snood wrote:It's pretty amazing how the Trump-backers refuse to see any negative motives in anything 45 does.
His lying? Well, they don't see any evidence he lies. His past history of fraud and failed business? Well, that's just savvy finance. His amoral behavior, foul language and puerile governance by tweet? Oh, that's just him being a maverick and shaking up government.
You're missing the fact that none of that matters a bit to the job that he is doing in government.
If he defrauded anyone, I support their right to pursue financial compensation in court.
If he lies or tweets, who cares?
His protecting us from leftists who want to violate our civil liberties, that actually matters.
snood wrote:It's amazing, and profoundly sad. They have abandoned their sense of right and wrong, and gone all-in on this haphazard POS.
Using "right and wrong" to complain about tweets and lies is a bit silly.
However, should it ever transpire that Trump committed an actual wrong, I'd like to point out that right and wrong has been abandoned ever since the Democrats said that it was perfectly OK for Bill Clinton to commit perjury in a civil trial, perjury before a grand jury, obstruction of justice (sending Betty Currie out to hide the gifts that he had given Lewinsky before investigators could find them), witness tampering (trying to coach Betty Currie on how she should testify), sexual harassment (Paula Jones), sexual assault (Kathleen Willey), and rape (Juanita Broaddrick).
It's a bit late for the left to start worrying about right and wrong.