monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:02 pm

Hmmm, says here:

The leaked documents, first published by a hacker who called himself “Guccifer 2.0” and who is now believed to be a character created by Russian intelligence, portrayed some committee officials as favoring Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy while denigrating her opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders. The release of the internal party emails and documents led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairwoman of the party.

The administration has not publicly accused the Russian government of the Democratic National Committee hacking, or presented evidence to back up such a case.

In the past, the Obama administration has stopped short of retaliating against Russia — at least in any public fashion — for its attacks on the State Department and White House unclassified email systems, or on networks used by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It never even publicly identified Russian intelligence as the source of those intrusions, though the subject was widely discussed by senior United States officials when they were not speaking for attribution.

In contrast, the United States did bring indictments against Chinese and Iranian hackers for thefts of intellectual property and attacks on American banks, and imposed economic sanctions against North Korea in early 2015, for hacking into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computers.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:07 pm
No... me thinks MontereyJack really wanted that nasty woman Hillary to win.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:18 pm
Well the air you breath is much more rarified than what's available to me. I'm happy for you that you believe Trump will be a brilliant president. He is so accomplished he can still produce 'Celebrity Apprentice' while performing as the leader of what previously was known as the free world. Are you comfortable with that???? Honestly, doesn't that at least unsettle you a tad??? Never mind, I'm sure you have a Bon mot you believe will blow away that silly notion that being president is a full time job. Perhaps all members of the House can divide their time between DC and private enterprise. That way they won't have to worry about fundraising, wink wink.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:23 pm
The job of president is so demanding and he is old enough - I bet a lot of his interests get delegated elsewhere or go by the wayside. And, so far, everything I read about his forming administration is a recipe for disaster on all fronts.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:26 pm
If he can delegate enough duties, he can treat the presidency as a part time job.
cicerone imposter
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:28 pm
He already said as much. He can handle his tv show and the presidency. It's a nice part time job for this billionaire. He said he's not taking the salary.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:28 pm
Ya don't say.
Lawmakers alarmed Exxon chief could empower Putin
Donald Trump’s leading candidate for secretary of state, ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, would accelerate the president-elect's collision course with Congress over his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and raise new questions about Putin’s role in the election.

Tillerson, whom Trump officials now call the front-runner for America’s top diplomatic job, has spent hours with Putin negotiating billions of dollars in Russian oil projects, and is believed to be on friendlier terms with the Russian autocrat than all but a handful of Americans.

The potential selection of a Putin friend for the critical post is raising alarm in both parties that Trump intends to act on his campaign talk of refashioning a U.S.-Russian relationship now at its most adversarial point since the end of the Cold War.

Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham are likely to mount aggressive opposition to Tillerson, according to sources familiar with their thinking.
My buddy, my buddy, nobody quite like you

Given the tight incestuous relationship between the GOP and big oil money, I'm a tad cynical that a Tillerson nomination will gain anything but a faux presentation of due diligence from GOP members.

But this high-profile nomination news item might be a feint. As I said earlier, Trump is playing this exactly as if he was promoting a professional wrestling match. We'll have to see. Of course, if it is Tillerson, then you might as well just turn over the WH and "citizen government" to corporate control and sigh at the failed American experiment.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:29 pm
glitterbag wrote:

He is so accomplished he can still produce 'Celebrity Apprentice' while performing as the leader of what previously was known as the free world. Are you comfortable with that???? Honestly, doesn't that at least unsettle you a tad???

Listening to fake news again, eh, Glitter?
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cicerone imposter
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:32 pm
I don't worry about things I have no control over, but I can share my opinion that shets gonna happen.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:32 pm
The only other living country leader I can think of who is president/chairman/whatever and Entertainment mogul is Kim Yung Un. This is called a cult of personality. When Nicolae Ceausescu led Romania he dominated every aspect of Romanian life. He also delegated to his wife and son to keep things tight as a tick. I was sent to Romania in 1988 and I still remember what terrible shape Bucharesti was in. I was never so happy in my entire life as when the aircraft I was in left Communist airspace.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:34 pm
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:41 pm
@cicerone imposter,
He already said as much. He can handle his tv show and the presidency. It's a nice part time job for this billionaire.

This could be just a cash flow thing. Or it could be a function of his need to appear - always - as the big alpha male, so he refuses to do anything that looks like it wasn't his decision. Almost all his decisions can be explained with that framing. Release your taxes. No. Stop lying. No. Etc etc.

As to out-sourcing his duties as President? That is and will be one hallmark of this guy's tenure. As I've been saying for months, he doesn't want to be President. He wants to be Pharoah. He wants - he needs - everyone else to bow down. He's not going to get his hands dirty because it is in such situations where he will be forced to take responsibility for his choices and actions. Others - always - will take the blame.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:41 pm
I've been to Moscow, and through a member of a2k, Sergay gave me a day long tour of his city. Saw both art museums, the Tretyakov and Pushkin.
I was on a river boat cruise from Moscow to St Petersburg. The Hermitage in St Petersburg was fantastic with many impressionist paintings. Also visited Catherine The Greats palace, and Peter and Paul's palace.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:43 pm
Please don't try putting words in my mouth. I didn't claim any knowledge, or even opinion, of how good, not to mention brilliant, a president Trump will be. Instead I indicated that I find his actions and statements encouraging so far and I do indeed look for some significant improvements. However, considering the past eight years, that is indeed a low standard.

I don't take time to follow all that silly stuff about TV shows, trusting that, in the unlikely event it doesn't just wash away and disappear, something meaningful will eventually be reported. It appears you follow the press reports about our president-elect more closely than do I. That's OK with me: just don't expect me to know.

Hillary managed to carry on a lot of foundation business and influence peddling during her tenure as Secretary of State. Frankly I don't think the deflection of her attentions did us any harm - it may be that fewer "reset" buttons with Russia were pressed. and a few trips to Afghanistan "in the face of sniper fire" were missed, but I doubt the country was harmed by that.

Even Obama didn't appear to work very hard, and we may well be better off as a result. In fact so far Trump appears to be devoting a lot of time and energy to the (so far remarkably transparent) process of assembling his team of appointees, and as well to create some poublic unity. While you may well not agree with the content of it all, the effort is, at least in principle, worthwhile.

I'm at an elevation of about 150 feet, not far from the Bay, so we likely breathe the same air. You should relax a bit; get over your prickly distemper; and see what follows,

I'm off to the gym.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:43 pm
I was sent to Romania in 1988 and I still remember what terrible shape Bucharesti was in. I was never so happy in my entire life as when the aircraft I was in left Communist airspace.

That really was an ugly place and time. Why were you there or can you not say?
cicerone imposter
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:47 pm
I remember seeing a huge, ugly, Russian building in Bucharest.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:50 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I remember seeing a huge, ugly, Russian building in Bucharest.

Well, now, aint that sumthin!? I'm trying to imagine what an "ugly building" would look like. Did it have acne? Buck teeth? Crossed eyes?
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 05:57 pm
you ever seen any soviet architecture? that's ugly.
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 06:05 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

you ever seen any soviet architecture? that's ugly.

If you say so. I think those onions they put on top of their buildings are kinda attractive, my own damn self. Makes me hungry for a big-ass burger with lotsa onions on it, ya know?

I live in a large cardboard refrigerator box, and I think it's kinda cute too, but I guess I'm just prejudiced.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 10 Dec, 2016 06:09 pm

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