monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

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Fri 12 May, 2017 10:33 am
The new research found that the change in Greenland temperatures vacillated up and down around the average change in Northern Hemisphere temperatures over time. The vacillations coincided with changes in the sun's energy output that occurred over multiple decades, according to the new study.

That's not even possible. We all know that CO2 levels are the only thing that affects temperature.

Aint that right, Ollie?
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Fri 12 May, 2017 10:50 am
It will never end and they will keep "looking" until a smoking gun directly implicating Trump is found. If none is ever found, then the investigation will just never end, because that smoking gun HAS to be out there somewhere.

Yeah, kind of like the Benghazi investigation.

I think Trump's inflated ego is behind his preoccupation with the Russia investigation because he thinks it suggests that his victory was somehow "tainted". The Democrats and independents who want to get to the bottom of the meddling and hacking should clearly state that Trump's victory was legitimate. "You've got nothing to worry about, Pres — we're just after the truth. You've got nothing to fear if you've got nothing to hide."
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Fri 12 May, 2017 10:54 am
A new study found...

Where is this "new" study — the one you provide is almost two years old.
Fri 12 May, 2017 11:00 am
hightor wrote:

A new study found...

Where is this "new" study — the one you provide is almost two years old.

I wasn't aware, as you are, of a more recent study that completely refutes this study, eh, Hi?

Don't you have any better things to try argue about?

Maybe you could get just a little more petty, though, eh? That would be interesting to see, if it's even possible. Give it a try, willya?
Fri 12 May, 2017 11:42 am
Hightor didn't say he had a more recent study, he's just pointing out to comrade Gooey that HIS 'evidence' (sic) is two years old. You didn't misunderstand on purpose now did you, bro?
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Fri 12 May, 2017 11:59 am
Well...............it looks like it's on purpose.
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 12 May, 2017 12:08 pm
Seems, there's nothing to talk about "Trump and relevant contempray events" but about some old papers regarding climate change.


At least that would reduce confused and often outright false public messages.
Fri 12 May, 2017 12:42 pm
That does it! Now the National Science Foundation is talking about "uncertainties." Have ALL our scientific agencies been bribed by the oil interests? Now they're talking about clouds. Damn clouds! What does that have to do with fossil fuels, anyway? All they do any more is create doubt what everyone else knows is certain. Where will this criminal denialism end?

It is a little-known but significant fact that about 70 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by clouds at any given time. But not all clouds are the same; different types of clouds affect the Earth's climate differently. While some types of clouds help to warm the Earth, others help to cool it.

Currently, all of the Earth's clouds together exert a net cooling effect on our planet. But the large and opposing influences of clouds on the Earth's climate begs the question: What will be the net effect of all of the Earth's clouds on climate as the Earth continues to warm in the future? The scientific community is uncertain about how the effects of clouds will change in the future," says Hugh Morrison, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo. hat's why, in 1997, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) described clouds as "the largest source of uncertainty" in predictions of climate change.

Many of the very same characteristics that give clouds their mesmerizing mystique also make them vexing, perplexing and difficult for scientists to study. These characteristics include their ephemeral, short life-spans, constant motion, ever-changing shapes, wispy, heterogeneous structures and high altitudes; clouds may reach 12 miles or more above the Earth.

Many scientists say that if warming were to increase the number or kind of cooling clouds or decrease the presence of warming clouds, the current net cooling effect of clouds on the Earth's climate would probably increase, and thereby moderate, or offset, ongoing warming....If warming were to continue, the net cooling effect of clouds would increase and, in a negative feedback loop, perpetuate the moderating force on ongoing warming provided by clouds. The result: The Earth's end-of-the-century temperature may be pulled down toward the lower end of its predicted range.


Even Schnieder, the alarmist who admits he has to be deceitful to be effective, has finally caved in fessed up about the "uncertainties." What a damn sellout!

