monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 11:52 am
The White House announced today that President Trump is delaying a campaign rally scheduled for Saturday night in New Hampshire because of weather concerns and that it would be held a week or two later.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told reporters Friday that there is a “big storm” expected in Portsmouth, N.H., where Trump was scheduled to hold the rally.

According to weather forecasts, there could periodic showers to Portsmouth on Friday night and Saturday, with the chance of rain falling to less than 40 percent by 5 p.m. Saturday and below 20 percent by 8 p.m. Winds were forecast to reach 10 to 15 mph Saturday.

Region Philbis
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 11:57 am
@Walter Hinteler,

it's all about the umbrella... 45 can't operate them...

Fri 10 Jul, 2020 11:59 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I guess Trump is getting his Markie ready to draw over that forecast reflecting their excuse. In any event, glad he is cancelling.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 02:11 pm
MontereyJack wrote:
the anti-biden case is truly a political witch hunt and a hoax.

You have no basis for making this claim. Let's have the FBI and IRS investigate the Bidens and their close friends and advisers for awhile to see if they can turn anything up.

But even if your claim is in fact true, so what? What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 02:33 pm
Breaking: YouTube Takes Down Tucker Carlson’s Video Connecting Terrorist Susan Rosenberg to BLM

A little late. The word is out and banning the video now proves it is the truth.
Looks like the social media giants are again showing their allegiance to the Democrat Party while curtailing free speech. Clearly everyone knows now that black lives don’t matter to Democrats – money does!

0 Replies
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 03:04 pm
@Region Philbis,
0 Replies
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 04:32 pm
Cult Programming in Seattle

The city is training white municipal employees to overcome their “internalized racial superiority.”

What a bunch of ****. Can we waste money on anything else? The whole city is virtue signaling and further enforcing the belief all whites are racist. That of course is a racist thing to say. So why listen to these jerks and what they could possibly do to make the white man worthy?
At the beginning of the session, the trainers explain that white people have internalized a sense of racial superiority, which has made them unable to access their “humanity” and caused “harm and violence” to people of color. The trainers claim that “individualism,” “perfectionism,” “intellectualization,” and “objectivity” are all vestiges of this internalized racial oppression and must be abandoned in favor of social-justice principles. In conceptual terms, the city frames the discussion around the idea that black Americans are reducible to the essential quality of “blackness” and white Americans are reducible to the essential quality of “whiteness”—that is, the new metaphysics of good and evil.

Once the diversity trainers have established this basic conceptual framework, they encourage white employees to “practice self-talk that affirms [their] complicity in racism” and work on “undoing [their] own whiteness.” As part of this process, white employees must abandon their “white normative behavior” and learn to let go of their “comfort,” “physical safety,” “social status,” and “relationships with some other white people.” As writer James Lindsay has pointed out, this is not the language of human resources; it is the language of cult programming—persuading members they are defective in some predefined manner, exploiting their emotional vulnerabilities, and isolating them from previous relationships.

Stuff like this is to humiliate people and force them to listen and obey or they will be humiliated again. No majority race in any country has ever let this happen.

This self hatred is dooming this country. You are an individual not part of a group or race in this country. That is what these assholes are trying to change.

0 Replies
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 04:48 pm
Shock Poll Shows Trump on Track to Win Reelection

According to David Maddox, the political editor of the Sunday Express, the poll indicates that the Black Lives Matter riots have created a backlash that is helping Trump.

A backlash, I wonder why? Keep BLM in the news . It will help Trump.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Jul, 2020 06:31 pm
President Trump commutes Roger Stone's prison sentence
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 04:28 am
Trump has announced that it will make it easier for children of migrants who have entered the USA illegally to obtain naturalization. To this end, he will create a "grand presidential decree" including the so-called "Dreamer" program, the president said in an interview with the Spanish-speaking broadcaster Telemundo Noticias on Friday

"If you look at the Supreme Court ruling, they gave the president tremendous powers when they said that you could take in, in this case, 700 thousand or so people, so they gave powers," said Trump.

"Based on the powers that they gave, I'm going to be doing an immigration bill. One of the aspects of the bill that you will be very happy with, and that a lot of people will be, including me and a lot of Republicans, by the way, will be DACA. It will give them a road to citizenship," he added.

