1860, four million slaves in the United States and every single one of them was owned by a demokkk
Are you really so clueless as to think that the Democratic Party of 1860 bears any resemblance at all to the Democratic Party of half a century ago, let alone today?
However clueless you think Gunga is you've no idea as to the full extent. He believes the flood actually happened as described in the Bible and doesn'tunderstand evolution. All of which are harmless enough, but he also posts anti Semitic propaganda, (with all the references to Jews cut out but with all the references to the Rothschilds remaining,) and he denies the Srebrenica massacre because he's a Serb.
Don't waste your bloody time with his bumper sticker brain.
You might want to actually watch the video. The answer to that one will shock you.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Aug, 2018 11:33 am
How can you post that after the many videos released showing violence and hate emanating from those groups in DC? That cartoon is fantasy. And it makes you a liar.
ANTIFA Instructors Caught Preparing Activists for Violence
More violence. And not by white supremacists. That cartoon is a lie believed by lazy closed minded idiots that are as much good to America as Ebola.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Aug, 2018 12:22 pm
The Press Finally Starts Talking About Antifa Attacks on the Press
Well, it took until Monday night, but the Washington Post finally put a story up about Antifa’s attacks on the press Sunday and notes that the entire movement condones violence:
It is past time people acknowledge the fact that the Left is fascist and violent. They have gone way past rhetoric, and almost daily we see examples of the violence and hate that never make it to the MSM.
It is time you Leftists admit you have no problem with violence if it accomplishes what you want. Of course, that would take honesty, plus someone you know might shun you, or try to beat that honesty out of you.
Time to realize this is a fact, and you are part of what you try so hard to deny. If you do not realize it, many, many do.
A response proving I am wrong would go farther than down votes. But since that argument would be impossible to prove, because actions speak much louder than words, I expect no real reply.
Everything is possible, including valid rebuttals to your earlier statements
After you then. No time like now to put your money where your mouth is. Why don't you tell me why the Left thinks it is alright to intimidate or beat people to get their way in situations they refuse to debate?
Or do I have to wait for another drive by from you?
I said it could be done, at no time did I say I'd be the one doing it. It's a bit too labor intensive for me to be bothered (especially since you'll likely give a negative retort after that).