monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:02 am
George wrote:

giujohn wrote:
. . . We do have all the guns . . .

So these disengenuous libitards do own guns?
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:02 am
The modern species of Republican do not concern themselves with the popular will nor governing norms. Far too often, those are an inconvenience for them. Their game is power.
Republicans in the North Carolina legislature on Wednesday took the highly unusual step of moving to strip power from the incoming Democratic governor after a bitter election that extended years of fierce ideological battles in the state.

After calling a surprise special session, Republican lawmakers who control the General Assembly introduced measures to end the governor’s control over election boards, to require State Senate approval of the new governor’s cabinet members and to strip his power to appoint University of North Carolina trustees.

Republicans also proposed to substantially cut the number of state employees who serve at the governor’s pleasure, giving Civil Service protections to hundreds of managers in state agencies who have executed the priorities of Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican.
conservatism is the only legitimate governing philosophy so anything we do to institutionalize conservatism is axiomatically good
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:14 am
The oil and gas industry is quickly amassing power in Trump’s Washington

After eight years of being banished and sometimes vilified by the Obama administration, the fossil fuel industry is enjoying a remarkable resurgence as its executives and lobbyists shape President-elect Donald Trump’s policy agenda and staff his administration.

The oil, gas and coal industries are amassing power throughout Washington — from Foggy Bottom, where ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson is Trump’s nominee to be secretary of state, to domestic regulatory agencies including the departments of Energy and Interior as well as the Environmental Protection Agency.
Oh yes
But don't make the error of misunderstanding how this has happened. They key element here is the huge and incredibly well-funded Koch network. Again, if you haven't got Jane Mayer's Dark Money, get it and read it.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:19 am
So these disingenuous libitards do own guns?

Some of them do...

Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:25 am
Let us include now today's piece from Republican/conservative Jennifer Rubin
Republicans have more excuses than scruples
Whether it concerns President-elect Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, his unwillingness to remove conflicts of interest, his bizarre defense of Vladimir Putin on Russian hacking, his nomination of unqualified Cabinet members who happened to be big donors, his attacks on the free press, his threats and inducements to businesses to do his bidding or his announced disinterest in taking intelligence briefings, the reaction of the vast majority of Republicans is to hide or spin for Trump.
the fair and balanced thread
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:39 am
If there is a milder, less excitable liberal writer than EJ Dionne, I don't know who that might be.
The electoral college should think hard before handing Trump the presidency

It will be entirely understandable if 270 or more of the electors pledged to Trump decide they are agents of their state’s voters, not independent actors. They can argue, fairly, that rejecting Trump would threaten the stability of our institutions. But the threat Trump himself presents to those institutions is why electors need to think hard before they make this decision.

And if Trump prevails, as expected, this is also why vigilance rather than acquiescence is the primary duty of those unwilling to forget everything we believed about him before Nov. 8. He’s done nothing to change our minds. Just ask Mitt Romney.
Yes, things are this bad
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 08:58 am
The Myth of Hillary’s Popular Vote 'Victory'

1) It’s the campaign: Trump campaigned to win the Electoral College because that’s how the law works. His people have pointed out that if law was that the popular vote winner won Trump would have spent more time in states that he couldn’t win, like California, in order to get more total votes. In that alternate reality would Trump have won? Neither we nor the Democrats have any idea. But it’s clearly unfair to say that Trump lost because he didn’t follow “rules” that weren’t rules during the election.

2) It’s the voter fraud: Everyone knows that Democrats are the kings of voter fraud. The dead are regular voters in Chicago for example. Similarly, it’s not an accident that California gave drivers licenses to illegals in early 2016 and Obama told illegals that it was safe for them to vote right before the election. A study of the 2008 and 2010 elections shows significant voting by illegals. Take away California and Hillary’s popular vote “victory” disappears. Those states where there are strong movements to let illegals vote, which includes California and New York, went heavily for Hillary. That indicates that voter fraud may have played a more significant role than liberals will admit. No one knows for sure how many people illegally voted, but we can be sure that they voted for Hillary. As a result, no one can say for sure that absent illegal votes Hillary would still have won the popular vote.

3) It’s the uncounted votes: In some states if the number of uncounted ballots is less than the victory margin the ballots are never counted. Hence we can’t know what the actual popular vote total is. That might sound shocking but since the popular vote total doesn’t matter why bother to keep track of it? Uncounted ballots tend to be absentee ballots that tend to favor Republicans that means that it’s quite possible that if all the ballots were counted Trump could win the popular vote.

