rabel22 wrote:Gee noavatar. No one told me one had too know how to spell to express an opinion. Sure glad that you new guys are here to correct the rest of us. You are right about one thing, everyone should do their homework before they vote. Unfortunately most listen to the 30 sec. sound bites and figure they have heard the absolute truth without really checking the facts. Feel free to correct my spelling whenever you want .
As far as knowing how to spell in order to express an opinion, my opinion is: Verbally - no; Written - yes; otherwise, it's difficult to read and not always taken seriously. And, as for being new, I estimate that while I may be an infant, you are not yet a teenager (in terms of posts), but that also has nothing to do with being able to express an opinion.
You're right . . . Out-of-context sound bites rule the air waves. It's a sad commentary on our print and broadcast media that they assume the role of judge and jury, when sensationalism and innuendo take precedence over proven facts and truth. A prime example is the undocumented CBS story and, subsequently, Dan Rather's pitifully inadequate apology, just as retractions of "hot" front page stories are usually buried in some obscure back section of the newspaper. The damage has already been done.
What's a frustrated reader or viewer to do? Exactly what you said . . . Homework. Check out the facts. Just because you read it or heard it doesn't mean it's true.