whew...I was ready for the razzers.
My heart felt thanks you two. My first draft disappeared when I accidently hit a wrong key so I left the house in a grump and came back to do a more concise rewrite.
I wear my admiration and love of A2K on my sleeve.
Nice writing.
There would have to be a lot of aunts and uncles in the picture, too, though (it's not just Craven and Jes.)
And I wince the idea that members are kids who need to be treated as such. I think that's part of what people are in fact annoyed about -- they DON'T want to be treated like kids, nor should they be.
But nice writing.
I'd be willing to go with occasionally succumbing to one's inner child, which is a good thing. That is quite different than members actually being kids with the need to be treated as such. I still think the analogy works as literature though.
right on sister...I tried to use the older kids as task sharers but aunts and uncles would have been better.
I wince with you at the way we're treated and in fact my piece was written after a bad reaction to one of Timber's posts where he made me feel like we were kindergarteners. Sometimes we write pieces to illuminate our unhappiness.
I HAVE NO AVATAR! I feel lost!
JP tricked me, he made a new one, I deleted the old one, and now I'm BLANK!
Sometimes, there are naked children in this house.
Now who the heck is paulaj? Without the avatar, I have no clue.

I couldn't figure out how to preview or upload mine. That JP needs a talkin' to. Panzade, how did you get your new avatar to work?
Walter, umglaublich. I had a great laugh.
Cav, I have a photo program I downloaded for free called Irfan. And in it I resize the photos down to where A2K will accept them. It sometimes takes 6 or 7 tries til I get it right.
jpn's change was simple. I just copied it to my desktop and uploaded it to my profile.
Panzade, what is that in your avatar, anyway?
Hmmm....I was having problems because mine was supposed to move. JP said to drag it into my browser window, but for some reason, I couldn't do that, and I'm guessing it's because I'm missing something really simple.

That was for the preview.
Got me Cav, I toil in obscurity and incomprehension.
I am also dazed and confused in avatar land.
How do you think I feel, I don't even EXIST!
<---------STILL NOTHING!
You look good naked. Quit whining.
cavfancier wrote:You look good naked. Quit whining.

NAKED! I hope there isn't a law around here against that.
paulaj wrote:
NAKED! I hope there isn't a law around here against that.
No, not really - at least not as long as "they" are occupied with others
That's what I'm IN FOR!
Ooooooh Mother of Pearl <shaking head>
I better get UN-naked, soon!
ok, you guys, this is just too funny! I've laughed out loud several times here. Walter, my hat's off to you. And Cav....very funny.
And Paulaj, whoever you are.......you're talented, with or without your clothes.
But naked may be preferred, depending on whether you're male of female.
I don't know Urs, perhaps it's a Russian fur hat. Supposed to get down to 68f tonight.