Boy, you say something bad about Bobsal and instant oblivion.
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Thu 4 Jun, 2020 05:43 pm
New Marxist frontiers: The riots cured the incurable virus
How about that? No concern for the people that protested? Are they all going to die like so many wished on Trump supporters. Ultimate hypocrisy a three year old could see.
It was the biggest news story and most consequential policy decision of our lifetime. The lockdowns destroyed potentially 53% of our GDP, paralyzed our health care system, shut down our education system, and induced a physical and mental health crisis along with a social, economic, and labor catastrophe that we still can’t begin to conceptualize. Yet we were told it was absolutely necessary for our survival because of the most dangerous virus ever that required these actions to some degree until there is a vaccine or a cure. Well, it appears that we found a cure, though not a medical one.
From day one, the coronavirus response was a display of the tail wagging the dog – the media driving the scientific and medical community, not the other way around. This is why the minute the media found a more exciting narrative to advance their agenda, namely racial strife, not only is the virus is out of the news entirely, but the cult-like devotion to quarantine, wearing masks, and the mind-numbing trope of “social distancing” has been repudiated within hours of the first sacred “protesters” smashing and burning storefronts in Minneapolis last week.
This is the second time this week he’s made the call and broken from Trump on the need for a military response to the anti-racism protests.
By Lydia O’Connor
In his second reversal in the last 24 hours, Defense Secretary Mark Esper has ordered several hundred active-duty troops to return home after being deployed in Washington, D.C., to respond to anti-racism protests.
“The Department made the decision to return members of some of the active-duty units in the capital region to their home base,” a senior Defense Department official told HuffPost. “Military leaders are continuously monitoring this dynamic situation. Return of the remainder of the active-duty service members will be conditions-based.”
A source from the Pentagon put the number of troops at 700, ABC News reported.
Esper’s decisions on the matter have been hard to keep up with. Earlier this week, he put Army units on the ground in the capital to assist local law enforcement with the protests. But he ordered them home on Wednesday morning after a night of peaceful protests. Then he reversed course by the afternoon.
That decision was announced after he met with President Donald Trump, who was reportedly irritated that he did not fully back him on his plans to deploy the military amid the protests, many of which were near the White House. After Trump threatened last week to deploy troops if state and local officials didn’t stop protests more aggressively, Esper appeared before cameras to say he opposed the idea.
“The option to use active-duty forces in a law enforcement role should only be used as a matter of last resort and only in the most urgent and dire of situations,” Esper said Wednesday. “We are not in one of those situations now.”
But a Pentagon official told Politico that Esper’s plan to backtrack was in the works before he met with Trump.
The protests over the last week were ignited by the police killing of George Floyd, a Black man in Minneapolis, on May 25. Demonstrations have illuminated the recurring tragedy of Black lives ended by police violence and racism.
This is the second time this week he’s made the call and broken from Trump on the need for a military response to the anti-racism protests.
First they are past protests, they are riots. Second, when the military becomes involved in politics that means the end of democracy. That is what you people want? Trump needs to fire Esper and get someone who takes and executes his orders as the Constitution mandates.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Jun, 2020 07:01 pm
Hey, anybody know what’s happening with the ‘Progressives’ thread? There are no ‘reply’ tabs .
If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to raise blacks to universal academic standards, not lower and abolish standards as they have done for decades, most recently in abolishing the SAT exam at the University of California.
If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to raise blacks to universal academic standards, not lower and abolish standards as they have done for decades, most recently in abolishing the SAT exam at the University of
If the left cared about blacks, leftists would work to elevate all people, including blacks, not only to universal academic standards but also to universal personal/moral standards. Perhaps the most obvious of these is that women should marry before having children, and men should stay in the lives of children they conceived -- ideally as the husband of their mothers, but at least as a father, mentor and breadwinner. But when University of Pennsylvania Law School professor Amy Wax wrote a column advocating such "middle-class, bourgeois" standards, leftists denounced her as a "white supremacist" (as if those are "white" values -- a racist view if there ever was one) and "racist." Nearly half her Penn Law colleagues denounced her.
If the left cared about blacks, they would encourage a vibrant religious life in the inner city (and everywhere else, for that matter). What proportion of black (or nonblack) murderers had attended church the Sunday before they committed murder? But the left despises traditional Judeo-Christian religions as much it despises America.
If the left cared about blacks, leftists would increase -- not lobby and demonstrate to decrease -- police presence in black neighborhoods, where blacks are murdered, raped and beaten in the thousands each year by other blacks -- almost never by whites, whether policemen or anyone else. In 2016, the last year for which I could find FBI data, 2,870 blacks were murdered. Of those, 2,570 of their murderers were black; 243 were white.
Yeah. cj heated it up. in my defense I stopped directly responding to both he and lash about two pages before. I am sorry for any part I had in it. I am totally committed. No responding to him or Lash. Period.
On the bright side: the Covid19 thread has been unlocked.
I think I started what led to locking up sets "tin Foil Hat" thread. I was still trying to figure out why Max was so dead set against face masks. And I started by giving him an example of some Korean studies using guinea pigs (Actually hamsters, but I dont like to give our little benefactors any adjida).
He was then denying the research's value so I didnt bring up anything else and then the thread went to **** as folks were working on his political adjenda.
That's the media you trust? I say we stop the presses and have a televised memorial for each one.
MRC analysts examined all three broadcast networks’ major morning and evening newscasts between May 28 and June 3, and found that the total airtime spent on those who died during the past week of riots accounted to just four and a half minutes, or less than one percent of the total protest-related coverage.
CBS spent just a single minute (61 seconds) on individuals killed during the riots, amounting to half a percent of their 201 minutes of protest coverage. ABC gave the victims 91 seconds, or 0.76 percent of their total 200 minutes spent on the demonstrations. On NBC, the victims received just over two minutes, or 0.7% of the network’s 309 minutes of protest-related programming.
Speculation about the identity of the so-called “Umbrella Man”—captured on video using a hammer to smash windows of a Minneapolis AutoZone during Wednesday’s protests—have swirled since a video of him spread online, sparking claims he is an undercover police officer directed to stir up trouble, which local departments quickly denied.
Minnesota community members mourned, protested and looted in reaction to George Floyd dying in police custody
A man ran through the parking lot as a fire blazed on at the AutoZone, which had its windows broken ... [+] Star Tribune via Getty Images
The man first drew attention Wednesday, when he was filmed breaking the windows of an AutoZone near the Minneapolis Third Precinct as protesters appeared to look on in confusion before intervening and asking him if he was a police officer.
The white man—decked out in an all-black outfit, including a gas mask and hoodie, and a black umbrella—stood out from protesters on the scene.
Even Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison posted the video and asked if any of his followers could identify the man, adding he “doesn’t look like any civil rights [protester] I have ever seen.”
Rumors soon began to swirl that the man was actually a police officer from a neighboring community sent in as an “agent provocateur,” or even a member of the white supremacist movement looking to spark widespread violence.
The police departments in Saint Paul and Eagan, both communities near Minneapolis, have put out statements denying that one of their officers was the person caught on video breaking windows in Minneapolis.
The speculation into Umbrella Man’s identity comes as Minneapolis officials suggest that growing numbers of people—including possible white supremacists—on the streets showing destructive behavior are not members of the community and are coming to the city from out of state.
Minneapolis officials suggest that an increasing number of people rioting—perhaps as many as 80%—are coming from outside the city in what Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said was “an organized attempt to destabilize civil society.” Walz has suggested that white supremacists and drug cartels were possibly involved in the chaos. According to The Star Tribune, about 40 people were arrested over Friday night, and that Hennepin County jail records showed detainees hailed from states like Florida, Michigan, Missouri, Illinois and Alaska on charges like destroying property, breaking curfew and burglary. On Saturday morning, Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter said he was told that every person arrested in the city over Friday night was from out of state.
This isn’t the first time the mysterious identity of an Umbrella Man has whipped up speculation. In the wake of President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 assassination in Dallas, a man seen holding an umbrella as he stood near Dealey Plaza became the subject of conspiracy theories. Some speculated he acted as a lookout and that his umbrella was a signal to start shooting, or that it contained some kind of weapon. But in 1978, the Umbrella Man came forward as Dallas resident Louie Steven Witt, who testified he brought the umbrella to protest what he said was Nazi appeasement on the part of the Kennedy family prior to World War II. Kennedy’s father and family patriarch Joseph P Kennedy aligned himself with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who was known for carrying an umbrella. Umbrellas were used as a symbol of criticism against Chamberlain in the 1930’s for his appeasement policy toward Adolf Hitler.
Man who drew bow and arrow on Salt Lake City protesters charged with three felonies
Source: Salt Lake Tribune
Brandon E. McCormick has said he showed up at Saturday’s downtown protest, armed with a bow and arrow, to protect police from unruly demonstrators.
Now the 57-year-old Taylorsville man, who has spent nearly two decades of his life behind bars in California and once was convicted of battery against a public safety officer, faces three felony counts for, widely shared video has shown, aiming his weapon at protesters.
All three counts are Utah’s lowest grade of felony. Each is punishable by up to five years in prison. McCormick was also charged with a misdemeanor count of threatening or using a weapon in a fight. That count carries up to a year in jail.
The Salt Lake County district attorney’s office, which filed the charges, also asked that a warrant be issued for McCormick’s arrest with bail set at $100,000. There was no record of McCormick being booked into the county jail as of 6:30 p.m.