Quote:I think about why there was such an exodus of Republicans from public office after trump’s election... why establishment democrats are losing, finally, after a stranglehold of about 30/40 years...
Two things you might want to keep in mind...
One is the question of the Internet age, the fact that you can't hide things or keep big secrets anymore. It is very very hard to picture a complete shiboleth like I-slam or the Demokkkrat party going forward into such and age. They simply won't be able to keep enough people stupid enough for something like that anymore.
The second is the control system of the deep state, both in this country and in the UK and Western Europe, i.e. pedogate/pizzagate.
Two keys to understanding the gigantic scale of that system of control suggest themselves. One is the case of Tommy Robinson in England:
Paul Weston lays out an overwhelmingly damning case against the British government and the role which it has played or refused to play in the gigantic scandal involving grooming gangs.
Logically, one would assume that Robinson is being persecuted because he represents a threat to the British establishment and government. In other words, if the English government and elites were not up to their eyeballs in that business, they wouldn't give a rats ass about what Tommy Robinson might or might not be doing with a cell phone camera out on the street.
Peter McLaughlin, the author of “Easy Meat”, claims that the problem is pretty much everywhere in England and not just in the one or two towns which you read about. That would translate into several hundred thousand children being victimized over a space of 20 or 25 years. That would be mostly early teen or preteen girls, an entire generation of English women who should be raising their own children now, which is simply missing in action, sucked into the vortex of those grooming games.
The other key involves the nearly unanimous vote on the horrendous sanctions bill which was passed by the United States Congress last August:
Pres. Trump signed the bill while describing it as seriously flawed since, amongst other things, it required the president to impose sanctions against Russia which were viewed as worse than the sanctions against Japan which started the Pacific war, and likely to start a Third World war. Pres. Trump has since allowed the deadline for the implementation of such sanctions to pass without acting. That vote, unanimous other than for five dissenting votes total in both houses, was a message from the deep state to Donald Trump. The message read:
Quote:Listen up, FOOL we control Washington DC, you don't...
There isn't enough bribery in the world to account for that vote; that vote was blackmail on a grandiose scale. That also says that when Donald Trump took office he had next to nothing to work with in the U.S. Congress.Since that time, Donald Trump has been waging a silent war against the worldwide pedophile gangs and you don't read about this in the news, particularly the mainstream media version thereof, but it is totally real and that almost certainly explains some of the early retirements and idiots leaving the scene.