monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 19 Jan, 2017 01:52 am
maporsche wrote:

Gosh, I was really hoping to have a discussion about this...

No one believes that you're actually "looking for a discussion," Ma. I've posted a number of viewpoints, coming from blacks themselves, which raises issues worthy of dicussion, but they have all been ignored by you, and all of your cheese-eating homeys.

Lyndon Johnson said, as I pointed out, that the threat from blacks was getting serious, since they now had the some political power, and that he felt it was necessary to give them something, to "quiet them down," but not enough to make a difference.

He boasted that his strategy would "have the niggers voting democratic for the next 200 years."

To date, this "plan" has worked out well for the Democrats. Johnson was indeed a masterful political strategist.

The problem is that way too many blacks are now getting wise to this con game. Way too many have become dependent on government hand-outs to maintain a subsistence-level existence. Too many are living in inner city hellholes where, due to government neglect of the real problems, they have lost all hope. They have been kept "on the reservation" by Democrats, who pretend to be their benefactors, and always vote Democratic because they have been fooled. There are now 3rd and 4th generational blacks whose only "business" is playing the welfare system for all they can extract by hook or crook, because that's all they have. Just as Johnson had planned.

This is certainly not to say that black people themselves don't bear a lot of responsibilty for their often miserable living conditions and circumstances. And many of them realize that too. Their culture has degenerated badly. I'm quoting from memory, but I think that in 1960, something like 80% of black families were two-parent families, as opposed to maybe 20-25% today. A lot of this stems from the old welfare insistence that any household with a man capable of working in it would be ineligible for benefits. That's one reason why blacks like Williams Owens believe that the Democrats were active participants in a calculated plan to destroy black family values.

Black need to re-establish more self-respect and pursue an active role in shaping their own fate. For far too long they have been played as "house-niggers" serving the plantation-owning white Massa--the democratic Party-- which has ignored their real plight and needs.

Thu 19 Jan, 2017 02:10 am
Quote layman:
He [Johnson] boasted that his strategy would "have the niggers voting democratic for the next 200 years."

That's right, Layman, Lyndon Johnson was a Texan born in 1908, and that was the word he often used to describe black people. A word which was MUCH more acceptable in common speech back in 1964 than now. You do know that, right?

However, Layman, you try to ignore that he said that after he just pushed through and signed the bill which guaranteed blacks the right to vote, the right to go into a restaurant and order a burger without having to sit in a special section, the right to use the same bathrooms in that restaurant as the white people, and the right to apply for a job and not get automatically turned down because of their color. A historic reversal of the circumstances which kept blacks down to a sub-citizen level for hundreds of years.

And all you can do is talk about Johnson's choice of word at a moment like that? Have you no idea of the importance of what Johnson had just done?

PS: Incidentally, the only source for that "200 years" remark allegedly made to two Southern Democratic governors was the pilot of Air force One, Ronald MacMillian, who said he overheard it and who also revealed that he, MacMillian, did not favor the civil rights legislation himself. Also, MacMillian's stories frequently are not corroborated by other sources.

Thu 19 Jan, 2017 02:20 am
Blickers wrote:

However, Layman, you try to ignore that he said that after he just pushed through and signed the bill which guaranteed blacks the right to vote, the right to go into a restaurant and order a burger without having to sit in a special section, the right to use the same bathrooms in that restaurant as the white people, and the right to apply for a job and not get automatically turned down because of their color.

And all you can do is talk about Johnson's choice of word at a moment like that?
I didn't "ignore it." I explicitly acknowledged his intention to give blacks "something" for the purpose of quieting them down. Prior to that he had ALWAYS opposed and voted against every anti-lynching/civil rights bill presented.

Learn some history. In the video I posted, Williams Owens said he had long admired, and spoke of, Johnson in glowing terms and considered him a "hero." But when he recently actually informed himself about Johnson's true feelings, intentions and actions, he was shocked to find that blacks were just being played by Johnson and the Democrats in general.

By the way, this has nothing to do with his "choice of words," and I did not talk about that at all. You're the only one who "talked" about that--all for the purpose of excusing Johnson.

It also serves to demonstrate how superficial and shallow the liberals supposed "concern" for black people really is. You think the only issue here is the "choice of words."
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 03:18 am
Quote layman:
I explicitly acknowledged his intention to give blacks "something" for the purpose of quieting them down.

Something to quiet them, (blacks), down? That is absurd. Johnson's programs were no mere palliative to "quiet down" a group. It was nothing less than the complete reversal not only of the Jim Crow laws, but of an entire history of African Americans' position as sub-citizens in the USA.

