monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 10:51 am
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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 11:12 am
Censorship: The Dark Heart Of The Democratic Party

This seems appropriate. They want 0 debate.
Make no mistake about this: Democrats demanding the “deplatforming” of Alex Jones and others whose opinions they don’t like is the 21st century equivalent of pressuring papermakers to stop selling newsprint to newspapers that criticize the King. A political party making such demands is unprecedented in American politics and public life and it gives voters who are paying attention a deep look into the dark, totalitarian heart of the new “progressive” Democratic Party.

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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 11:56 am
Recent swamp notes:
1) Manaforts lawyers are seeking to ruin Gates' credibility through two days of evidence that Gates violated his marital oaths having had at least one affair

That, of course, verges on the very funny given that evidence has also been presented that Manafort himself had at least one affair while married.

All of which gets even funnier given that Manafort was running Trump's campaign with Gates as his chief assistant in that role and given that Trump himself has had multiple affairs while married.

And topping this all off, we can note that on these important issues of character and principle and violation of sacred vows before God by the three men, the Silent Majority has suddenly gone very, very silent indeed. Hilarity all around, no?

2) The first GOP congressman to support Donald Trump in 2016 was New York's Chris Collins. This upright citizen has just been indicted for insider trading - to help his wonderful son and the son's fiance's wonderful father.
Prosecutors now say that in 2017, Collins passed inside information to his son, Cameron, who passed it to another alleged conspirator, Stephen Zarsky, the father of Cameron Collins' fiancee. The three — who all face charges of securities fraud, wire fraud and making false statements to the FBI — and other family and friends avoided about $768,000 in losses as a result of the inside information, prosecutors allege.

Chris, you see, was at the wonderful White House Congressional picnic when he heard... well, here's the story
According to the indictment, the alleged conspiracy began on June 22, 2017, while Collins was attending the White House's Congressional picnic. He received an email from Innate's CEO alerting him that the company's highly touted drug had failed in clinical trials. He replied, "Wow. Makes no sense. How are these results even possible???"

Prosecutors say Collins then alerted his son, Cameron, to the results but didn't trade shares himself, in part because he was already under investigation for his relationship with Innate by the Office of Congressional Ethics. Though Collins couldn't trade his own stock, prosecutors say he tipped off his son in order to help him avoid losses. His son, in turn, told other associates, who sold stock in Innate as well. The drug test results were made public on June 26, 2017.

The very best people.

Wed 8 Aug, 2018 12:09 pm
Recent swamp notes:

Killary still not indicted. Equal justice is no more than lip service.
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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 12:10 pm
blatham wrote:
That, of course, verges on the very funny given that evidence has also been presented that Manafort himself had at least one affair while married.



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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 12:50 pm
Quote coldjoint:
And that somehow changes the fact that the top 1% cleaned up during his [Obama's] time in office?
The 1% have BEEN cleaning up with every president since Reagan, who started the acceleration. Clinton slowed the acceleration somewhat. What NO Republican president seems to want to do is anything to make life more livable for the 99% who are treading water while the 1% keeps taking all the wealth.

If we can't have a government which prevents the 1% from taking all the newly created wealth, at least we can have a president who makes life livable by providing affordable healthcare. And who rebuilds the economy devastated under his predecessor. And who cut crime. And won't allow cutting Social Security benefits, Medicare and Medicaid benefits. So far, only the Democratic presidents have been doing that.

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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 12:52 pm
Quote coldjoint:
He [Obama] attacked the Cambridge police, he said Trayvon could have been his son, and said nothing about the phony "hands up, don't shoot" bullshit. He watched Ferguson burn, and then weaponized his DOJ to discredit that police dept.
Obama has every right to say Trayvon could have been his son, he's had more murder threats against him than any other president. Minority groups have always had to fight for their rights, because the "keep 'em in their place" conservatives aren't terribly concerned. We've seen on TV many situations where African-American suspects look very much alive and relatively well when arrested, but seem to be dead or on their way out when they arrive at the police station or hospital. And if you conservatives are so worried about shootings, why are you spending so much money to keep guns in the hands of everyone who wants one?

I'm sorry, but one or two hot button issues the conservatives push do not cover up the fact that under Obama, blacks improved their percentage of the employed more than any other group, or that the murder rate dropped, or that the percentage of murders committed by blacks has dropped under Obama. Those are the real figures, the ones which matter for millions of people.

Besides which, what has Trump done to bring people together? He's called Hispanics criminals and murderers-often-and said the KKK and neo-Nazi demonstrators were just normal people, nothing wrong with them. Along with throwing people off healthcare, which will affect all groups but blacks disproportionately higher, it seems incredible that any Trump supporter would bring up race relations compared to Obama.
Wed 8 Aug, 2018 01:40 pm
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 8 Aug, 2018 01:47 pm
Posted this already on the related threat:

From The Guardian: US to impose sanctions against Russia over nerve agent attack
The United States will impose sanctions on Russia for its use of a nerve agent in an attempt to kill a former Russian spy and his daughter in Britain.

