monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 24 Apr, 2020 11:33 am
And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

There are Trump's exact words on disinfectant. He is asking a question, not saying it should or can be done. So again it is something taken out of context to demonize the man. Another hyped fail.
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 11:47 am
Trump Did NOT Say We Should Inject Ourselves With Disinfectant, He Said The Opposite

Notice he didn’t say we should start injecting ourselves with disinfectant, he asked Bryan to check “is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning.”

Jonathan Karl asked if there was any scenario where cleaners could be injected, and after Mr. Bryan answered President Trump added that it wouldn’t be via injection, but by cleaning an area.

The more you look at it the more it looks like a manufactured lie by the MSM. So in reality it is nothing new. Trump will be misquoted taken out of context whenever the MSM thinks they can get away with it. They have already convinced their low information suck puppies.
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 11:50 am
This morning I posted this comment:
I wrote:
I can't wait to see Trump's defenders try to spin this one. "He didn't really say what we saw and heard him say."

And this character falls right into the trap:

He is asking a question, not saying it should or can be done. So again it is something taken out of context to demonize the man.

Notice how ineptly this character tries to defend Trump, saying his remarks were taken out of context yet he provides this as a link:

What was the context of Trump's comments?

They came at his latest coronavirus press briefing after an official had presented preliminary research on the effects of heat humidity and sunlight.

He said the research suggests the virus' life span is heavily reduced on surfaces when it is exposed to heat, humidity or UV light.

He also said it concludes that bleach can kill the virus in five minutes and that 90 per cent alcohol solutions can do this in 30 seconds.

This is how Trump responded.

"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," he said.

"And I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're going to test it. And then I said, suppose you brought the light inside the body, you can, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way."

The US president then went on to address disinfectants.

"Knocks it out in a minute," he said. "One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs."

Trump was asked if it was dangerous to make people think they would be safe by going outside in the heat, considering that so many people have died in Florida.

“I hope people enjoy the sun. And if it has an impact, that’s great,” Trump replied.

“I’m here to present ideas because we want ideas to get rid of this thing. And if heat is good, and if sunlight is good, that’s a great thing as far as I’m concerned,” the president said.

He's not "asking a question", he's making a tentative suggestion, and a stupid one at that. And no one has to "demonize" the buffoon when he's so adept at making himself look pathetic. For ****'s sake, anyone with half a brain knows that disinfectants aren't made to be taken internally. "Almost a cleaning" — yeah, remove someone's lungs and scrub them with Lysol. Genius.
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 11:53 am
White House blasts media for 'irresponsibly' taking Trump out of context on disinfectants

He also made a separate point about the potential effects of disinfectants on the virus.

“I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning,” the president said. “Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with.”The president went on to say that he wasn’t envisioning a common “injection.”

“We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area,” he said. “Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:04 pm


Anyone with half a brain can see he did not say that.

Actually he did say that.

And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

If he didn't mean an "injection inside" (as if there were another kind) why did suggest it to begin with? Later he backpedals and says he didn't mean a "common injection". Yeah, right. Maybe he'll explain what sort of uncommon injection he actually had in mind at today's press briefing.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:04 pm
The question, which Trump offered unprompted, immediately spurred doctors, lawmakers and the makers of Lysol to respond with incredulity and warnings against injecting or otherwise ingesting disinfectants, which are highly toxic.

When asked Friday during a bill signing in the Oval Office to expand upon this, Trump said it wasn’t intended as a serious suggestion.

“I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump said.

There was no indication when he made the initial remarks that they weren’t a real recommendation.

“My concern is that people will die. People will think this is a good idea,” Craig Spencer, director of global health in emergency medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, told The Washington Post. “This is not willy-nilly, off-the-cuff, maybe-this-will-work advice. This is dangerous.”
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:08 pm
@Walter Hinteler,

I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen.

Yes, that's really the president's job, isn't it — say stupid stuff to see what kind of reaction he'll get. So responsible. So mature. His voice was fairly dripping with "sarcasm". Bullshit; he was proud of himself for thinking outside the box.
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:10 pm

Above is a question mark. He posed a question. The MSM ran with it and now they look like fools and the people that believe them look like fools too.
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:17 pm
And now Trump's defenders look like fools along with Trump. Trump says he's laying a trap for the press and his defenders say he's asking a question! Which is it?
I’m here to present ideas because we want ideas to get rid of this thing.

It's not uncommon to present untested ideas in a tentative form.
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:23 pm
Which is it?

It depends on who you believe. The MSM has taken Trump out of context so many times I am giving this one to Trump.
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bobsal u1553115
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:27 pm
leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus 'cure' wrote to Trump this week

Mark Grenon wrote to Trump saying chlorine dioxide ‘can rid the body of Covid-19’ days before the president promoted disinfectant as treatment


Ed Pilkington in New York

Fri 24 Apr 2020 14.00 EDT
Last modified on Fri 24 Apr 2020 14.18 EDT

The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

He went on to say: “Is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that.”

Trump did not specify where the idea of using disinfectant as a possible remedy for Covid-19 came from, and the source for his notion remains obscure. But the Guardian has learned that peddlers of chlorine dioxide – industrial bleach – have been making direct approaches to the White House in recent days.

Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US. He brands the chemical as MMS, “miracle mineral solution”, and claims fraudulently that it can cure 99% of all illnesses including cancer, malaria, HIV/Aids as well as autism.

Since the start of the pandemic, Genesis II has been marketing MMS as a cure to coronavirus. It advises users, including children, to mix three to six drops of bleach in water and drink it.

In his weekly televised radio show, posted online on Sunday, Grenon read out the letter he wrote to Trump. He said it began: “Dear Mr President, I am praying you read this letter and intervene.”

