Baldimo wrote:Quote:The idea isn't in the selling of the oil, it's in the procurement, manufacturing and refinement of the oil. The money is in the form of US taxpayer funded money to large republican firms.
Do these "republician firms" include regular oil companies? Companies like Exxon/Mobil, Shell and Phillips 66? These are the oil companies that work the oil business around the world. Have these companies been gaining in profits? I think to look at just Halliburton is being disingenuous. Sure Halliburton has made money but isn't that the point.
No, it is EXACTLY the point!!! It's the first sign of decption coming from the RNC. According to your ideology, there is no conflict of intrest when a CEO of said company "retires" to become V.P. Then, the VP along with others, gives said company X amount of dollars in government money.
This is money, which they are making an outrageous profit on (In fact, they can't locate over a Billion dollars) Ooops, geee I don't know what happened to it, but we can't find it.
You don't have a problem with this at all. You are so blind.
I know none of you like the truth about the no bid contracts but here is the truth. There was a bidding process early when Bush got into office. This bidding process was to have a contractor on hand to perform short notice jobs without having to wait for many months to fulfill contracts on jobs that would be needed now.
You do realize this was of course done BEFORE we invaded right? Still no problem?
Iraq and Afghanistan troop support for the soldiers is a perfect example of this. When the troops took up posts across Iraq and Afghanistan, they needed barracks, chow halls and personal facilities to handle business. If the govt were to wait for these services to be fulfilled by companies bidding for the process, they would have been waiting for several months just for the contract to be approved, let alone the companies to get into the area and supply said services. Would you have had the troops wait for some type of comfort, wait to shower and even have decent meals? During a time of war, someone is always going to profit, so to me it doesn't matter who gets the money, because it is always going to be someone.
Ah, now you're getting at the crux of the matter. The money get's spread across ALL the defense industry. Let me ask you this question as well, who is better off then the defense industry right now? Programs are funded, budgets are increasing and life is grand.
Just one more question though: What does the defense industry need to justify it's existance?
When you remove all the BS, when you get right down to it, this is what it is all about. It has nothing to do with terrorism, it never did. It has to do with keeping their side fed by federal taxpayers money. The rich making laws about how to tax themselves and deciding which group I'm going to give money to.
Bush was Santa Clause to the ultra wealthy!!!!
Quote:The money is in the form of US taxpayer funded money to large republican firms. It comes in the form on no-bid contracts. A tax payer giveaway to these companies, it's direct profiteering on the war by companies with a financial investment in the RNC. Doesn't this even remotely bother you? Doesn't this even stir your intrest in looking further into the matter?
No it doesn't bother me, because I know someone is going to make money, and I would rather it be an American company and American workers then a foreign company and foreign workers. Is there a single company in the US that isn't attached at the hip to some political party? Most if not all companies contribute to a political party and people running for office. Some contribute more to others but more often then not, they all contribute to everyone. I'm sure if you look through Halliburton's records, you will find that they paid money into both parties not just the RNC.
The fact that you can sit right there and say it's O.K. to give all your corporate buddies American taxpayer money, and to do it ON THE BACKS OF OUR SOLDIERS shows how truly dispicable the RNC and your talking point has become.
Well, what if I told you there's a direct ratio to the amount of rebuilding to the amount of reconstruction? The more you contribute, the more you get back. Don't you think you would be able to get other countries aboard?
Quote:Halliburton, Bechtel and others are companies who directly profited off the war. For example, Halliburton employees are making upwards of $10K a month, while our soldiers are making under 2K. There is something extremely wrong with this picture.
The difference between Halliburton employees and soldiers, is that you don't go into the military because of the money. If you did then you are delusional. Soldiers don't have a choice of where and when they will be stationed somewhere, and they know this in advance. Civilian employees are going to work in Iraq by choice, and they are indeed working in a very dangerous place with little to no protection while they work. They are not allowed to be armed and there for are in much bigger danger. When was the last time you heard about a soldier being kidnapped while working? You don't, because soldiers are told to not travel alone and to do so is violation of orders. Civilians are not under these same orders. I don't have an issue with civilian employees making that much money and neither should you. If the US military paid soldiers the same amount as their civilian counter parts did, you would have a complaint about that because of how much money the govt spent on the military. Most of you already complain that the US spends too much on the military, can you imagine how much they would have to increase the budget to provide that type of pay. The current % of military spending is about 3%, in order to compete with civilian pay we would have to increase spending by at least double. You won't like that, because you already think the military budget is already too high according to people such as yourself.
