monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 12 Sep, 2018 01:20 pm
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 02:10 pm
ehBeth wrote:

young and nonwhite

my favourite voters (and politicians Smile ) - especially the young

always happy to be an ageist observer of politics (and voter)

add this in ? yes please

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Real Music
Wed 12 Sep, 2018 03:30 pm
More Americans favor Mueller's handling of Russia probe than Trump's.

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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 04:49 pm
Quote Washington Examiner via coldjoint:
Typical family incomes rose to new record highs in 2017, and poverty subsided to pre-recession lows, the Census Bureau reported Wednesday.

Median household income rose to $61,400, according to the bureau’s Current Population Survey, improving 1.8 percent on the previous year’s mark of $60,300. Incomes in 2016 had appeared to eclipse, finally, the all-time high set in the dotcom bubble year of 1999, but the comparison was complicated by changes in the data series in the meantime. The agency adjusts incomes for inflation.

Yet another example of the great economic performance of the Obama years carrying over to Trump's term.


Median family incomes, income adjusted, crashed following the 2008 financial collapse, Obama put a stop to it, and in the last years of his term the median family income went up, up, up.

Good thing we had Obama around to clean up the mess the Republicans made of the economy in 2008, and set us straight again.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 05:32 pm
I see you've thrown in the towel on the household income issue, forced to admit that Obama stopped the crash after 2008 and sent household income up and up. Trump merely continued the trend.

Now for the issue of inflation adjusted GDP. Here it is. Once again, you see Obama replacing the economic crash under Bush with a nice recovery and sending the GDP up and up. Trump merely took an already well-functioning economy and kept it going. Big deal. It's the guy who stops the crash and turns the country back toward prosperity who counts-Trump's just a follower.


There's hardly anything good about this economy that isn't merely a continuation of what Obama started.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 05:56 pm

The elaborate conspiracy theory QAnon lost a major rallying center Wednesday when Reddit banned the “Great Awakening” subreddit, citing content policy violations including “inciting violence, harassment, and the dissemination of personal information.”

"As of September 12, r/greatawakening has been banned due to repeated violations of the terms of our content policy,” a Reddit spokesperson told The Hill. “We are very clear in our site terms of service that posting content that incites violence, disseminates personal information, or harasses will get users and communities banned from Reddit."

The QAnon conspiracy theory is an evolution of the Pizzagate debacle, postulating an entirely baseless international child sex trafficking ring implicating Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Barack Obama, John Podesta, James Comey and more. QAnon adds a new twist, relying on the 4chan posts of the anonymous Q, believed on faith to be either an individual or multiple individuals within the Trump administration broadcasting secret plans to undermine the Deep State with the mass arrest of politicians and celebrities.

Unlike conspiracy theories proposing sinister forces, QAnon adherents believe a hidden war against the old rulers of the world is being won by Donald Trump and his administration, with tribunals sentencing enemies of the state to Guantanamo Bay. For now, those tribunals and prosecutions are secret, but Q adherents believe all will be revealed when “The Storm” of arrests and vindication finally arrives. The QAnon theory is essentially a fervent, faith-based desire for the government to be overthrown by Republican authoritarian powers.

As a segment on The Jim Jefferies Show reveals, this leads to some radically inconsistent beliefs, always proposed without a shred of evidence:

In addition to Q-inspired terrorist attacks, QAnon has already pierced the mainstream political consciousness, with Q fans appearing at Donald Trump rallies and even in the Oval Office, but the Great Awakening ban is likely to hurt the growing conspiracy movement, relegating it to white supremacist bastions like 8chan and Voat.

Conspiracy theorists are predictably incensed about the ban, with one fellow redditor posting to r/conspiracy, “Reddit is dead. Soon all mediums will be dead but truth is always truth.” Others theorize that the ban is a signal that The Storm has begun, finally fulfilling the thus-far faith-based promise of mass arrests and a coup.

The sprawling, amorphous nature of the proposed conspiracy has drawn headlines, even as QAnon continues to be largely unknown and unpopular with all but the extremely online. A recent poll of Floridians (the site of Trump’s Q crowd rally) found the conspiracy theory only slightly more popular than Fidel Castro.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 08:31 pm
Ted Cruz Renews Call to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group

He tweeted it is time to call an enemy by its name. I can hear the bigot call already. People do not realize the true purpose of the MB. To explain that would upset some Muslims and then they might kill someone. I got news for you, they do that already.
The House companion bill, H.R. 377, is sponsored by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart and currently has 76 House co-sponsors.

Speaking at a Capitol Hill event last week, Cruz invoked the Obama administration's efforts to purge terror watch lists of anyone connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, and also the Justice Department's successful arguments during the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2008 that the Muslim Brotherhood established support networks in the U.S. to support the terrorist group Hamas.

Wed 12 Sep, 2018 08:37 pm
Jersey Rep. Chris Smith comes under fire for remarks on gay adoption
By MATT FRIEDMAN 09/12/2018 04:46 PM EDT

For the second election in a row, a New Jersey Republican congressman is under fire for comments he made about gay people.

