monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 31 Aug, 2018 04:44 am
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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 06:22 am
The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult

A wounded and swaggering identity geopolitics puts the world in grave danger:

“White men,” an obscure Australian academic named Charles Henry Pearson predicted in his 1893 book “National Life and Character: A Forecast,” would be “elbowed and hustled, and perhaps even thrust aside” by people they had long regarded as their inferiors — “black and yellow races.” China, in particular, would be a major threat. Pearson, prone to terrors of racial extinction while living in a settler colony in an Asian neighborhood, thought it was imperative to defend “the last part of the world, in which the higher races can live and increase freely, for the higher civilization.”

His prescriptions for racial self-defense thunderously echoed around the white Anglosphere, the community of men with shared historical ties to Britain. Theodore Roosevelt, who held a complacent 19th-century faith, buttressed by racist pseudoscience, that nonwhite peoples were hopelessly inferior, reported to Pearson the “great effect” of his book among “all our men here in Washington.”

In the years that followed, politicians and pundits in Britain and its settler colonies of Australia, Canada and the United States would jointly forge an identity geopolitics of the “higher races.” Today it has reached its final and most desperate phase, with existential fears about endangered white power feverishly circulating once again between the core and periphery of the greatest modern empire. “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,” President Trump said last year in a speech hailed by the British journalist Douglas Murray, the Canadian columnist Mark Steyn and the American editor Rich Lowry. More recently, Mr. Trump tweeted (falsely) about “large-scale killing” of white farmers in South Africa — a preoccupation, deepened by Rupert Murdoch’s media, of white supremacists around the world.

Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:04 am
“The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive,”

The race that arguably is responsible for freedom has to go. Guess what goes with them?
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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:08 am
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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:08 am
That is islamophobic nonsense. There are as many varieties of islam as xianity. Only some like saudi wahhab are jihadi. Most are not. Its allin what you select as your core tenets.. Your sources are biased bullshit joint.
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:19 am
That is islamophobic nonsense.

The only nonsense about Islam comes from willfully ignorant people. You are one of them.
Only some like saudi wahhab are jihadi.

What about Salafists? What about the Shiites in Iran? Again you are not even qualified to have an opinion because you obviously do not know what you are talking about. Not that it has stopped you before.
Your sources are biased bullshit joint.

Which one, and point out the bias. Or are you going to run away again like when I asked for proof about the hate sites the SPLC labeled. You have yet to offer any proof or quoted any hate from those sites. Here is your chance.
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:24 am
My next trick will be MJack vanishing because he will not back up anything he says. Ready? POOF!
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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:35 am
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:39 am
Flashback: Obama Warns Politicians Have ‘Monkeyed Around’ With Elections

I always knew Obama was a racist, but a self hating one? Must be, he said monkey. There is no other explanation. Right?
Walter Hinteler
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:46 am
coldjoint wrote:
The "Helium Diaper Donald" aka Trump baby has several duplicates (six of them are already in the USA), to be flown e.g. in New Jersey, Vashon Island, Australia ...
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:49 am
Leisure time. Who would like to complete the poem? I've got 2 lines:

I love the White House;
The Sun rises over the Capitol dome.

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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 09:54 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The "Helium Diaper Donald" aka Trump baby has several duplicates (six of them are already in the USA), to be flown e.g. in New Jersey, Vashon Island, Australia ...

So? Trump is thick skinned beyond belief. All of this only makes him stronger. By the time these idiots figure that out he will be in his second term. Shocked
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:18 am
Google's Chickens Coming Home to Roost

For years now, Google has selfishly perfected the crony capitalist game to leverage federal government power in favor of its particular business model.

As perhaps the most infamous example, Google led the campaign to persuade the federal government to impose so-called "Net Neutrality" Title II regulation upon U.S. internet service in 2015.

