0 Replies

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