Imagine a world where if you went for a job you would normally be even considered for it because the other employees would consider having to work with you a sharp reduction in their social status. And if the employer was so hard up for help that he does give you a job, it will be for less money for the same job. Imagine not being able to go into a restaurant and get served because the restaurant decided that having a person from your group eat there automatically made the restaurant a low class place nobody else would want to go to. Imagine having routinely having to use a different bathroom because the thought of you using the same bathroom as other people is unacceptable to them. It sounds like a Twilight Zone episode. But it was the reality the blacks down South-and to a lesser extent up North-were living in after the Civil War. Now Johnson pushes for and signs a bill that reverses all of that-or at least makes that behavior illegal-and you call that a palliative? Also, don't forget that the very next year Johnson pushed for and signed the Voting Rights Bill, which guaranteed blacks the right to vote, something they had been systematically denied-and which bill has come under attack from conservatives today. Is giving blacks back the oft-denied right to vote a palliative? How can you even consider it so?

And then a few years later, Johnson pushed for and signed the Housing Bill, which prevented blacks from being sold houses or rented apartments to because of their race-which was part of the oppressive system they had to live under since the Civil War.

Some palliative-Johnson pushes for and signs the bills which prevents discrimination in getting a job, in using public facilities, in being able to vote, and being able to live anywhere you can afford. Those are not palliatives-those add up to the largest overhaul of the social and legal position of black people since the Emancipation.

Your position-which I have no doubt you will still try to cling to-is nonsensical.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 04:08 am
The Chicago Police Department has also been criticized for its liberal use of the controversial "stop-and-frisk" policy. The policy gives officers much more autonomy to conduct stops and pat-down's if there exists a reasonable suspicion that a suspect might be armed and dangerous. The ACLU has claimed that the policy unfairly targets African Americans, who accounted for nearly 75% of those stopped in 2014 even though they make up only about a third of the city's population. However, that same 1/3 of the population is responsible for over 70% of all homicides so the stop-and-frisk numbers are not disproportionate.

The stop and frisk policy was largely abandoned by CPD in early 2016. 2016's surge in murders and shootings, coupled with a decline in gun seizures, led former Police Superintendent John Escalante to express concerns in March 2016 that officers might be hesitant to engage in proactive policing due to fear of retribution.

Officers anonymously reported to the Chicago Sun-Times that they have been afraid to make investigatory stops because the Justice Department and American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois have been scrutinizing police practices. Data of the supposed pullback was reflected with an 80 percent decrease in the number of street stops that officers made since the beginning of 2016. Dean Angelo has claimed that part of the problem is politicians and groups like the ACLU who don't know much about policing, and yet are "dictating what police officers do".


Cheese-eating liberals, in the pursuit of political correctness, concern themselves with an illusory "unfair targeting." On the other hand, citizens of Chicago are concerned for the lives of themselves and their families. We see that when the cheese-eaters "win," the public loses.

Great job, cheese-eaters!

You can bet your bottom dollar that a Justice Department in the Trump administration will NOT be compromising the safety of the black community by prohibiting effective police policies for the sake of "proving" to the black community just how "concerned" they are with "black problems." Just one of many reasons that informed blacks greatly preferred Trump over Clinton.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 04:48 am
A black cop could stop and frisk a citizen with gang-insignia tatooed all over his face and neck, wearing a long trenchcoat on a hot summer day, and who ran at the first sight of cops and if that citizen happened to be black, the left would claim that he was stopped because of "racism." They wouldn't even inquire about the circumstances. They know racism when they smell it.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:00 am
You quote me. I'll bold the relevant portion:
Actually, no. I was pointing to that ridiculous claim and cliche by layman that I (or others) bring every question down to race. To which you responded "Exactly" with two exclamation marks, no less.

Then you write:
What was the "riduclous claim and cliche" to which you are referring?

You quoted it yourself. Immediately prior to your question. You've previously admitted that you can be a careless reader but this is a bit too much of a bad thing.

As to this:
Layman asserted that skin color should become irellevant in social interactions. Is that ridiculous?

No. It should have been irrelevant 200 years ago. And 100 years ago. And 50 years ago. It should have been irrelevant 6 years ago when PPP polled Republicans in Alabama and found that 46% would like to ban interracial marriage The Atlantic
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:16 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
For example: European White settlers did horrible things to the Indians they found on the land they wanted. In turn, the Indians did horrible things to the European White settlers, when they could.

In Poland and elsewhere, Germans did nasty things to Jews and some Jews revolted and did nasty things to Germans. Thus equivalence.
Unfortunately for the Indians they were unable to defeat the European White settlers. Injustice or historical imperative?

You'll have to define how you use the phrase "historical imperative". Different from "moral imperative"?
And even if the later, what does modern Canada need to do about it?

