Code:obviously you don't care about the fight for your survival and the fight to live without the threat of worse terrorists attacks.
Obviously, you are sounding so overly presumptious as to come off not sounding very bright. Or shall we stick with the subject instead?
I care very much for my own survival. That is why I'd rather have Kerry in office, because Iraq is now turning into terrorist central, and gaining more recruits with each passing day. We have p*ssed off the world, and that can only HELP the terrorists, not HURT them.
I think that before you clump all our enemies under one skin color and religion, you should learn more about the Middle Eastern culture, their constant plight in dealing with opressive regimes which we have supported, and their unwielding religious loyalty when it comes to their oil.
Western occupation of that region over hundreds of years doesn't leave a very good impression of us or our allies. And the fight for oil will only intensify as resources continue to dwindle.
This really is much more complicated that our "enemies" dancing in the street if Kerry is elected.
I guarantee you that our ALLIES will ALSO be dancing in the street if Kerry is elected.
How will you explain that? Or are they ALL our terrorist enemies?