But shortly afterwards White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere released a statement and reassured the public that Trump won’t actually commit a basic act of humanity: the executive order will address merit-based immigration but not DACA recipients.
As the President announced today, he is working on an executive order to establish a merit-based immigration system to further protect US workers.
Furthermore, the President has long said that he is willing to work with Congress on a negotiated legislative solution to DACA, one that could include citizenship, along with strong border security and permanent merit-based reforms. This does not include amnesty.

0 Replies
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 04:56 am
Flailing States

‘The abyss of history​ is deep enough to hold us all,’ Paul Valéry wrote in 1919, as Europe lay in ruins. The words resonate today as the coronavirus blows the roof off the world, most brutally exposing Britain and the United States, these prime movers of modern civilisation, which proudly claimed victory in two world wars, and in the Cold War, and which until recently held themselves up as exemplars of enlightened progress, economic and cultural models to be imitated across the globe. ‘The true test of a good government,’ Alexander Hamilton wrote, ‘is its aptitude and tendency to produce a good administration.’ It is a test the United States and Britain have failed ruinously during the current crisis. Both countries had weeks of warnings about the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan; strategies deployed by nations that responded early, such as South Korea and Taiwan, could have been adapted and implemented. But Donald Trump and Boris Johnson chose instead to claim immunity. ‘I think it’s going to work out fine,’ Trump announced on 19 February. On 3 March, the day the UK’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies warned against shaking hands, Johnson boasted after a visit to a hospital treating coronavirus patients: ‘I shook hands with everybody, you will be pleased to know, and I continue to shake hands.’


The pandemic, which has killed 130,000 people in the US, including a disproportionate number of African Americans, has now shown, far more explicitly than Katrina did in 2005 or the financial crisis in 2008, that the Reagan-Thatcher model, which privatised risk and shifted the state’s responsibility onto the individual, condemns an unconscionable number of people to premature death or to a desperate struggle for existence. An even deeper and more devastating realisation is that democracy, Anglo-America’s main ideological export and the mainstay of its moral prestige, has never been what it was cracked up to be. Democracy does not guarantee good government, even in its original heartlands. Neither does the individual choice that citizens of democracies periodically exercise – whether in referendums or elections – confer political wisdom on the chosen. It might even delude them, as Johnson and Trump confirm, into deranged notions of omnipotence. The ideal of democracy, according to which all adults are equal and possess equal power to choose and control political and economic outcomes, is realised nowhere. The fact of economic inequality, not to mention the compromised character of political representatives, makes it unrealisable. More disturbing still, voters have been steadily deprived, not least by a mendacious or click-baiting fourth estate, of the capacity either to identify or to seek the public interest. Modern democracy, in other words, bears little resemblance to the form of government that went under its name in ancient Greece. And in no place does democracy look more like a zombie than in India, Anglo-America’s most diligent apprentice, where a tremendously popular Hindu supremacist movement diverts attention from grotesque levels of inequality and its own criminal maladroitness by stoking murderous hatred against Muslims.


Their sanctimony can’t disguise the fact that China, single-mindedly pursuing modernisation under a technocratic elite, has verified Hamilton’s belief that only a strong, proactive state can protect its citizens from the maelstrom of violent and unavoidable change: ‘Nothing but a well-proportioned exertion of the resources of the whole, under the direction of a Common Council, with power sufficient to give efficacy to their resolutions, can preserve us from being a CONQUERED PEOPLE now, or can make us a HAPPY PEOPLE hereafter.’ China has been more coldly pragmatic, too, than its Western critics. After all, a ruling party that calls itself ‘communist’ chose to abandon its foundational ideology and adapt itself to a market economy, just as the US, seeking to build a new world order, was failing to implant democracy by persuasion or military force in Russia, Eastern Europe and the Arab world, succeeding only in facilitating brutal anarchy or despotism in almost every country it sought to remake in its image. More recently, and damagingly, a feckless global experiment in economic hyper-liberalism led by Anglo-America’s political class and mainstream intelligentsia has helped empower neo-fascist movements and personalities in both countries.


