Olivier5 wrote:
I was thinking the exact same thing doing the dishes two days ago. His legacy is... well, Trump. Obama played the cool, smart, even intellectual president but he never daigned to get his hands dirty at politics. He enjoyed and still has got so much popular support. He could have pushed back aggressively on the Republicans and tea baggers, got involved in reforming the Democrats, promoted pro-poor Dem candidates and honest reformist congressmen, promote good quality public education, react to the Snowden revelations by fencing in intel agencies, etc. What a waste of talent.
And it's quite ironic that because he didn't want to sink to the low level of building (mutually beneficial) relationships and working out deals, the president who, in my lifetime, has been most obsessed with his "legacy," will see it so easily shredded. Apparently he thought that a) Hillary would do the hard work of transposing his Executive actions into bi-partisan legislation b) Hillary's coattails would carry in Dem majorities in both houses and it would be Obamacare partisan politics all over again, or c) After his enlightened reign, Americans would keep installing Dem presidents to build on his brilliant foundation for the next 100 years.
It provides insight into his narcissistic, patrician state of mind.
I have a feeling he was a lot more devastated by Trump's election than he let on in the weeks following the election. He sort of tipped his hand when he went into overtime during his first meeting with President-Elect Trump in a effort to convince him to help preserve his precious legacy. There was a stink of fear and desperation one could smell through the TV.
He showed how quick and easy it was to obtain some short lived victories through Executive action, and by doing so, with such frequency, he has set the stage for present and future Imperial presidencies.
By failing to see his chosen successor assume the reins, we will now see how easy it is for imperial edicts to be disposed of with the right election result.
This of course leaves the nation in the unsatisfactory position of being subject to the ill effects of fiats that there is no guarantee will be swept aside by the next emperor.
Even with judges who are willing to turn back the abusive power grabs of a rogue Executive branch (And the Courts smacked Obama around on more than one occasion) mischief is made and time and money wasted.
I think we will look back on these 8 years and realize that Obama did in some ways fundamentally transform the way our government operates but we won't be looking back fondly, because as sure as shite, there will be plenty of Republicans who brayed loudly about Obama's abuse of power, but will be A-OK with it in Trump's term...providing it involves something that suits their political interests.
Of course we can be thankful that there will be no shortage of progressives around to explain how it was brilliant and justified when Obama did it, but tyrannical when Trump does.