Quote coldjoint:
Quote:He [Obama] attacked the Cambridge police, he said Trayvon could have been his son, and said nothing about the phony "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit. He watched Ferguson burn, and then weaponized his DOJ to discredit that police dept.
Obama has every right to say Trayvon could have been his son, he's had more murder threats against him than any other president. Minority groups have always had to fight for their rights, because the "keep 'em in their
place" conservatives aren't terribly concerned. We've seen on TV many situations where African-American suspects look very much alive and relatively well when arrested, but seem to be dead or on their way out when they arrive at the police station or hospital. And if you conservatives are so worried about shootings, why are you spending so much money to keep guns in the hands of everyone who wants one?
I'm sorry, but one or two hot button issues the conservatives push do not cover up the fact that under Obama, blacks improved their percentage of the employed more than any other group, or that the murder rate dropped, or that the percentage of murders committed by blacks has dropped under Obama. Those are the real figures, the ones which matter for millions of people.
Besides which, what has Trump done to bring people together? He's called Hispanics criminals and murderers-often-and said the KKK and neo-Nazi demonstrators were just normal people, nothing wrong with them. Along with throwing people off healthcare, which will affect all groups but blacks disproportionately higher, it seems incredible that any Trump supporter would bring up race relations compared to Obama.