Blickers wrote:
Quote Builder:
Quote:She's permanently in a back brace now,
No evidence of that. That's why nobody says so except the right wing echo chamber.
Has anyone here ever raised children?? I have, and kids make up stories and they desperately want to believe the stories because fantasy is a cushion against reality. Children do that, and so do stunted adults who can't function in the real world. That's why bullshit is spouted about HRC, they simply can't forgive her for her education, her accomplishments because it's so much more fun to hate an uppity woman. I know Hillary isn't charismatic, she a policy wonk, she works hard and successfully but not successfully enough to beat a carnival barker, con-man, mob worshiper.
I'm still pissed that the Republicans fielded 17 people for the nomination......what were they thinking????? There were several republicans who would have made terrific candidate who would have respected the constitution, our allies and the American people. But no, too many choices and the republicans picked the guy that entertained them, like a guest on the Jerry Springer show. Well done republicans, you can kiss the reputation of our forefathers away.