Much. We have been working on the project for quite a while - recompense for treaties the government made then did not follow, writing treaties where none had been formalized, moving children home who had been forced into residential schools (with recompense where warranted)
The school system was rooted in policy aimed at removing children from the influence of the aboriginal culture, and assimilate them into the dominant Canadian culture. Over the course of the system's existence, approximately 30% of native children, or roughly 150,000, were placed in residential schools nationally. It has been estimated that at least 6,000 of these students died while in attendance.
supporting cultural renewal for first nations peoples, providing assistance to help lift FN peoples emerge from the ghetto conditions we imposed on them, etc.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:17 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
For example: European White settlers did horrible things to the Indians they found on the land they wanted. In turn, the Indians did horrible things to the European White settlers, when they could.

In Poland and elsewhere, Germans did nasty things to Jews and some Jews revolted and did nasty things to Germans. Thus equivalence.
Unfortunately for the Indians they were unable to defeat the European White settlers. Injustice or historical imperative?

You'll have to define how you use the phrase "historical imperative". Different from "moral imperative"?
And even if the later, what does modern Canada need to do about it?

Much. We have been working on the project for quite a while - recompense for treaties the government made then did not follow, writing treaties where none had been formalized, moving children home who had been forced into residential schools (with recompense where warranted)
The school system was rooted in policy aimed at removing children from the influence of the aboriginal culture, and assimilate them into the dominant Canadian culture. Over the course of the system's existence, approximately 30% of native children, or roughly 150,000, were placed in residential schools nationally. It has been estimated that at least 6,000 of these students died while in attendance.
supporting cultural renewal for first nations peoples, providing assistance to help lift FN peoples emerge from the ghetto conditions we imposed on them, etc.

As to German atonement, I've spoken to that as have others.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:21 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I'm sure you never said it, but how would I know if you ever thought it?

You won't/can't. It's not something that concerns me.

What is required for you to lay down the "Racism Club?"

Club? I'm not sure. What is required for you to set aside your "We Whites are the Real Victims" membership?
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:27 am
Blatham is a crypto Nazi.

There's some fine thinking!
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:30 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Re: Walter Hinteler (Post 6346422)
The Right, of course, doesn't equal Nazi, but you've tipped your hand in regards to your personal left-wing thought.

Not that this response tips your hand.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:48 am
Well I just asked one of my senior employees if I make such (ex cathedra) statements.

The bastard agreed with you.

Fine of you to share this important anecdote. Now, to further clarify, did he say, "Hmmm, well perhaps on the odd occasion, I suppose" or was his answer more along the lines of, "Are you ******* kidding me?!"
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:51 am
Gosh, I was really hoping to have a discussion about this as opposed to the dick measuring contests going on.

Yep. My gender is a frequent embarrassment.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:53 am
Puts me in mind of those stupid Indians complaining about oil in their drinking water. Anyone knows oil improves the taste of drinking water.

And it promotes regularity, a real health benefit.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 06:58 am
Quote layman:
He [Johnson] boasted that his strategy would "have the niggers voting democratic for the next 200 years."

Before going an inch further with that one, try to get this guy to give some credible primary source verifying the quote.
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 07:02 am
This is seriously unhappy news
Our fellow primates are in trouble.

In a study of unprecedented scope, a team of 31 primatologists has analyzed every known species of primate to judge how they are faring. The news for man’s closest animal relatives is not good.

Three-quarters of primate species are in decline, the researchers found, and about 60 percent are now threatened with extinction. From gorillas to gibbons, primates are in significantly worse shape now than in recent decades because of the devastation from agriculture, hunting and mining.
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 07:20 am
Filling The Swamp News From All Over
All of those are the kinds of problems that have torpedoed nominees in the past. But it is far from certain — or even likely — that any of Trump’s nominees will buckle under the political pressure.

That is in part because the ­president-elect himself has broken so many norms — notably, by flouting the convention of major-party presidential candidates making their tax returns public and by refusing to sever himself from his financial interests while he is in the White House.

Critics say that Trump’s actions and those of his nominees suggest that an incoming administration that promised to “drain the swamp” of Washington has instead brought in a new, lower set of standards.

Swamp Filling Pro Tips: This procedure will go much quickly if you re-direct the Volga River right into the swamp you wish to fill
Speaking of autocrats, Vladimir Putin’s engagement in American politics on Trump’s behalf continued Tuesday when he called reports that Trump had been compromised by Russian intelligence “total nonsense” designed to “undermine the legitimacy” of Trump’s presidency. Putin accused those spreading the information of being “worse than prostitutes,” adding: “They have no moral boundaries.”

You know we are entering a strange time when Putin, many of whose enemies wind up dead, is lecturing Americans about “moral boundaries.” Then again, Putin must have been grateful when Trump told the Times of London this week that he still considers NATO “obsolete.” Wrecking both NATO and the European Union, which Trump also demeaned, are central Putin objectives.
EJ Dionne WP
0 Replies
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 07:22 am

Please call your senator and demand that they vote no on Betsy DeVoss. She is outrageously unqualified for her appointment.
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 19 Jan, 2017 07:27 am
It is indeed although I don't see how it is relevant to Trump unless every single worldwide incident or situation is somehow relevant to POTUS.

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