The Washington Blade, a newspaper that serves Washington, D.C.’s LGBTQ community, published a recording on Wednesday in which Rep. Chris Smith struggles to answer a high school student’s question about whether her gay sister would be less of a legitimate parent than a straight person.

In the one minute, eight second recording posted by the Blade, Smith, who is facing a reelection challenge in the 4th Congressional District, says that legally, the girl's sister would be free to adopt. But when the student, identified in the story as Hannah Valdes, asks why Smith thinks her sister shouldn’t be able to adopt a child, the congressman doesn’t directly answer, saying he believes “there are many others who would like to adopt who can acquire a child” and that the “waiting periods are extremely long.”

Another student, who is not identified in the story, then asks Smith what makes those people “more legitimate” than Valdes' sister.

“In my opinion, a child needs every possibility of,” Smith says before cutting himself off. He then begins again, saying, “You know, you mentioned — somebody mentioned orphanages before. I mean, orphanages are still a possibility for some kids.”

The unidentified student continues to press Smith, specifically on whether he’d rather have children remain in orphanages than be with gay parents. Smith's response is inaudible before the audio cuts off.

A spokesman for Smith, who was first elected to Congress in 1980, did not respond to a phone call and email seeking comment, including whether the congressman's office had its own recording of the May 29 event at Colts Neck High School in Monmouth County. A receptionist at the school said the school did not record the event.

It's not clear how the Washington Blade obtained the recording.

Smith, a devout Roman Catholic, is well-known for his socially conservative views, but more for his anti-abortion stances than gay rights. He has, however, made controversial remarks about gay people before. In 2015, the Human Rights Campaign condemned him for saying during a hearing that he does “not construe homosexual rights as human rights.”

This is not the first time a Republican member of New Jersey's congressional delegation has come under fire for remarks about gay people.

U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett’s alleged remark to colleagues in 2015 that he would not contribute to the National Republican Congressional Committee because it supported some gay candidates was a likely factor in his loss the following year to Democrat Josh Gottheimer in North Jersey's 5th District. Garrett had represented the district for nearly a decade.

Garrett’s district, though Republican-leaning, was considered more friendly for Democrats than Smith’s Central Jersey district, which extends from the Jersey shore to the Delaware River.

This year, Smith, who has represented the 4th District for nearly 40 years and typically skates to reelection with only a token challenge, is facing a well-funded opponent this year in Navy veteran Josh Welle. Still, in a year when most Republicans in New Jersey are considered vulnerable, Smith is widely considered to be the safest.

“Chris Smith’s out-of-touch views might have flown in 1980 when he was elected, but his time has passed," Welle said in a statement. "In 2018, in Central Jersey, it is unacceptable to imply a child would be better off in an orphanage than with a loving LGBTQ family. As a veteran, I fought on the front lines alongside men and women who gave their lives to protect and defend the civil liberties that our Constitution ensures for everyone, not just a few. Chris Smith takes us backwards on inclusion and basic human rights for all.”

U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), whose district borders Smith’s, also condemned the remarks.

“I am deeply outraged and offended by Congressman Smith’s bigoted views on LGBTQ adoption,” Pallone said in a statement. “Congressman Smith should know that LGBTQ parents are just simply that — parents. They are parents who provide every bit of love and care as their heterosexual neighbors. Unfortunately, this is not the first time Congressman Smith has dismissed the rights of LGBTQ Americans. He should apologize.“
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 08:42 pm
Ted Cruz Renews Call to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group

A budding US terrorist, who supports the largest terrorist group/nation, who wants to lead this same terrorist group/nation, the largest to ever plague the planet, points fingers at others, as always with no proof.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 08:50 pm
Russian Spam King's Plea May Suggest Cooperation With U.S.
By Chris Dolmetsch and Kartikay Mehrotra

September 12, 2018, 4:16 PM EDT Updated on September 12, 2018, 7:14 PM

Levashov accused of commandeering 100,000 computers worldwide
Plea comes days after U.S. secures accused JPMorgan hacker

U.S. prosecutors secured a guilty plea from a Russian who is accused of commandeering a network of 100,000 or more breached computers, the second major victory in the space of a week in their pursuit of international hacking.

The deal struck by prosecutors suggests they may consider the Russian, Peter Levashov, a useful guide to a broader world of cybercrime. He isn’t scheduled to be sentenced for almost a year, the sort of delay that often suggests a detainee may be cooperating with prosecutors to gain a lighter sentence.

However, in a phone interview, Levashov’s attorney, Vadim Glozman, said his client isn’t cooperating.

Levashov, who was extradited earlier this year from Spain, was accused of stealing users’ personal information and passwords in an effort to remotely control computers that made up his so-called Kelihos botnet. He pleaded guilty in Hartford, Connecticut, on Wednesday to four counts, related to allegations that he distributed spam emails advertising fake drugs, pump-and-dump stock schemes and other frauds.