Grenon said that 30 of his supporters have also written in the past few days to Trump at the White House urging him to take action to protect Genesis II in its bleach-peddling activities which they claim can cure coronavirus.

On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”

Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US.

Last week the US Food and Drug Administration obtained a federal court order barring Genesis II from selling what was described as “an unproven and potentially harmful treatment for Covid-19”. The FDA also ordered a disciple of Genesis II, Kerri Rivera, to remove claims that MMS cured coronavirus from her website.

Last August the FDA issued an urgent warning urging Americans not to buy or drink MMS, which it said was a “dangerous bleach which has caused serious and potentially life-threatening side effects”. Drinking MMS can cause nausea, diarrhea and severe dehydration that can lead to death, the federal agency said.

The Guardian contacted the White House asking whether Grenon’s letter had influenced Trump’s comments on disinfectant, but did not immediately receive a response.

Another advocate of bleach as a miracle cure who has been seeking to interest Trump in the treatment is Alan Keyes. He is a former ambassador and adviser to Ronald Reagan who ran unsuccessfully as a Republican candidate for the US Senate and on three occasions for the US presidency.

Keyes has featured Genesis II bleach products as a miracle cure on his online conservative TV show, Let’s Talk America.

It is not known whether Keyes has discussed MMS with Trump. But the two men have overlapping interests.

Not only have they both featured in Republican party and presidential politics, but they were both leading proponents of the Birther conspiracy theory that wrongfully suggested Barack Obama was born outside America.

Keyes’s TV show is hosted on IAMtv, a rightwing web-based channel. IAMtv’s other leading anchor is Bob Sisson, who has also advertised Genesis II bleach products on air.

In one of his shows, first reported by the Daily Beast, Sisson held up two bottles of Genesis II MMS and said: “Gonna meet Trump, it’s only a matter of time. President Trump’s gonna invite us up there, when he finds out about this stuff.”

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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:39 pm
Not going to click to find out but my guess is the dreaded MSM will be blamed here with Trump once more having outsmarted everyone.
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:49 pm
the dreaded MSM

With good reason. Three years of Russia, Russia, Russia with 0 proof, just accusations and lies. There is no denying that.
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:52 pm
sure as **** is. the mueller report. Russia clearly interfered. And I might add, Trump roundly and repeatedly denied any contact with Russians, and something more than 40 meetings were documented.
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 12:56 pm
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: Coronavirus ‘Silver Lining’ Is Damage to Donald Trump

No, they are not ghouls, the Hell they are not. Americans can die if them dying damages Trump. She sounds like a mean uncaring selfish little bitch. I hope the MSM is proud of her. Remember this when Trump's opponents claim any moral high ground.
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 24 Apr, 2020 01:00 pm
What's terrifying isn't Trump telling people to inject bleach – it's people refusing to tell the president he's wrong
If Trump's advisors had had the temerity to say words to the effect of "No you shouldn’t drink bleach," we wouldn't be in this mess
“Should people inject themselves with bleach?” as he [UK's transport secretary Grant Shapps] was asked by a reporter from Politico.

The answer is "no". And yet the answer Mr Shapps found himself able to give was not to answer it at all. “I’ll defer to the medical experts,” he said instead, and turned his unctuous, grinning gaze upon the Deputy Chief Medical Officer, who explained what Mr Shapps had found himself unable to explain. That no, injecting oneself with bleach is ill-advised.

Okay, so it’s not as if the media is not itself a dancer in this wild ballet. If Grant Shapps had had the gentle temerity to say words to the effect of "No you shouldn’t drink bleach," then the UK government would have "slammed" Donald Trump, or similar. And why create a diplomatic incident when you can just gently usher a willing scientist out into the firing line on your behalf?

How did we get here, we ask again? We got here for the same reasons that we continue to be here, right now. By turning the other cheek to the powerful, by deferring to somebody else. It took barely more than an hour before the viral star of Donald Trump’s latest insane dribblings to be not Donald Trump himself, but his newly appointed chief coronavirus advisor, Dr Deborah Birx, who sat grimacing by his side in stony silence.

Perhaps every so often, Donald Trump needs to be "slammed"? By the people, by the Republican Party, by his own advisors, by absolutely anybody. How much courage does it take, how much face is lost, by daring to say no, don’t inject yourself with bleach?

For the time being, there is, theoretically at least, a US election happening in November. If Donald Trump wins another four years, the world may very well find it impossible to bear the strain. And there will be few who will bear responsibility quite so heavily as those who have let out a little half-smile and deferred the problem to somebody else.
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 01:56 pm
President Donald Trump used his go-to excuse on Friday afternoon to walk back his astonishing suggestion that people inject disinfectant to cure COVID-19.

“I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump said in the Oval Office, according to a pool report.

When asked if he was encouraging such use of disinfectant, the President replied “Of course not.”

Fri 24 Apr, 2020 02:03 pm
The new Associated Press/Ipsos poll finds that only 28 percent of Americans “regularly” get information about coronavirus from the president, and only 23 percent have high levels of trust in the information he provides. Some 54 percent have little to no trust. Meanwhile, other polls have found far higher percentages do trust the media.

...The new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds that 86 percent of Americans believe social-distancing and stay-at-home measures are “responsible government policies that are saving lives.” And 72 percent say a “bigger danger” is loosening such measures too quickly, spreading coronavirus faster, while only 27 percent want to relax them quickly to protect the economy...
Greg Sargent
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Fri 24 Apr, 2020 02:04 pm
they seriously need to turn his microphone off -run something in hie earpiece so he thinks he''s got an audience but shut it off
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