Quote:It would be more accurate to say 'shovel ready projects'.
Except that wasn't the selling point of the stimulus spending, it was suppose to create jobs, not cover the expenses that cities didn't want to provide for their own services and projects. How many people were hired to complete that project? I'm willing to bet the answer is no one, the city already had the employees but used the money for a project.
Quote: What it means is the money was only used for major projects that were already planned out and were desperately needed but local governments didn't have the money to begin the project.
Once again, this goes against the selling point of the program Obama was pushing. It was suppose to stimulate the job market, not cover expenses for cities, that sounds like a misuse of govt funds, if no one was hired for the "shovel ready jobs".
Quote:That might seem like a 'too bad' for you situation, but we were so far down on the 'doable affordable' list, it would take about 62 years before it would be addressed. The potential damage had it gone on for 62 years could have been catastrophic.
The question is, why did the county put such a critical project so far down the list? What other crap where they wasting money on that they couldn't fix a major drain issue that was effecting taxpayers?
Obama lied about his jobs program, and the media as usual covered his ass. If they "fact checked" Obama half as much as they "fact check" Trump, Obama would be close to Trump in the lying dept.
This quote from Obama says it all:
Obama, Dec. 3 2009: The term ‘shovel-ready’ — let’s be honest, it doesn’t always live up to its billing.