The moralising history of the modern world written by its early winners – the many Plato-to-Nato accounts of the global flowering of democracy, liberal capitalism and human rights – has long been in need of drastic revision. At the very least, it must incorporate the experiences of late-developing nations: their fraught and often tragic quests for meaningful sovereignty, their contemptuously thwarted ideas for an egalitarian world order, and the redemptive visions of social movements, from the Greens in Germany to Dalits in India. The recent explosion of political demagoguery, after years of endless and futile wars, should have been an occasion to interrogate the narratives of British and American narcissism. Trump and Brexit offered an opportunity to ‘break democracy’s spell’ on the Anglo-American mind – something the political theorist John Dunn has been arguing for since the late 1970s, long before Anglo-American triumphalism assumed inflexible forms. Those hypnotised by the word, Dunn argued, had become oblivious to the fact that the political and economic arrangements they preferred, and which they described as ‘democracy’, could neither continue indefinitely nor handle ‘the immediate challenges of collective life within and between individual countries effectively even in the present’.


‘You must dominate,’ Trump told state governors on 1 June, threatening to unleash ‘vicious dogs’ and ‘ominous weapons’ on his political enemies. Understandably, people exalted for so long by the luck of birth, class and nation will find it difficult, even impossible, to discard their assumptions about themselves and the world. But success in this harsh self-education is imperative if the prime movers of modern civilisation are to prevent themselves from sliding helplessly into the abyss of history.

londonreviewof books/mishra

0 Replies
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 05:45 am
What does it mean when a deer stamps its front hoof at you?

I spent a few hours out in a field comet hunting this morning, and a lone deer came up to about 50 feet to me and kept staring at me and stamping its front hoof at me.

It kept darting away and then coming back to stare at me too, for the better part of an hour. Although it never came closer than 50 feet.

Someone suggested it was a mother frustrated because its fawn was hidden nearby me. But I was there for a good hour before the deer even came by.

And it was pretty open. I think I'd have noticed a fawn if there was one that close to me.
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 06:02 am
Yup, I've seen that behavior as well.

Sat 11 Jul, 2020 06:22 am
That’s an interesting question about animal behavior...
For me, it begs another question.

Wtf is it doing in a thread about monitoring the 45 administration?
Region Philbis
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 06:37 am

he was apparently too lazy to start a new thread.

the post will quickly get buried here...
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 06:43 am
@Region Philbis,
0 Replies
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 09:17 am
I suppose everyone has already heard the President commuted Roger Stone's jail time. This is not the same as a pardon, but still, it is just one more action in a long string of actions which prove this president has no respect for the rule of law.
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 09:23 am
THERE ARE no doubt thousands of people in federal prison who deserved a presidential commutation more than Roger Stone. But after President Trump’s intervention on Friday, Mr. Stone will serve none of his prison sentence. The president may have had the power to help his longtime friend. But that does not make it any less a perversion of justice — indeed, it is one of the most nauseating instances of corrupt government favoritism the United States has ever seen.

There is no doubt about Mr. Stone’s guilt. During the 2016 presidential campaign, he tried to play intermediary between WikiLeaks, which had become a front for the Kremlin, and the Trump campaign, which reaped the benefits of WikiLeaks’s publication of stolen Democratic emails. A jury concluded that Mr. Stone obstructed Congress, lied to investigators and tampered with a witness in the investigations that followed the 2016 race — “covering up for the president,” as the judge in his case noted.

Though Attorney General William P. Barr moved to reduce Mr. Stone’s sentencing recommendation after conviction, even he called the case against Mr. Stone a “righteous” prosecution. He was sentenced to 40 months in prison and was due to surrender on Tuesday — thus prompting Mr. Trump’s Friday night action.


I am hopeful (still) that history will look back on this time as an aberration rather than when the US started to destroy itself.
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 11:35 am
But that does not make it any less a perversion of justice

The perversion of justice is Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper and others walking around free. Like Obama and Biden.
rather than when the US started to destroy itself.

The Left is in charge of the destruction.
Sat 11 Jul, 2020 11:54 am
MSNBC Evening Shows Gave 137 Mins to Expert Who Said He Had Coronavirus (He Didn’t)

No need to tell the truth when your viewers believe anything you say.
There was something odd, though - that was brought up in the initial report, but has been slowly removed from the reporting on this story that NBC News has done: Dr. Fair has been tested between five and seven times for coronavirus, and has never tested positive.

Krakauer ran through Fair’s publicized reasons for still having caught the virus despite the negative tests, but they made little sense (click “expand”):

A serious misrepresentation of the disease destroying our economy and has people living in fear. MSNBC cannot be trusted.

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