monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 12 Sep, 2018 04:41 am
“Mattis and General Dunford once more explained that the benefit was immense. We get a stable democracy in a part of the world where we really need it, Mattis said. South Korea was one of the strongest bastions of free elections and a vibrant capitalism,” the book said. “Mattis showed signs that he was tired of the disparaging of the military and intelligence capability. And of Trump's unwillingness to comprehend their significance. ‘We’re doing this in order to prevent World War III,’" Mattis said.

Americans, always the liars, always at the ready with their rank propaganda. The US had their usual brutal, right wing dictatorships in South Korea until the Koreans themselves said "enough", the late 1980s and they established democracy themselves.

The US would still be content to have their usual dictatorships. Just look around the world, it's the USA that installs dictators. This, from the country that lies lies lies about advancing freedom and democracy.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 04:43 am
@Real Music,
That is what most Americans leaders do, RM. And far far too many citizens too.

Trump is just the best at it.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 04:56 am
Recall when Trump claimed that he was smarter than/knew more than the generals. He's Caligula, the fat version.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 05:40 am
FACT CHECK: Legendary Columbia Professor Henry Graff Never Heard of Obama Attending Columbia University
By: Caroline John - Published: April 19, 2018 at 7:40 am | Last Updated: April 24, 2018 at 2:23 am

Longtime Columbia Professor, Henry Graff, claims he doesn't recall seeing or hearing about former President Barack Obama attending Columbia University.



Former President Barack Obama is surrounded by several rumors, including the longstanding speculation about his time at Columbia University. Many claim that Obama wasn’t a student at Columbia, and they cite Professor Henry Graff as a source. The long-time Columbia academician claims he never taught Obama.

Barack Obama is no stranger when it comes to rumors. One of the famous rumors, second to the birth certificate conspiracy, is his ghostly presence at Columbia University.

For a long time, Obama’s critics believe that he lied about his Ivy League education and demanded proof that he attended Columbia. They cite Columbia professor Henry Graff, who said he doesn’t remember Obama as a student.

Here’s what you need to know about Graff’s statement.

Did Obama Attend Columbia?
If you followed Barack Obama’s life, you’d know that he transferred from Occidental College in Los Angeles to Columbia University, in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialty in International Relations.

Obama doesn’t reveal much about his student life nor has he made his transcripts or schools records public. His hesitance to disclose information about his university days has become a cause for speculation.

Earlier this week, James Woods tweeted a request for evidence that Obama attended Columbia University. The veteran actor is known to use Twitter to criticize the former president.

James Woods

Hey, if any of you went to Columbia University and recall Barack Obama as a student there, would you please respond with a tweet and a pic of him at Columbia? Thanks.
12:43 AM - Apr 15, 2018

Woods tweet rehashed an old rumor that started with Wayne Allyn Root during Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential run. The political commentator graduated from Columbia in the class of ‘83, the same year Obama allegedly graduated.

However, Root claims he never saw Obama in class or on campus. In an article for The Blaze, he called Obama “the Ghost of Columbia University.” By his account, no one remembers the two years Obama was there.

Enter Professor Graff
With all the speculation surrounding Obama’s attendance at Columbia, Root looked for someone who could confirm it. That’s why he contacted Professor Henry Graff.

Graff, a Columbia alum himself, is a scholar in history who taught at the Ivy League school for over four decades. As of 2018, he’s retired and is now a professor emeritus at Columbia.

Root was ecstatic that Graff remembered him as a student and followed his career. And he was convinced that the former academician had a sharp memory of all his prominent students. So, when Root asked about Barack Obama, Graff had a different response.

“I taught at Columbia for 46 years,” Graff told Root. “I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”

Graff further added that none of his colleagues remembered Obama either. He said he was upset that Obama was called “the first President of the United States from Columbia University.”

The former university professor further cast doubt on Obama’s presence at Columbia in an interview with WND and said, “Nobody I knew at Columbia ever remembers Obama being there.”

Graff’s quote on Obama has been repeatedly shared on social media. One such post has been shared over 28,000 times on Facebook.

The Truth behind the Mystery
Despite the speculation that Obama never attended Columbia, there is plenty of evidence to support the contrary. Columbia University claimed that Obama was an alumnus when he was elected president.

