Larry434 wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:yes dimensional remorse.....sees people as personal accountability.....any psyc majors want to run with this?
We know you imagine that, Bear. But do any "psyc majors" or psychatrist see it that way? I don't.
It's even more than that, Larry. It's his history: DUIs, choice to use illegal drugs, questions about how he spent his time while in the national guard, his childhood friends claim that they went around exploding frogs even. He has a history of making bad choices, then denying them. That's dangerous!
That makes him a loose cannon because recklessness combined with poor choice-making skills marks one as a loose cannon. There are other behaviors that point this way, it's not just something we liberals made up. Many former addicts replace one addiction with another. In Bush's case it's his regimen and how he needs to rigidly stick to doing the same things at the same time. That compensates when you are a kid or even Joe Citizen,
but to have the president of the United States need that is scary. You've all seen him react when things don't go his way: he grinds his teeth, scowls, grimaces, jumps up and demands his way or the highway. If he can't control himself for a 90 minute debate, is it any surprise he jumped up and walked away from the Kyoto Treaty meetings or the UN meetings about Iraq?
He's not fit for the job. He can say he is, but when asked about it in a debate, his answers tell a different story. He may have good intentions being our president, but he can't control his actions and natural inclinations well enough to suit me. I hope the majority of my fellow Americans see that by the end of this month and go vote to end his leadership in November.