But she's just a part of a conspiracy to entrap Trump. The Democrats are planning to send her to the Oval Office as an envoy from congress.
Needless to say, he'll end up grabbing her pussy, and then they'll all act like he did something wrong.
But, I mean, like, who wouldn't?
You can't deliberately give someone an irresistible temptation, then just keep flauntly it in front of them, and then accuse THEM of doing something wrong, so this is just another plot which will backfire on the Democrats, I figure. They will be exposed for what they truly are.
the Supreme Court, regarding entrapment, wrote: SCOTUS unanimously reversed the conviction of a North Carolina factory worker who gave in to an undercover Prohibition officer's repeated entreaties to get him some liquor. It identified the controlling question as "whether the defendant is a person otherwise innocent whom the government is seeking to punish for an alleged offense which is the product of the creative activity of its own officials".
See what I'm sayin? That's entrapment.