I just wanna toss in my 2ยข-worth in here ...
A2K Moderating is a job, not a game or a popularity contest. It is based on the
Terms of Service, it is a team effort, and its aim is to provide an overall superior experience for those using this website. Often, the job is tedious, sometimes it is frustrating, sometimes it becomes intense, and generally it is a job the performance of which rarely comes to the attention of the membership. To render a "computerspeak" anology, it is a "background task" sorta like an antivirus or a firewall ... it is there, it is running, it is doing things you want or need done, but it isn't "on the screen".
Nothing about the job is arbitrary or capricious, nothing about it has anything to do with any Moderator's personal philosophy, politics, sensibilities or preferences, nothing about it has anything to do with censorship of anything other than spam, ad hominem attack, hatespeech, porn, gratuitous vulgarity, persistent incivillity, privacy violation, illegal and/or other disruptive practices.
No one, for instance, ever is censored or banned or otherwise disciplined for political or philosophical viewpoint, though action may be and often is taken on the basis of how that viewpoint is expressed. Should one's conduct here remain reasonably within the boundaries of responsible, civil, mature discourse, as spelled out in the Terms, one will never fall afoul of The Moderators.
Should someone "Go Missing" from A2K, either it is by their own choice or it is due to egregious, often repeated, flaunting of the spirit and/or letter of this website's clearly stated policies. Whichever, the "Why" of it is no one's business other than that of the-specific-individual-at-question.
This website has over 25,000 members (hundreds of whom post regularly), currently has somewhere aroun 1,000,000 total posts, receives hundreds of posts a day, and is watched over by a very small team. Trite as it sounds, one may choose either to be part of the problem, or to be part of the solution. Should your personal preference be to participate in the solution, please feel free do so.
Don't kvetch or retaliate-in-kind or rumor-swap or second-guess, use the

feature (available at the top right of every post) or the "Contact Us" feature available in the footer of every page, to bring your concern or question to the attention of the volunteers who are here to help everyone enjoy being here. Using "report" or "Contact Us" is a way everyone can participate in The Solution. Your communication may or may not receive a reply, may or may not result in action noticeable by you on the forums, but
WILL be seen and considered by the A2K Moderating Team. Your help not only is greatly appreciated, but vital to the overall experience of everyone using this website.
There, I feel better now. End of rant. I'll shut up about it. For now. Somehow, I figure this is gonna come up again. And again.