those are fireflies via a slow speed camera setting. . .
I don't know where my head was, as I thought somehow you weren't right in NYCity, and didn't get all worried. Then I had a power outage for a couple of days myself (just something with the dsl provider). Now I'm sorry I wasn't all worried about you. Of course I know more than the city environs were affected: it was just a brain log jam that you were somehow further away from the havoc.
I've lived sans heat in winter a few times (there were those seven broken windows in January when we moved to my first gallery space before fixing stuff) but now that I'm so called older, both higher and lower temps bother me more, something about metabolism I suppose. Haven't been sans heat and power in the cold for long at the same time, unless I was a kid and don't remember, so I can only imagine how freaking difficult. Glad you have contact with neighbor. I did have a big water break here last May and was two weeks sans water, which was trying, but Diane of a2k helped me fill jugs first and then the neighbors gave me hose bib access. Neighbors do matter.
I worry about the sewer stuff - just read a headline about it taking a trillion $ to fix all that (didn't read the article yet). Infrastructure is our trojan horse all by itself, no hidden soldiers necessary.
Be your feisty self, ff, and take care of the pup/family.
edit, I notice both Bill and Hawk wish you well - give 'em a break for now.