Where were you, Beth, when the "stoopid" NYTs buried their story on the molten/vaporized steel found at WTC right after WTC7 fell at free fall speed?
All that has resulted in this world since then can be traced back to these US liars of different sorts who falsely accused Muslims and Muslim countries, creating a hatred for them among Americans ... which led directly to the election of Trump, who fed off this hatred of Muslims, ... .
They discussed it a great deal, in numerous articles calling it “perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation," and then they buried it.
There was no follow up by the NYTs to find out the reason for this total impossibility. Why? Because the implications of the molten/vaporized steel became evident to not only them but to many people.
"deepest mystery" indeed. They, along with many other people realized that this deepest mystery was a total impossibility which made the US government story of 9/11 a total impossibility.
It proves that there were no hijackers as alleged by the US government because they could not melt or vaporize WTC structural steel with what was available to them in the USGOS, jet fuel and office furnishings,
Those fuels in open air burn 1000 degrees F colder than the temperature needed to melt steel, 3,400 degrees F colder than the temperature needed to vaporize steel.
Molten and vaporized WTC structural steel means, unequivocally, no hijackers.
You, Beth, can fully understand this and grasp what it all means. As can any thinking person.