Re: If Kerry Is Elected
What, you think he might do something rash... like pardoning the biggest list of felons in history?
Even that didn't compare to turning those FALN terrorists loose trying to buy PuertoRican votes for Hillary. That basically sent a message to every terrorist in the world, i.e. that America does not take terrorism seriously.
Re: If Kerry Is Elected
OCCOM BILL wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Do you think bush, in a fit of pique and vindictiveness...would and will make a lot of moves, sign bills and executive orders and in general make as much mischief for Kerry as possible without regard to whether or not it's bad for America?
What, you think he might do something rash... like pardoning the biggest list of felons in history?
(I didn't see McG anywhere, so
I'm talking about things that would effect us...not the pardoning of a few white collar criminals...but...touche old boy :wink:
been there, done that....did broadcast emails about it hours ago.....
thanks colorbook, I signed and sent it off.
I'm going to a protest at Channel 6 here in Columbus. YEAH!
<rummages in closet for old Palestinian scarf that has done duty at many many many protests>
<remembers it was discarded oh a decade or so ago>
<feels old>
<perks up>
Protest! Yeah!!
I signed it too and told them that I would boycott the products they advertised on these stations.
Anyone wanting to post this link in the New Topics section for everyone to my guest
Hey Bill I was thinking of starting a Packer fan support group thread... but I don't even wanna think about it... sigh...
"And now it's time, once again, for all my Packers"... did you remember that radio skit from the not-so-good ole days?
If anybody deserves a support group, its Packer Backers.
colorbook wrote:I signed it too and told them that I would boycott the products they advertised on these stations.
Anyone wanting to post this link in the New Topics section for everyone to my guest

And I thought the left was supposed to be anti-cencorship. Stupid me.l
OCCOM BILL wrote:"And now it's time, once again, for all my Packers"... did you remember that radio skit from the not-so-good ole days?
LOL, Bill. I live in Nashville and am a Titans fan of course. It was more a case of the ball bouncing our way than anything else, don't you think?
An emotional film full of lies broadcast for fact just when the election is about to take place is not exactly a poster for free speech.
about as silly as me posting: "I thought the right was about pro-censorship."
I believe that no matter who gets elected the war in Iraq will change very little. This because they are building permanent military bases there and because of articles I've read telling how one great reason Bush invaded was to keep Iraq from accepting payment in euros instead of dollars. In short, the government behind the government is calling the shots here and no president will alter the course. So the issues to consider in my estimation are: Roe v Wade, the economy, job loss, safety net for the workers, health care, deficit spending/tax cuts/welfare to the rich, supreme court appointees. In these areas the Democrats are marginally best from my perspective.
All well and good edgar but larry has posed a question we should examine. Is it censorship to demand that broadcasting companies not show impartial documentaries 3 weeks before an election.
I am likening it to if Clear Channel demanded that all its stations broadcast Moore's 9/11 3 weeks before the election.
The media is in a position of power almost equal to that of the government in molding opinions. They owe it to the public to cover the issues fairly and impartially particularly in an election year. I don't care if it's Farenheight 911 or the thing against Kerry, if they show these diatribes there ought to be equal response time. The airwaves belong to everybody.