There are suggestions that Levashov, 38, may have more to offer beyond the crimes he’s admitted. The U.S. pursued Levashov, who’s also known as Peter Severa, for more than a decade before he was detained in Spain in April 2017. Arguing against his extradition, Levashov claimed he wouldn’t get a fair trial in the U.S. considering his history: He said he was a military officer who worked for a decade for the ruling party of Russian President Vladimir Putin, collecting information on opposition parties, RIA Novosti reported at the time. The party’s press office called Levashov’s claim “nonsense."

Thomas Carson, a spokesman for U.S. Attorney John Durham, declined to comment on a possible cooperation agreement.

Levashov made the plea deal in order to be able to return to his family as soon as possible, Glozman said.

“Mr. Levashov is one of the brightest and most intelligent people I have ever met,” he said.

Two Decades
Among those announcing Levashov’s plea was senior Justice Department official Brian Benczkowski, who oversees the department’s Criminal Division in Washington. Benczkowski said Levashov has operated criminal botnets for more than two decades.

“Today’s guilty plea demonstrates that the department will collaborate with our international law enforcement partners to bring cybercriminals to justice, wherever they may be,” Benczkowski said.

Another breakthrough for U.S. prosecutors came last week, with the announcement that they’d gained custody of a Russian they’d chased for years, Andrei Tyurin. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan said Tyurin was the hacking brains behind attacks several years ago on U.S. financial and information firms, which included JPMorgan Chase & Co., Fidelity Investments, Dow Jones & Co., E*Trade Financial Corp. Tyurin was extradited from the republic of Georgia on Sept. 7 and pleaded not guilty in Manhattan that afternoon.

Mystery JPMorgan Hacker Is in U.S. Hands. What Does He Know?

Yevgeny Nikulin, a Russian who is accused of a hack of LinkedIn and Dropbox, awaits trial in San Francisco after being extradited from the Czech Republic.

Greece’s Supreme Court is hearing arguments over competing claims to extradite another Russian, Alexander Vinnik, to the U.S., France or Russia. U.S. prosecutors allege that Vinnik oversaw a bitcoin exchange that was used to launder criminal proceeds -- and which a cybersleuthing firm says was used by Russian government hackers accused of stealing Democrats’ emails.

Spate of Extraditions
Given the spate of extraditions, some of the accused men could feel pressure to make a deal with authorities, lest they lose leverage if others emerge offering similar information.

“Every single case that’s led to indictment or extradition has occurred because of some level of cooperation from an informant who was also once indicted or extradited,” said Arkady Bukh, a leading attorney for eastern European hackers in the U.S., who declined to comment on the details the Levashov matter. Bukh represents Nikulin, who’s charged in San Francisco, and Gery Shalon, who is accused of masterminding the hack of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and other financial firms.

“Cooperation is rarely verbal, but you’ll have these detained hackers in the lab with federal agents helping them dig up and mine for data and evidence to bring down others. This happens when they see a weakness in their own case,” Bukh said.

Levashov, who is from St. Petersburg, pleaded guilty to causing intentional damage to a personal computer, conspiracy, wire fraud and aggravated identity theft, Connecticut U.S. Attorney Durham said in a statement. He’s being held in jail ahead of his sentencing on Sept. 6, 2019.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 09:01 pm
hightor wrote:

So, is there anything you don't like about the man?

I don't even know the guy — I just read what people say about him. I hear he plays a pretty mean game of golf.
Cheats a pretty mean game of golf.......
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 09:45 pm
Shock Chart: NYT Singles Out Jews

Well, will the NYT push back? I have touched on the fact that hating Jews is becoming acceptable. The NYT is a hint.
The New York Times crossed a particularly odious line on September 10. The International section of the newspaper included a prominent graphic about Democratic opposition to the Iran deal that highlighted, first and foremost, the Jewishness of lawmakers and/or their constituency. (“Lawmakers Against The Iran Deal”)

The graphic, which appeared in print and online, triggered a swift public outcry, including from CAMERA, that prompted small modifications to the Web version. Editors removed a particularly shocking column headed “Jewish?” to assign religious affiliation to lawmakers. Yet, the chart still focuses reprehensibly on the Jewishness of lawmakers’ districts and their alleged voting patterns.

Indeed, a sentence injected in the first paragraph of the piece after the public protest underscores explicitly the bigoted characterization of Jewish perspectives, claiming: “The debate divided Jewish constituents between those who saw the deal as a threat to Israel and those who backed it as a way to avert conflict between Iran and the United States.”

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Real Music
Wed 12 Sep, 2018 11:27 pm
Trump's in-plain-sight embrace of Russia gets obscured by the Trump news avalanche. But long before running for president, Trump relied on Russian money. Trump also consistently defends Russia and attacks U.S. officials investigating Russia.

Published May 24, 2018
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