That public policy, of course, was anything but "neutral." Rather, it upended two decades of light-touch regulatory policy of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and introduced government regulation using laws enacted in the 1930s for copper-wire telephone service. While that benefited Google and similar content providers that owned the ear of Barack Obama and his hyper-regulatory administration, it was bad for the rest of America.

They now have a serious enemy in Trump because he happens to be the president of the United States.
Google's record of malfeasance also extends to silencing speech that it dislikes.

This week, President Trump openly accused Google of manipulating search results in a manner detrimental to him, which commenced a firestorm of controversy and focus upon Google's behavior. Regardless of whether Google is guilty of the particular behavior that President Trump alleges, it's beyond dispute that Google-owned YouTube has censored even such mainstream and well-mannered conservatives as Dennis Prager and his popular Prager U brief video tutorials.

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Walter Hinteler
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:26 am
I thought, you wrote:
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Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:27 am
@Walter Hinteler,
This shows the lack of imagination of the racists who oppose London's brilliant mayor. They can't think of anything themselves so they do a very poor copy of something that much smarter people had already thought up.

It's not like it's remotely payback, they were all mumbling about real free speech is in Saddiq's London as he has the final say on whether or not it could fly. As he's a grown man with all the maturity that goes with it, he's allowed it to fly, unlike the overgrown baby in the Whitehouse who tried everything possible to stop his one being flown.

Protesters have been given permission to fly a bikini-clad blimp of London mayor Sadiq Khan over Westminster.

Campaigners raised £58,182 for the 29ft-long 'baby Khan', which will fly over Parliament Square on 1 September.

A crowdfunding anti-Khan campaign was launched following the giant Donald Trump baby balloon flown by protesters during the president's visit in July.

Mr Khan said: "If people want to spend their Saturday looking at me in a yellow bikini they're welcome to do so.

"I don't really think yellow's my colour though."

The giant inflatable - a nod to the 'Beach Body Ready' advert Mr Khan banned in 2016 - has been approved by City Hall, the police and air traffic controllers NATS.

Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:28 am
An explosion at a cafe has killed Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Russian-backed separatists in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, sources in the rebel administration there say.

The report was carried by the rebel "Donetsk Republic" news agency DNR.

Some Ukrainians suspected over the blast were arrested nearby, a rebel security source was quoted as saying.

The heavily-armed rebels in Donetsk and Luhansk regions refuse to recognise the Ukrainian government in Kiev.

The rebel and Russian news reports say the separatist "finance minister" Alexander Timofeyev was wounded in the blast at the Separ cafe.

"According to preliminary information, it is unfortunately true. The republic's leader suffered a fatal wound," a senior Donetsk rebel, Vladislav Berdichevsky, told Interfax news agency.

Moscow denies sending regular troops and heavy weapons to the separatists, but admits that Russian "volunteers" are helping the rebels.

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Walter Hinteler
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:33 am
izzythepush wrote:
This shows the lack of imagination of the racists who oppose London's brilliant mayor.
I do think, however, it's an honour to comapre someone, who's powers and functions are "strategic planning, including housing, waste management, the environment and production of the London Plan; transport policy, delivered by functional body Transport for London; fire and emergency planning, delivered by functional body London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority; economic development, delivered directly by the Greater London Authority through subsidiary company GLA Land and Property (before 2012 by functional body London Development Agency); policing and crime policy, delivered by functional body Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime" to that of the President of the United Staes of America.
0 Replies
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 10:34 am
This shows the lack of imagination of the racists who oppose London's brilliant mayor.

Laughing Laughing Laughing
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NSFW (view)
Walter Hinteler
Fri 31 Aug, 2018 12:26 pm
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A business associate of Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian consultant indicted by the United States, solicited a U.S. citizen to act as straw purchaser to buy Trump inauguration tickets for a Ukrainian oligarch, court documents showed on Friday.

Samuel Patten, who pleaded guilty to lobbying and other violations earlier on Friday, has also agreed to cooperate with U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, according to the documents.
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