The University’s publications have done more profiles on him with details from his time there. Classmates and roommates who were with him at Columbia, including Michael Baron who taught him, have come forward to describe the former POTUS’ student life.

There was a fake report that Obama attended Columbia as a foreign student named “Barry Soetoro.” Even a purported student ID with that name was making the rounds, claiming that Obama was not a U.S. citizen, which meant he could not hold the office of the president.

The ID was, however, proven to be a forgery and the rumor was debunked.

As for the sealed records, Obama doesn’t pay a hidden third party to keep them under wraps. The documents aren’t “sealed” by definition.

Courts can seal criminal or adoption records, but not education documents. Certain information is simply not made public when you’re running for presidency.

Federal law dictates that Occidental College, Columbia, and Harvard aren’t legally allowed to release his transcripts without Obama’s written permission. Presidential candidates don’t usually disclose such information voluntarily.

Like the time George W. Bush’s mediocre grades were leaked by someone even though he refused to make his school records public. So, Obama isn’t withholding anything other presidents haven’t.

There are a lot more federal, state, and legal records that prove Obama did attend Columbia and not as a foreign student.

Nevertheless, one can’t refute what Henry Graff said either. He has a vivid memory of his most prominent students. So, if he never heard of Obama on campus, it’s probably true.

It supports an old report by Fox News that said it contacted 400 Columbia alumni from when Obama was a student. But none of them claimed to remember him at all.

However, if Graff or Columbia alum don’t recall Obama as a student, it doesn’t mean the 44th President never attended the college. It only conveys that Obama was not very social as a student and didn’t stand out from the crowd.

As Obama himself described his time in New York, “I spent a lot of time in the library. I didn’t socialize that much. I was like a monk.”

Rumors about Obama, whether it’s regarding his education or citizenship, have been disproved several times. Nevertheless, many don’t accept it.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 05:46 am
Was Trump really a top student at Wharton? His classmates say not so much

By Rebecca Tan and Alex Rabin 02/16/17 3:54am

Penn records, as well as some of President Donald Trump's classmates, do not seem to indicate that he was a top student at Wharton.

Credit: Carson Kahoe

For years, President Donald Trump has said it’s clear that he is “a very smart guy” since he attended Wharton — a school he describes as “super genius stuff.”

Trump, who graduated from Wharton in 1968, has also never challenged the fact that he "graduated first in his class," which various publishers and news agencies such as The New York Times have reported.

Penn records and Trump’s classmates dispute this claim.

In 1968, The Daily Pennsylvanian published a list of the 56 students who were on the Wharton Dean’s List that year — Trump’s name is not among them.

Trump flaunts Wharton degree, but his college years remain a mystery

“I recognize virtually all the names on that list, ” 1968 Wharton graduate Stephen Foxman said, “and Trump just wasn’t one of them.”

1968 Wharton graduate Jon Hillsberg added that there was no indication on the 1968 Commencement Program that Trump graduated with any honors. A copy of the program acquired from the Penn Archives lists 20 Wharton award and prize recipients, 15 cum laude recipients, four magna cum laude recipients and two summa cum laude recipients for the Class of 1968. Trump’s name appears nowhere on those lists.

“If he had done well, his name would have shown up,” Foxman said.

Given that there are 366 listed 1968 Wharton graduates on QuakerNet, Penn’s alumni database, the Dean’s List of 56 students represents approximately the top 15 percent of the class. The omission of Trump’s name suggests that his academic record at Penn was not as outstanding as he has claimed.

Penn spokesperson Ron Ozio said the University cannot release the academic records of alumni other than to confirm date of graduation, degree and major.

“[This] does not change because an alumnus is famous or holds a public position,” he said in a written statement.

Nonetheless, many of Trump’s peers in the Wharton Class of 1968 agree that he did not stand out academically, though many offer mixed accounts of how the 45th president acted in class.

A 1968 Wharton graduate who did not want to be named said that Trump “sat in the front row [of their Real Estate class], raised his hand a lot to answer questions and had a heavy New York accent.”

1968 Wharton graduate Roger Fulton Jr. made similar remarks, adding that he recalls Trump as “very focused on his studies.”

1968 Wharton graduate Edward Pollard also described Trump as “very professional” and “different from the rest of the class.”

