Swimpy wrote:Craven said:
Quote:It's an odd situation in which those who use a free service would like a say in the way it's delivered to them.
That's the statement I was responding to. Craven, I am not asking for a voice in any decisions made by the moderators. All I was expressing was my view of the atmosphere here, one that I believe results from no one talking about the things that go on. There is a feeling that it is taboo to discuss it.
I know what you are referring to, but I don't think you understood it in the way I had meant it.
is, in fact, an odd situation in which people "who use a free service would like a say in the way it's delivered to them". That's not a bad thing.
You responded as if I
want people to pay for it, when in reality I am just pointing out the nature of the relationship between site and user and why we don't run a democracy. One reason is that the way it's resources are structured does not correlate with the number of members and there's no investment of interest required to be a member, unlike in a country where the decisions a democracy takes are decisions that the voters pay for themselves (hopefully ensuring at least a degree of interest).
I was pointing out what
is, without comment on what
should be (I happen to think the free relationship is the