Er, Panzade, you seem to be assuming that Blatham has only one tool...whyever would that by your impression.? From what I've heard, Blatham is a remarkable really should get up to New York and compare tool (s). LOL
Deb, I respect your view and, for the most part, agree with it;, but if the moderators are never questioned, as fine as they are--and I do think they are usually great at what they do--then there will be noone to point out that they might have taken a misstep. Of course we will never know why a decision was made and I accept that, but power, even the minute power that the moderators have, inevitalby corrupts IMHO--or at least leads to complacency. (And I don't want anyone to think that I'm calling them complacent)--Gads, it's so easy to dig a hole of too many words.
Craven said:
Quote:It's an odd situation in which those who use a free service would like a say in the way it's delivered to them.
That's the statement I was responding to. Craven, I am not asking for a voice in any decisions made by the moderators. All I was expressing was my view of the atmosphere here, one that I believe results from no one talking about the things that go on. There is a feeling that it is taboo to discuss it.
Maybe you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Sorry, you'll have to come to terms with the level of response you feel comfortable with. You have no reason to feel defensive. It's human nature to miss people and to wonder where they are and if they are OK. Maybe you could consider what Abuzz used to do. Put a notice in the banned person's profile that they are banned.
Er - I think 'tis you who need the bran!!
I was kidding yer!!!
Man, we seem to be a sensitive li'l website today...
Whoa dearest bunny...I knew it was a kid...I just didn't get it.
Munch munch...damn good cereal...belch!
panz, I told ya to change that avatar. It's portentious.
yer right letty betty...I'm workin on it as we speak...
and as for you brain is what's constipated, forgot about my avatar.
Bran muffins
and a group hug
for all!!!!!
Portentous - a great word.
You mentioned the Blathamly tool!!!!!!!!
A thing of great awe.....
You are sitting there in the moon-twilight with whom...
That represents all of A2k
That's something like I told my parents, too, when I was young ...
for photo of said mountie, visit Lola's gallery
Yummy......<mumbling through chewing> great muffin! Good of you to think of us this morning, Deb.
Shal I show you a photo of me with my true love?
Only for me? I'd like to see it!
You are sooooo nice ....
In return, here's a closer view of my avatar - only for you: