There's this alt science blog called LoveBreedsAccountability
Social and political evolution from a conservatarian perspective
by this asswad:
About Me
Depends on who you ask…
Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio before moving to Silicon Valley in 2011 and The Bronx in 2013, where I remain today. (Update, July 2016: Moved to Minnesota. Will be here for a few years. Hope to move back to Cleveland after.) (Update, July 2018: Doing a one year stretch in Houston, TX starting in June 2019. With any luck, after that, I’ll be heading back to Cleveland.)
I’m a conservatarian introvert (INFJ) who has navigated life like an extrovert while quietly compelled by near-constant observation and thought. The time came as encouraged by those I trust most, foremost my wonderful wife who frequently challenges me on issues and encourages me to raise the bars of diplomacy and rhetoric, to start writing about some of it.
Having watched my legally blind-since-birth mom raise 5 kids without letting us get a handicap pass for the family car let alone cutting any other corners en route to becoming the “productive members of society” she demanded of us, I became inspired by the merit of individual liberty as exemplified in her shining, no excuses example.
Having watched others many years my elder mercilessly mock my apolitical mom and dad’s incidentally conservative and purposefully Christian values, I became aware at a very young age of the left’s capacity for artful, hurtful and ultimately misguided attacks — and well-armed to defend against them.
In the beginning I hated bullies more than I loved politics, but eventually began to see the symbiosis that often exists between them.
My political and social inspiration exists primarily today, in order, as follows…
Advancing Liberty and its inherent ‘moral good’
Mitigating the racial and identity-based division and disparity that create so much destruction across the US
Combating Democrats and the institutional left (mainstream media, Hollywood, academia) that impede #1 while perpetuating #2
If you disagree with the ideas you find here, then by all means challenge me. I’d look forward to it.
All that remains is to get started, and a good place to do that might be the first-ever-written post, aptly named Love Breeds Accountability.
Here's a comment to the piece he wrote that ditbob posted above:
April 27, 2020 at 7:47 AM
As a physician, I should be aghast at this. Only the most dedicated of Luddites would believe such nonsense.