revelette1 wrote:As you can see above, this is hardly a leftist leaning biased site against Israel.
It was a pretty good article.
Perhaps it was slightly unreasonable in its expectation that Israel could have come up with a better solution, but overall not bad.
revelette1 wrote:I happen to believe the Palestinian who wrote how he helped start the "March of the Great Return" was started by ordinary Palestinians who wanted a peaceful protest to mark the struggles Palestinians have to live and die with every single day. Like he said in the article from NYT, the movement grew so big and they could not control it. Hamas has been encourging the violence we see on the Palestinian side. However, many are there because they want to be and they are caught in crossfire and innocents are getting killed.
Snipers are generally pretty good at hitting the specific person who is committing the aggression that needs to be stopped.
revelette1 wrote:Hamas might very well pay people to put themselves in harms way for political purposes but that does not excuse Israel gleeful killing of thousands of Palestians over the years.
The fact that the killings are lawful self defense is what excuses them.
Hardly gleeful. If you want to see glee, look at how the Palestinians reacted to Bill Clinton's efforts to create a Palestinian state in 2000, by joyously celebrating the deaths of innocent Americans on 9/11.
revelette1 wrote:Hamas plays into Israel's hands. I wish Palestianians could see that. I would imagine the last thing Israel wants is for Hamas to turn peaceful and a real settlement reached. Probably why they rejected efforts of a ceasefire. This way they can go on killing Palestinians, blame it on Hamas, and keep grabbing up land that does not belong to them.
Since Israeli Jews are indigenous to the West Bank, it is pretty hard to justify a claim that the West Bank does not belong to them.
It may be true that Netanyahu would prefer to not make peace. However, the only reason Israeli voters keep electing Netanyahu is because past Israeli governments offered a fair and just peace to the Palestinians over and over and over again, and the only thing Israel ever received for their peace efforts was dead Israeli civilians and people outrageously denying that Israel even made those peace offers.