You aren't making sense on a couple of points.
1) The pornography I am defending involves performers who choose to be in the field of pornography and are being paid for doing so. They are doing this job because it benefits them. It is a choice.
2) You actually can often ask the performers if their work is consensual. There are established companies that produce pornography with fairly well known stars that give interviews.
Making pornography legal and making the consumption of pornography mainstream helps in this process. If it doesn't have to be done in secret, then the performers have more rights to discuss their craft in public.
3) I don't think you have watched very much pornography. There is quite a bit of porn where men and women are treated as equals. If you don't believe me, then you will have to ask other people who watch pornography (obviously people who have puritanical views are going to say this isn't the case).
One good part about pornography is that it explores different aspects of sexuality in an open and frank way. There are the types of pornography you describe (where women are degraded). There are pornography with rather sweet consensual relationship. There are different types of sexual relationships explored including polyamory and shared couples.
4) You are focusing on one type of pornography and ignoring the others. But, let's talk about literature that calls women "sluts" or "whores" or has women on leashes (or men on leashes which is more common then you would think).
The fact is that this is fictional. When this type of pornography is made by established companies, often with well known and well-regarded porn stars, everyone knows it is fantasy. You can claim it is "real" because the stars really have sex and really wear leashes. But it isn't real in the fact that the stars do this voluntarily, they aren't actually physically hurt or forced and they go home at the end of the day with a paycheck they earned.
5) Fantasies are fantasies. You can't regulate fantasies. I personally don't understand why some people fantasized about other people being treated like dogs (actually both men and women are portrayed this way in pornography).
You can make a personal judgement. But if a man or woman has this fantasy, and wants a fictional representation of it, then what is the problem in a free society?