monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:11 am
farmerman wrote:

we can fix the EC with a very small change that would take an option away from the states individually and no longer allow the institutional disenfranchisement that "States Rights" allows.

As bad as Trump has made the covid response appear, if the Fed Govt would take over (and have him STFU and KTFO) wed have been on a better road. BUT NOOOO, hi toadies have no backbones at all, Jever notice that?? Theyre afraid of even making tiny criticisms.

You probably don't even see anything wrong with what you just wrote, huh?

People like you would probably go ahead and not even have states. Why bother? All they do is get in the way of our great nanny Federal government running your lives for you. Obviously there are a great many liberals in America that can't possibly be responsible for themselves.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:27 am
Bush was elected by the supreme court, Trump by a minority of voters. If you don't see something wrong here than you and people like you are part of the problems we have in the us.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:43 am
Whenever I hear conservatives whining about the nanny state, I like to remind them about corporate welfare. Basically, they're opposed to the so-called nanny state helping individuals--and working class taxes fund the government--but they have no problem with bailing-out corporations, many of which, like Boeing, have spent their reserves to buy their own stock in order to line the pockets of board members and shareholders.

This is particularly acute hypocrisy when there's $450,000,000,000 on the loose for corporations, and for which Plump has said he will ignore oversight provisions in the bill which appropriated the funds. Of course, he's been firing Inspectors General right and left--we can't have anybody looking over the collective shoulders of the administration and their corporate paymasters, right?
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:53 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Those emails have been found, and those 4 deaths did not have to happen. Clinton was in control of the situation. The virus is different and no one has control over nature. None of this is Trump's fault. Those four deaths were Clinton's fault and nothing will ever change that.

That you prefer a corrupt drunk to Trump is just fine with me, but do not think any of what is going on changes her disgraceful behavior and her responsibility for those deaths.

Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:55 am

People like you would probably go ahead and not even have states.

People like me wouldn't even have nation-states.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 10:56 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Keep in mind the new projection is 60,000 deaths out of 330 million, the US population.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:00 am
We recently had a leadership election for the Labour Party. It was carried out online and only members of the Labour Party can vote.

Both the Kid and I voted for Rebecca Long Bailey, but Sir Kier Starmer won the ballot and is now leader.

That’s how democracy works, we’re still members of Labour Party and will continue to vote and support Labour. The Labour Party is the only party that can defeat the Tories and The Greens are a bunch of farties.

Just saying.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:06 am
the Labour Party

Is a party of hate much like its Democratic cousin here in the states. Both are anti-semiotic and anti civil rights with big government and control and power their only goals. They both pander to Islam and ignore the obvious violence and hate that come with that religion.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:06 am
Similar happened here - although we Social Democratic Party members wanted teams to lead us. And we members decide not only whom we elect but how (state or federal authorities have nothing to do with it!!!).

That election could be done online, via mail or personally. (Twice, to be correct, no-one got more than 50% in the first round, thus a second was done between the two leading teams - not my favourites won.)
0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:12 am
Ever see me whine about corporate welfare? Smaller government is best government. You complain about what Congress does and then blame the President. If I didn't know better I'd think you didn't know what you were talking about.

But I do know better and I know you are just whining about Trump again.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:17 am

But I do know better and I know you are just whining about Trump again.

Keep in mind he is a Canadian.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:24 am
coldjoint wrote:
Keep in mind he is a Canadian.
Really? Since when and why?
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:38 am

Great informative talk from Krystal and Saagar about Joe Rogan (and millions of his viewers) formerly for Bernie, dumping Biden.

0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 11:44 am

What a surprise, Bernie Sanders was right all along

A political and economic apparatus rigged to enrich the few at the expense of the many was always destined to collapse.


Confronted by an economy-killing pandemic, remarkably, a bunch of frantic politicians in the West have found lots of money to try to resuscitate their suddenly on-life-support, market-driven balance sheets.

Taken together, they have injected trillions of dollars to the frenetic effort; money they have always insisted they did not have and could not spend to help people they claim - with varying degrees of sincerity - they are now determined to help.

Today, these rebar-hard capitalists turned quasi-socialists have become grudging facsimiles of Bernie Sanders - whether they are prepared to admit it or not.

The indefatigable Vermont senator has always known the money was there to help people who need help and he has always been prepared to spend it to help people who need help - long before a lethal virus began obliterating United States' Ponzi-scheme-like economy with tornado-like ferocity.

Sanders and his humane designs to begin the long-overdue overhaul of the existing political and economic infrastructure to help people who need help were dismissed by the neo-liberal industrial complex as the fantastical musings of a socialist cuckoo who kept peddling the impossible.

Well, the impossible has miraculously turned possible. The fantasy has, in part, turned real. The cock-sure pundits and politicians who make up the neo-liberal industrial complex and who told us that spending lots of money to help people who need help was "crazy, crazy, crazy" have lately been shouting "spend, spend, spend" like the democratic socialist "cuckoos" they once derided.

Sanders may have dropped out of the race to become president but the plain, transformative prescription that has defined his political career and his two improbable, invigorating campaigns for president - that government must use its wealth to help people who need help - has not only been embraced by the neo-liberal industrial complex, it will, I suspect, become the defining governing principle for the foreseeable future.

Surely, Sanders can take a good measure of credit for that - whether or not smug and catastrophically wrong neo-liberals acknowledge that their disagreeably stubborn ideological nemesis has been right on this seminal score all along.

Failing that, Sanders will, no doubt, be applauded by the we-and-the-"free"-market-know-best pundits for belatedly recognising that "his path" to the Democratic nomination had "closed" and, as a result, for finally doing the right thing, for the right reasons, at the right time.

Others may even offer up the usual bromides to describe his decision to concede, in effect, the nomination to that other card-carrying member of the neo-liberal industrial complex, Joe Biden, as "gracious" or "dignified".

Do not be fooled by the hollow expressions of magnanimity. These are, remember, mostly the same naysayers who have spent so much vitriolic time and space on TV and in columns painting a preposterous caricature of Sanders as an angry, obdurate old man who posed an existential threat to US's "thriving" economy.

Four years ago, Hillary Clinton was the predictable choice of the neo-liberal industrial complex. She was more than palatable since she was content simply to recycle the tired, standard line to "address" the "nagging" inequalities rife in the US.

Clinton was the status quo candidate at a time when the status quo was being emphatically rejected by so many Americans who were being left adrift. Sanders understood this zeitgeist. Clinton did not, and paid for it.

In the end, despite the incessant whining of centrist-hugging "progressives", Clinton could not even beat an inept narcissist where and when it counted - in the electoral college on November 8, 2016.

Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:11 pm
Mitrovica wrote:

The indefatigable Vermont senator has always known the money was there to help people who need help and he has always been prepared to spend it to help people who need help - long before a lethal virus began obliterating United States' Ponzi-scheme-like economy with tornado-like ferocity.

Unfortunately there's a limit to the amount of money lawmakers are willing to appropriate, and while conditions favor the issuing of fiat currency in this crisis it took a global pandemic to bring it about. After we begin to pick up the pieces of the broken economy we may find that they don't go back together again and money may never again be as easy to come by.
In the end, despite the incessant whining of centrist-hugging "progressives", Clinton could not even beat an inept narcissist where and when it counted - in the electoral college on November 8, 2016.

And in the end, despite the incessant whining of centrist-hating "progressives", Sanders could not even beat an inept senile racist (in their terms) to win the nomination of the party he thought he could hijack.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:16 pm
How do you, who believes this Trumpvirus thing is a hoax designed to bring down Trump use any statistics about this hoax as your argument?
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:18 pm
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:19 pm
I think setanta is an American who lives in Canada now, as many sensible americans have chosen to do.
0 Replies
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:24 pm
there were more deaths of diplomats in w.'s presidency, but I've never heard you bitching in any way about them. 11 investigations exonerated Hillary.
Fri 10 Apr, 2020 12:30 pm
11 investigations exonerated Hillary.

There is going to be one more. She is going to be put under oath this time.

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