Sorry to bust your bubble, but I think the budget should be increased. Yep, increased. I think the money should be refocused on technology development instead of overpriced military hardware. The F22 costs upwards of $140 million with an R&D cost of $60 Billion, where as the JSF costs just $23 million and cost $15Billion to develop from TWO companies. The F22 is over budget, over cost and isn't going to be used for what they invisioned it for.
We need to add more JSFs to the program and less F22s. The analogy being that competition and market driven technology funded by the government is the cheapest and quickest way to increase technology. The JSF is a perfect example of this. We need to completely modernize our military and specialize the forces. We need to fund this as well, but we also need to remove the industrial complex currently in place.
Quote:The stock of Halliburton has gone up over 200% in the past year, this money and stock increase is DIRECTLY from the American taxpayer. Look at the top % companies on profit margin and you'll find oil at the top right now.
Oil has just about always been on the high end of profit making because it is such a necessary commodity. I don't care who makes the money, if you want the companies to make less money then demand for drilling in places like ANWR where the companies will have to spend their own money to procure oil instead of from foreign sources. If we were to drop our dependence on foreign oil supplies and increase our own procurement then prices would drop, because we wouldn't be dependent on how much oil someone else is willing to provide and how fast they are willing to provide it. With oil currently at a record high do to outside factors we could lower the price by drilling, refining and using our own supplies.
I love how you completely ignore the % of increase and pass it off as nothing. Here's another one spelled out for you. . .
If the administration knew there would be a rebuilding effort, they also knew that the stock prices of said company would increase. Am I wrong here? Tell me if I have my facts and reasoning is mixed up here.
Did this administration KNOW there would be an increase in the stock prices of certain companies who would aid in the rebuilding effort?
That is not a far jump, in fact it would be FAR more unlikely that the administration DIDN'T consider this.
Knowing now, in hindsight, what was said and how it was used, doesn't it LOGICALLY help you draw the conclusion that there just MAY have been some alterior motives???
I already know your answer. . . Kerry changes his mind
Quote:Which leads directly to the question, if they aren't porking the consumer, then how are they able to maintain such a high profit margin?
Companies are in the business of making money and if their price to produce goes up, then so is the consumer's price to consume. I'm not happy with how high gas prices are, but there are reasons why the price has gone up. Follow the news on this one and you will see why.
No kidding Mr. Wizzard, nice dodge attempt, but it didn't work. Maybe I should word the question different for you.
If oil companies are currently making RECORD profits, and the consumers are paying RECORD prices, tell me again how they aren't porking the consumer? Like when Enron "didn't" pork California?
Oh YES, another company which totally SCREWED its workers and gave MILLIONS to the CEOs. And also one of Bush's good buddies, yep dat good ole' Kenny Boy!!!! You da man!!!
Utterly shameless.
Quote:The image below is the stock preformance of Haliburton from the time of the vote on Iraq until now. Pretty big gain in stock, 14 to 35, a 250% increase over two years, pretty hard to do considering the dow has decreased during that span.
You are wrong on part of that, the DOW has increased in the last year plus. Before the war the Stock market was down to about 7,000 and in that time has gone up to about 10,000 depending on what is going on. Now with the increase in oil prices, the market has gone down. I would say an increase of almost 3,000 points is pretty good, and reflects how well the economy has done in that same amount of time.
I was wrong, it (DJIA) didn't decrease over the TWO year period, it was over the PAST year. Actually, after today it brings it above, so it's stagnant, but it still does not detract from the point.
Halliburton DIRECTLY profitted from the war. THat's the point!!!