“He was really off by himself. He didn’t party or go to football games ... [h]e didn’t mingle with the guys going back to hang out and chatting, and stuff like that,” added Pollard, who was, like Trump, a junior year transfer student to Penn.

While some remember Trump as a studious and solitary figure, others remember an individual who was less invested in his formal education and more involved with his future in real estate.

1968 Wharton graduate Louis Calomaris recalled that “Don ... was loath to really study much.”

Calomaris said Trump would come to study groups unprepared and did not “seem to care about being prepared.”

He added that Trump’s academic passivity likely stemmed from his passion for engaging directly in the real estate business.

“He spent all his weekends in New York because residential real estate is a weekend business,” Calomaris said. Five of Trump’s other classmates confirmed this.

“He was not an intellectual man, but that wasn’t what his goal was,” he said. “He’s not an intellectual now, [and] that’s pretty obvious ... [w]hat I saw early on was an unbounded ambition that did come to fruition, because it matched his firm’s needs, and that’s how these things work.”
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 06:09 am
David Roberts
‏Verified account
9/11 did not bring out the best in America. It brought out the worst. It *could* have brought out the best, but the ruling regime immediately co-opted it into a campaign of lies, militarism, anti-intellectualism, and partisan warfare.
This is true.

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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 06:21 am
ABC News report from Aug 2, 2012
New Law in North Carolina Bans Latest Scientific Predictions of Sea-Level Rise
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 06:25 am
CNN Poll: Gap between Mueller, Trump approval grows
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 06:42 am
To the surprise of all of us, Pat Robertson's command that the hurricane cease its forward motion ("Shield of Protection" as he called it) hasn't kicked in yet. If their are any competent hackers attending this discussion, could you please find Robertson's flight plans and report back to us. Thanks in advance.
Wed 12 Sep, 2018 06:46 am
How to stop being a shit4brains hate-filled demokkkrat:

0 Replies
Wed 12 Sep, 2018 07:13 am
Speaking of the coming hurricane, apparently Trump diverted FEMA funds to ICE.

The Trump administration appears to have diverted nearly $10 million in funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency at the forefront of the president’s zero-tolerance immigration policy that led to the separation of hundreds of children, some as young as 18 months, from their parents.

Wed 12 Sep, 2018 07:19 am
President Trump has shown an uncanny ability to "project" issues onto his perceived foes - ascribing to them his own troublesome actions, especially when he tries to deflect bad news. That's exactly what he did at a political rally in Montana Thursday night amidst a firestorm of White House controversies, unleashing a whopper about Americans' earned benefits:

"[The Democrats] are going to hurt your Social Security so badly, and they are killing you on Medicare. I am going to protect your Social Security.

A few days before the Montana rally, President Trump told reporters, "The Democrats wants to destroy Medicare. And we will save it.

These are classic examples of Trumpian projection because the exact opposite of what the president said is true. Far from "protecting" Social Security and Medicare, President Trump and Republicans in Congress have been actively working to undermine them. In fact, GOP Congressional leaders promised to "reform" (which really means "cut") Social Security and Medicare to help pay for trillions of dollars in Trump tax cuts benefiting the wealthy and big corporations.

As New York Times columnist Paul Krugman pointed out, House Budget Committee chairman Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) recently declared that "the federal government needs to save money by cutting spending on social programs. When pressed about whether that included Social Security and Medicare, he admitted that it did."

The Hill
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 12 Sep, 2018 10:59 am
coldjoint wrote:
Recall when Trump claimed that he was smarter than/knew more than the generals.

No, I do not. Can you quote him? Most likely more taken out of context embellished bullshit from you.
I'd thought, you read 'Breitbart'. They had published several transcripts.
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Wed 12 Sep, 2018 11:07 am
As New York Times columnist Paul Krugman pointed out, House Budget Committee chairman Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) recently declared that "the federal government needs to save money by cutting spending on social programs. When pressed about whether that included Social Security and Medicare, he admitted that it did."

You truncated the quote, revealing your patent dishonesty. The R-Ohio "admitted that it did" include cuts to social programs.

Yes, you could honestly criticize Krugman for his wrong prediction but doing it as dishonestly as Trump would is never a good thing, despite Americans believing strongly in the power of their lies.
0 Replies
Wed 12 Sep, 2018 11:08 am
Most likely more taken out of context embellished bullshit from you.

Right after your " taken out of context embellished bullshit".
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