for that, djjd, you get a hearty and heartfelt
and once again, I'm missing CodeBorg
i tend to think people sre missing, but they're actuall just hanging out in other threads, ireally must branch out, i tend to keep to the general thread most these days
I think there are whole colonies of folks here that solely tune in to their particular favorite forums - not to complain, that's fine with me, I like how people differ in interacting at a2k.
ossobuco wrote:I think there are whole colonies of folks here that solely tune in to their particular favorite forums - not to complain, that's fine with me, I like how people differ in interacting at a2k.
I've tried to branch out a bit, although I hang out mainly in General News and Human Interest.
There are some forums that I just can't force myself to participate in, like Politics and Religion, for example.
Anybody else that doesn't go to certain forums?
I don't go to Riddles...
(I can assume once I caught on I'd be a total addict - everybody who posts a riddle is very plaintive about his or her need for help, in the topic title anyway...)
Yeah, Riddles...I don't do them either. Or Performing arts, Poetry, Teaching, Technology Careers....
I go to poetry sometimes. It's not the most popular forum, but some really interesting poems have been posted over time. I usually learn and enjoy when I do go there. I have to be in the mood though. For instance, I often read the New Yorker, but tend in my reading, to skip the poetry. Dumb of me, since many interesting poets' work is tucked in here and there. I guess I need to change gears in some way, to read poetry, and have a certain resistance - whereas I do like prose writing that has a poetic component, if it isn't just a kind of word icing.
Sadly, one of the most under-used forums is Aging & Elder Care. With all of us aging baby boomers here, it should be more utilized you'd think.
I do wish I could select 3 forums that would never show up on my monitor. Riddles and word games would be way up there.
Being able to block categories, threads, and even posters from view is a very valuable feature of another forum I frequent (and is one reason why this one has moved far down my Favorites list).
Just imagine, for example, how happy some would be if they could put me on "ignore"...
ehBeth wrote:pragmatic
and once again, I'm missing CodeBorg

You & me both, ehBeth!
Where are you, prag?
And I always miss Codeborg during his "vanished periods", too!
Reyn wrote:Sadly, one of the most under-used forums is Aging & Elder Care. With all of us aging baby boomers here, it should be more utilized you'd think.
and stare down the grim reaper, i think not
hehe, with "Elder Care", they could be talking about us soon.
So is this where I'm supposed to post the fact that I'm going to be away for three weeks?
I might have sporadic access to post.
I don't know if I even post enough for people to notice my absence but I know there are a few who might wonder....
present and accounted M'am
Not to worry, Boomer. I know you can't stay away.
PDiddie wrote:Being able to block categories, threads, and even posters from view is a very valuable feature of another forum I frequent (and is one reason why this one has moved far down my Favorites list).
Just imagine, for example, how happy some would be if they could put me on "ignore"...
Why don't you start a forum and call it "PDiddie's And If You Don't Agree With Me Don't Bother Joining."?
I mean seriously, of the silliest things I've seen you post. Sure you're a pain in the ass to some sometimes as is Lash and McG, but I wouldn't trade you guys for some yes-posters that I agree with. A2k is like real life, when you just associate with like-minded you lose a sense of reality.
My 2 cents
boomerang wrote:I don't know if I even post enough for people to notice my absence but I know there are a few who might wonder....
You feel like that, too?
In case nobody else says it...hehe....I'd miss you.
<big hug from a lug>