4) It’s the voter suppression: There is voter suppression in the U.S. but it’s being done by the liberals. In California, there was no Republican candidate for Senate. Because California's voters passed an initiative that had the two highest vote getters in an open primary face each other in the general election. So there were two Democrats running against each other for the Senate. While racist Democrats claim that Blacks are too stupid to get a photo IDs, those same Democrats think that Republicans being denied a candidate on the ballot won’t keep Republicans from voting. The reality is that in California, which everyone knew Trump would lose, the lack of a Republican Senate candidate meant that some Republicans didn’t bother to vote. We can’t know how many but we can be pretty sure they’d have voted for Trump, reducing Hillary’s supposed lead.

5) It’s the Trump factor: It’s no secret that a lot of people held their noses to vote for Trump. Many people in states that were never going to go for Trump, such as California and Virginia, didn’t vote for Trump because they knew it wouldn’t help Hillary -- whom they disliked even more -- and it made them feel like they weren’t supporting Trump. If those people knew that their ballots would have counted they would have voted for Trump.

6) It’s the laziness factor: The reality is that many people vote only because of the presidential race. The media worked hard to make it clear to the residents of many states that their vote would have no impact on who was elected president precisely because of the Electoral College. For the liberal media to now argue that all those Republicans who didn’t vote because the media told them their votes were worthless shouldn’t be counted if we suddenly decide to go by the popular vote is typical liberal dishonesty.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/12/the_myth_of_hillarys_popular_vote_victory.html#ixzz4Sv2P0dsD
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Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:05 am
More on what Republicans are up to in North Carolina

What stands as perhaps the most brazen element of the lame-duck North Carolina legislature's last-minute effort to weaken the office of the governor before Democrat Roy Cooper is sworn in involves what we traditionally think of as patronage positions.

This really is something to behold.

Back in 2013, this same legislature dramatically increased the number of what are technically called "exempt positions" under the governor, giving newly elected Republican Gov. Pat McCrory significant new patronage power. The number of political appointees authorized for McCrory exploded from about 500 to 1,500.

Now a new bill introduced in the surprise special session, called yesterday with about two hours notice, cuts the number of political appointees for Cooper from 1,500 down to 300, even fewer than McCrory originally started with.

Let that sink in. And it's not just political appointees being taken away from Cooper. The lame-duck GOP legislature scheming with the defeated lame-duck GOP governor to handcuff the new Democratic governor on everything from the courts to the elections boards to higher education.

It's a power grab of epic proportions.
Well, yes, now that you ask, these people do disgust me
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:13 am
Jim Brown On Trump:
"People That Go Against The Election Are Going Against America"
0 Replies
Debra Law
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:13 am
giujohn wrote:

Debra Law wrote:

tony5732 wrote:

I'm with you on this one for sure. It's ridiculous to ban someone for using the term cheese eater, and if one insult deserves a ban, than so does another.

Hypocrisy IS the current liberal mentality. Freedom of speech for Black Lives Matter, but not for the confederate flag. Freedom of religion for Muslims wearing a Turban, but the Christian cross is not protected. Trump is a liar, but Hillary's lies are OK.

The country is waking up though. Thumbs down this or not, this post isn't called "monitoring Hillary and relevant contemporary events" for a reason. While the site doesn't agree with you, America does.

The above post again depicts the faux banner of victimhood so often waved by the true victimizers. The faux banner waver almost always follows up with veiled threats of violent retribution. If it hasn't happened already, I suspect someone who identifies himself as a right wing conservative will announce, "We have all the guns."

We do have all the guns... But why would we waste a bullet on you leftists when you all are so good at shooting yourselves in the foot?

Are you speaking on behalf of Jared Lee Loughner or Dylann Roof? or perhaps that domestic terrorist, Timothy McVeigh, who preferred bombs over bullets?
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:19 am
@Debra Law,
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:37 am
True, he is not even officially in the WH yet, but already he is the most corrupt president elect of my memory. Just contemplating him in the WH gives me nightmares. The excuses given by some of the more I guess you could say sophisticated republicans on this site has been a real eye opener.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:41 am
Trump is not even officially in the WH yet, but he is already superior to obama.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:41 am
blatham wrote:

Let us include now today's piece from Republican/conservative Jennifer Rubin
Republicans have more excuses than scruples
Whether it concerns President-elect Donald Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns, his unwillingness to remove conflicts of interest, his bizarre defense of Vladimir Putin on Russian hacking, his nomination of unqualified Cabinet members who happened to be big donors, his attacks on the free press, his threats and inducements to businesses to do his bidding or his announced disinterest in taking intelligence briefings, the reaction of the vast majority of Republicans is to hide or spin for Trump.
the fair and balanced thread

Many of us are taking note of the growing list of Republicans and Right Wing Conservatives who are fawning over the emperor's new clothes.