The state department says Wednesday the sanctions will be imposed on Russia because it used a chemical weapon in violation of international law.

WaPo: Trump administration to impose new sanctions on Russia for nerve agent attack in England
The Trump administration said Wednesday it would impose new sanctions against Russia as punishment for its use of a nerve agent in an attempt last March to assassinate British citizen and ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

A terse release from the State Department said that the United States had determined Russian responsibility for the attack in Salisbury, England — a British conclusion the administration had already accepted — under a 1991 U.S. law on biological and chemical weapons use that requires the president to impose sanctions.
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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 02:55 pm
Michael Moore
15 mins ·
It appears that Republican voter suppression in Michigan's 1st Congressional District has failed in an historic way! By using a technicality, the Republicans on the election commission kicked the lone Democratic candidate off the ballot. So thousands of us mobilized and not only set a RECORD turnout for a midterm election, we got over 30,000 write-in votes for our Democratic candidate, Matt Morgan! This has never happened before! LONG lines of voters—so many voters that, even though Trump had won this district with 56% of the vote. Dem voters yesterday outnumbered Republicans in this area 2 to 1! And here’s one more indication of how we may win in Nov: In Marquette Co., our write-in Dem candidate got MORE votes as a write-in than the incumbent Republican candidate got with his name on the ballot! Let’s everyone up here in northern Michigan sign up to help the Matt Morgan campaign and toss our Trump-Lovin’ congressman out of office! Matt Morgan stands for Medicare for All.


According to Morgan's campaign, unofficial vote counts from 20 counties in the 32-county district indicate there were 20,000-plus write-in votes cast in the Democratic race for Congress. Morgan is the only candidate running as a write-in. Grand Traverse County alone had well over 7,000 write-in votes cast for a Democrat in Michigan’s 1st Congressional District. In 2014, zero write-in votes were cast in Grand Traverse County in that race.

In a formula set by the State of Michigan, Morgan must receive at least five percent of the total ballots cast in the race with the most votes in the Democratic primary in Michigan’s 1st. For example, if this year’s gubernatorial race had 100,000 votes cast (which would be up 30-plus percent from historic midterm primary averages), the threshold for Morgan to make the general election ballot would be 5,000.
Wed 8 Aug, 2018 02:59 pm
and then there is Rashida Tlaib (and a Republican write-in )


With 96 percent of votes counted, former state Rep. Rashida Tlaib appeared headed for a victory over Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones Wednesday morning in a tight race to replace former U.S. Rep. John Conyers.

In a Democratic primary considered all-but-decisive in Michigan's 13th Congressional District, Tlaib led with 33.2 percent of the vote, compared with 29.2 percent for Jones and 14 percent for Bill Wild.

Coleman Young II was in fourth place with 12 percent, followed by Ian Conyers, the grand-nephew of the former congressman, with 6.3 percent and Shanelle Jackson with 5.3 percent.

If declared the primary winner, Tlaib, a former state representative of Palestinian descent who has been a hero in the progressive movement, could become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.

The winner is likely to face Republican David Dudenhoefer, who didn't make that party's ballot but who was running as a write-in candidate.

Michael Moore
8 hrs ·
‪VICTORY! Rashida Tlaib has won the primary in Detroit to become the 1st Muslim woman in Congress! She’s a Palestinian-American, she’s a Democratic Socialist, but most importantly, she has the heart & soul & courage to lead us to a better day. She and 1,000 other Rashidas! Onward!‬
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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 03:04 pm
Obama has every right to say Trayvon could have been his son, he's had more murder threats against him than any other president.

Not when the case was under investigation. Now you can prove that comment about the death threats. You must have a source.
blacks improved their percentage of the employed more than any other group,

Source it I do not believe you.
He's called Hispanics criminals and murderers-

That is lie perpetuated by, ready?, liars. He said some are rapists and murderers, which is obviously true, and I can prove that.
Wed 8 Aug, 2018 03:20 pm
Sanctuary city ignores ICE request, releases illegal, and a child gets RAPED

Not really news anymore. Sanctuary cities are dangerous to everyone. This happens with regularity.
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Wed 8 Aug, 2018 03:50 pm
Meanwhile in Canada.
Canada to chronically ill man: How about a little euthanasia instead of home care?

What happens when government-run health care and a cultural embrace of euthanasia meet? Just ask Roger Foley, a Canadian man with a debilitating chronic neurological disease. After being hospitalized with cerebellar ataxia for a lengthy period, Foley wanted to arrange for home care so he could live in his own place — care that should be covered under Canada’s government-run system. Instead, in at least two conversations recorded by Foley, officials pressed him to choose assisted suicide, as CTV reported last week:

Why don't they call it abortion and no one will ever know. It is just very late term. This speaks to how life is valued or devalued. You guys got problems, but your concern for the US is nice.
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