Stanford University climate scientist Stephen Schneider, in an e-mail written just a week or so before his untimely death on July 19, said, “Cloud feedback has been uncertain by a factor of 3 since I did the first paper with that title nearly 40 years ago — we are still no closer to an answer.”

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Fri 12 May, 2017 01:52 pm
Scary, kids, I tellya!

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Fri 12 May, 2017 02:09 pm
Don't you have any better things to try (t0) argue about?

Sorry to be petty, but do you actually call that an argument? Just making a comment. I thought I was going to read some new revolutionary discovery that changes the whole climate debate and instead it's some two year old study which even Michael Mann found interesting:

"I'm open-minded that the real answer is more complicated, and it may be a combination of the two hypotheses," said Mann. "This article paves the way for a more in-depth look at what is going on. The challenge now will be teasing apart the two effects and trying to assess the relative importance of both of them."

Science isn't a game of "Gotcha this time". Scientists welcome well-formed hypotheses which can then be evaluated and added to the complex of discoveries and conjectures which form climate science.

But jeez, man, I'm really sorry. If I can ever do you a favor or make this up to you somehow just let me know. I guess I owe you one.
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Fri 12 May, 2017 02:12 pm
hightor wrote:

A new study found...

Where is this "new" study — the one you provide is almost two years old.

2 years Gracie??? Heavens to Betsy!
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Fri 12 May, 2017 02:12 pm
You know that denialism has run amuck when the commie-ass Guardian publishes trash that admits to uncertainties, eh?

Global warming is shifting Earth's clouds, study shows

Tuesday 12 July 2016 05.13 EDT

Climate Central: The warming of the planet over the past few decades has shifted a key band of clouds poleward and increased the heights of clouds tops.

The reaction of clouds to a warming atmosphere has been one of the major sources of uncertainty in estimating exactly how much the world will heat up from the accumulation of greenhouse gases.

The study, detailed Monday in the journal Nature, overcomes problems with the satellite record and shows that observations support projections from climate models. But the work is only a first step in understanding the relationship between climate change and clouds, with many uncertainties still to untangle, scientists not involved with the research said

Kate Marvel, a climate researcher with NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, agreed but cautioned that the cloud shifts are also consistent with what would be expected during recovery from major volcano eruptions, of which there were two at the beginning of the study period.

More work is needed to tease out the relative roles of greenhouse gas emissions and volcanic eruptions,” she said in an email.

While clouds are a key component of the climate system, helping to regulate the planet’s temperature, their small scale makes them difficult to accurately represent in climate models.

Using satellite observations to look for trends is also problematic because they come solely from weather satellites, which aren’t geared to producing consistent, long-term records. In addition, some satellites have been replaced over time, have changed orbit, or seen degradation of their sensors, introducing false trends.

The study also doesn’t deal with some of the cloud changes that are expected to be most important, namely those to low clouds in the subtropics, Bjorn Stevens, of the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, said in an email. Stevens is the lead author of the chapter on clouds and aerosols in the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

“This study reminds us how poorly prepared we are for detecting signals that might portend more extreme (both large and small) climate changes than are presently anticipated,” he said.


I mean, like, really, can you BELIEVE that ****!? It's time to start imposing prison sentences on these damn denialists. That should learn em.

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Fri 12 May, 2017 02:17 pm
CO2...it's a gas man...a gas!!!
Fri 12 May, 2017 02:24 pm
giujohn wrote:

CO2...it's a gas man...a gas!!!

Exactly, John. A toxic pollutant gas. Probably what they use to kill people in gas chambers, ya know?
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Fri 12 May, 2017 02:30 pm
Lefties, like Bill Nye, always have good solutions to serious problems, eh? He clearly understands how sacred true science is. They don't call him "the science guy" for nothing.

April 14, 2016 10:44 AM NEW YORK CITY – Bill Nye, “the science guy”, revealed he is openly favorable to the idea of jailing ‘global warming’ skeptics at the Hague as “war criminals.”

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