Wow! I had NO idea that anyone would realize I haven't been around much lately. But it made me feel sort of good that ya had.
As far as where I've been ..... mostly keeping busy with work and summer. I love the warm weather, but it does create alot more work for me. Instead of just cleaning house....I have to mow and take care of flowers, etc. And I happen to be a very spoiled farm brat. Meaning ..... I can't stand certain things out of the store. Such as canned tomatoes, or salsa. I was born and raised in a family where you made that stuff yourself. So I always have a garden with lots of tomatoes for canning....and I'm right in the middle of that. Have been for a couple of weeks.

There's light at the end of the tunnel soon, though.
Thanks for asking about me.

I'll try to post more. :wink: