@Walter Hinteler,
We now have a president who recognizes bullshit when he sees it. That really bothers you losers, doesn't it. Let's examine this little screed of yours.
Quote:Trump’s high-profile denial of manmade climate change has occasionally overshadowed the many other ways his agencies are contradicting established research.
The climate is ALWAYS changing, every day since the age of Alley Oop and back from then even. The basic reality is that you losers switched your little talking point/mantra from "global warming" to "climate change" after the global warming shtick blew up in your faces and we entered a long term cooling cycle and you started looking like total idiots. Accusing President Trump of denying "manmade climate change" is like accusing him of denying unicorns and mermaids.
Quote:The agriculture department last month rolled back standards for schools to serve more whole grains, less salt and non-fat flavored milk. Department officials claimed schools struggled with the programs because students wouldn’t eat healthier foods.
The most basic rule of child nutrition is that if the kid can't or won't eat it, the sum total nutritional value is ZERO!
The demokkkrat child nutrition program ( #thanksmichelleobama )
Teens and sex...
Worst possible case, President Trump may be favoring voters and taxpayers who don't want to be paying for birth control for other people.
So what? Has President Trump tried to outlaw condoms or any other sort of birth control? Does that stuff cost thousands or billions of dollars?
Quote:Power plant and car standards are being rolled back, as are pesticide restrictions and wildlife protections.
A study in 2016 indicated that more than half of American families could not afford to buy the cheapest new car )Nissan Versa) being sold in the US at the time; that in fact was a major factor in Trump's victory. How is driving around in 20 year old cars because politicians and bureaucrats have made new cars too expensive to buy supposed to make anybody's life safer???
And then the Obunga "war on coal" and, in fact, the Obunga war on every form of energy production in the United States, but particularly the war on coal despite new technologies making coal very much cleaner and safer... And then you losers accuse us of denying science......
How is freezing to death supposed to be better than a revitalized coal industry using clean technologies??
Quote:The interior department initially sought to remove references to manmade climate change in a report about how sea-level rise might flood national parks.
There ISN'T ANY "manmade climate change"; that is a bunch of Malthusian bullshit being promulgated by ideologues who desire to reduce human populations to medieval levels for the glory of "Gaia". I.E. you are advocating what amounts to a program of genocide.
The EPA is basically a rogue agency. It might have served a useful purpose originally, but it's present purpose appears to be shutting down the US economy altogether. If President Trump can shut that agency down or at least hobble/defang it, he will be strengthening his claim on the title of best president since Lincoln.
Quote:A Democratic staffer for the House science committee, which plans to investigate the administration’s science cuts, said it’s been hard to even track all the agency changes.
Good news coming in bunches....