Thu 15 Dec, 2016 09:49 am
@Debra Law,
The world has taken note of all of the corrupt liberal democrats, from 0bama on down.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:40 am
Response moderated: Personal attack. See more info.
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:43 am
America is well aware of this fact:

Trump is more qualified to be president than 0bama is, or ever was.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:45 am
Frugal1 wrote:

The Myth of Hillary’s Popular Vote 'Victory'

1) It’s the campaign: Trump campaigned to win the Electoral College because that’s how the law works. His people have pointed out that if law was that the popular vote winner won Trump would have spent more time in states that he couldn’t win, like California, in order to get more total votes. In that alternate reality would Trump have won? Neither we nor the Democrats have any idea. But it’s clearly unfair to say that Trump lost because he didn’t follow “rules” that weren’t rules during the election.

2) It’s the voter fraud: Everyone knows that Democrats are the kings of voter fraud. The dead are regular voters in Chicago for example. Similarly, it’s not an accident that California gave drivers licenses to illegals in early 2016 and Obama told illegals that it was safe for them to vote right before the election. A study of the 2008 and 2010 elections shows significant voting by illegals. Take away California and Hillary’s popular vote “victory” disappears. Those states where there are strong movements to let illegals vote, which includes California and New York, went heavily for Hillary. That indicates that voter fraud may have played a more significant role than liberals will admit. No one knows for sure how many people illegally voted, but we can be sure that they voted for Hillary. As a result, no one can say for sure that absent illegal votes Hillary would still have won the popular vote.

3) It’s the uncounted votes: In some states if the number of uncounted ballots is less than the victory margin the ballots are never counted. Hence we can’t know what the actual popular vote total is. That might sound shocking but since the popular vote total doesn’t matter why bother to keep track of it? Uncounted ballots tend to be absentee ballots that tend to favor Republicans that means that it’s quite possible that if all the ballots were counted Trump could win the popular vote.

4) It’s the voter suppression: There is voter suppression in the U.S. but it’s being done by the liberals. In California, there was no Republican candidate for Senate. Because California's voters passed an initiative that had the two highest vote getters in an open primary face each other in the general election. So there were two Democrats running against each other for the Senate. While racist Democrats claim that Blacks are too stupid to get a photo IDs, those same Democrats think that Republicans being denied a candidate on the ballot won’t keep Republicans from voting. The reality is that in California, which everyone knew Trump would lose, the lack of a Republican Senate candidate meant that some Republicans didn’t bother to vote. We can’t know how many but we can be pretty sure they’d have voted for Trump, reducing Hillary’s supposed lead.

5) It’s the Trump factor: It’s no secret that a lot of people held their noses to vote for Trump. Many people in states that were never going to go for Trump, such as California and Virginia, didn’t vote for Trump because they knew it wouldn’t help Hillary -- whom they disliked even more -- and it made them feel like they weren’t supporting Trump. If those people knew that their ballots would have counted they would have voted for Trump.

6) It’s the laziness factor: The reality is that many people vote only because of the presidential race. The media worked hard to make it clear to the residents of many states that their vote would have no impact on who was elected president precisely because of the Electoral College. For the liberal media to now argue that all those Republicans who didn’t vote because the media told them their votes were worthless shouldn’t be counted if we suddenly decide to go by the popular vote is typical liberal dishonesty.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/12/the_myth_of_hillarys_popular_vote_victory.html#ixzz4Sv2P0dsD
Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Excellent post my friend.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:49 am
Frugal1 wrote:


Two for two my friend!
0 Replies
Thu 15 Dec, 2016 10:57 am
With respect to layman ...

I put in a query to the anonomyous monitors here asking about his status, and got a reply - it wasn't explicit, but they strongly implied that layman was not banned from the site. Given that, my earlier surmise is likely incorrect. .Perhaps he just got weary of all the high school sorority stuff that prevails here. (I don't know what to make of farmerman's comment a few pages back)

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