monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 8 May, 2018 07:49 pm
There seem to be four basic kinds of sex in the muslim world: sex with your own first cousins (muslim marriage), sex with young boys (bacha-basi), rape, and sex with barnyard animals. An example, the classic islammic fairytale about the troll and the three goats...

The Three Billygoats Gruff

Many years ago, in the Khwarism kingdom, the empire centered around the cities of Samarkand, Bukhara, and Gurgange in the territory now called Uzbekistan, there was a bridge across a narrow section of the Syr Daria river and this bridge was guarded by a troll, named Ali Mohammed Qa-eelbasi. This was before the padishah Mohammed of the Khwarism empire burned the beards off of four of the infidel dog Chengis Khan's ambassadors and Chengis Khan reduced that entire territory to a smoking ruin (may he who cannot take a joke endure Allah's curse).

Now, this Ali Mohammed Qa-eelbasi was quite wealthy by inheritance and by dint of clever investment strategies and stock trading and, having no need of money or wealth beyond his possessions, and being an islamic troll, rather than demanding money from travellers seeking to cross his bridge, was in the habit of demanding various other favors from them.

One morning while Ali Mohammed was guarding his bridge and attempting to catch fish in the Syr Daria, he heard the light clatter of little hooves on the wooden planks of his bridge and looked up to see a little billygoat traipsing across the bridge, trippity, clippity, clippity, trippity, and this little goat (Allah be praised!!) had glossy white fur and flowers in his mane, and was wearing a silk petticoat with what appeared to be lace panties underneath, Ali Mohammed could not be quite certain, and a little training bra from Bloomingdales', and had a coy smile upon his face.

"ALLAH BE PRAISED"!! shouted Ali Mohammed! Surely the faithful shall prosper, this must be my lucky day!!!!

And, the little goat looked at Ali Mohammed, the coy smile still on his lips, and said:

"Verily, I should be happy for you to have your way with me and ravish me to your heart's content but, were you to do that, you would then be too exhausted to appreciate my brother when he passes this way. He is only a short distance behind me and he is a larger, finer and more lovely goat than I; he buys ALL of his clothing from Victoria's Secret."

Now, when Ali Mohammed heard this, he was overcome with passion and desire, and could scarcely restrain himself; nonetheless, he replied: "Go then, with Allah's blessing", and allowed the little goat to cross the bridge unmolested. "I shall (eagerly) await your brother!"

Ali Mohammed went back to his efforts to catch fish and, about a half hour later, he heard a somewhat heavier fall of hooves across the wooden planks of his bridge: clippity cloppity clop, clippity cloppity clop, and Ali Mohammed looked up to a sight which aroused within him a veritable paroxism of passion. This was a larger goat with a gossamer veil over his face, red roses braided into his glossy white silky fur all around, a golden necklace and the thinnest sort of a purple gossamer bodice of finest khitan silk, and dark, brown bedroom eyes.

"ALLAH BE PRAISED!!!" shouted Ali Mohammed, "Verily, this must be the luckiest day of my life, for surely no troll has ever beheld so lovely, and desirable, and alluring a goat as thee!"

"Patience!" replied the goat. "Surely you might have me if you wish, but then you would be too exhausted to appreciate my eldest brother, who travels only a short distance behind me. He is the sexiest and most voluptuous and alluring goat in all the world, and he buys ALL of his clothing at Sexy Sadies Midnight Boutique. Verily, were he standing here beside me, you would not notice me at all!"

Ali Mohammed somehow or other managed to restrain his lust and passion and allowed this goat to pass as well and, after ten or twelve minutes when he collected his wits and got his pulse and breath back under control, returned to his fishing poles.

Now when the eldest brother amongst the three goats came up to the bridge over the Syr Daria river and walked upon its wooden planks, Ali Mohammed did not notice at first, because this goat's hooves, for some reason, made no sound. Ali Mohammed was in fact taken by complete surprise as this third goat walked up to within five feet before the troll ever saw him at all. This goat had a silken veil as did the second goat, and gossamer clothing but, underneath the gossamer, appeared to be a very strange goat indeed, yellowish with black stripes, a long tail, fearsome claws, and huge, very non-goatlike teeth. This third goat spoke these words:

"Bless, O Lord, this food to my use and me to thy service, and make me ever mindful of the needs of others through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

and, with that, seized the unlucky troll in his mighty jaws, chewed him into bitesized pieces, and wolfed him down.

0 Replies
Tue 8 May, 2018 07:51 pm
Trump hatred is the catalyst that reveals Progressive insanity

You guys do a good job with that insanity, so don't be modest. No problem if you hate. God forbid anyone else does.
Although President Trump has never exceeded his constitutional mandate, Trump hatred insists that he’s an insane fascist who will reduce Americans to the level of citizens in Nazi Germany or even North Korea. Although President Trump was one of the leaders in placing women in management positions in high-end real estate development, and continues to place women in high positions, Trump hatred insists that he seeks to return American women to the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Although President Trump has always supported gay marriage, Trump hatred insists that he’s radically homophobic. Although President Trump got awards from black groups for the opportunities he gave blacks, Trump hatred insists that he’s a reincarnation of Arkansas governor Orval Eugene Faubus. Although President Trump may well have led to the end of the Korean War, Trump hatred insists that he’s a dangerous warmonger. And on and on.

My point is that the anti-Trump delusions are completely unrelated to the reality that is President Trump. Progressives have left reality behind and are living in a nightmare of their own making, one in which they see their obsessions — race, sex, religion, violence, etc. — played out against a make-believe Trumpian backdrop.

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Wed 9 May, 2018 12:38 am
The UK has said it remains committed to the Iran nuclear deal, insisting that it has left the world "a safer place".

In a joint statement issued with her European counterparts, Theresa May said she regretted Donald Trump's decision to exit the 2015 agreement.

The group, which includes France and Germany, said the accord "remains important for our shared security".

"We urge all sides to remain committed to its implementation and to act in a spirit of responsibility", they wrote.

Labour, meanwhile, accused President Trump of a "reckless, senseless and immoral act of diplomatic sabotage".

Iran has indicated it will seek to continue the deal, to which China, Russia and the European Union are also signed up.

After speaking together on Tuesday evening, Mrs May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron made clear they would not let the agreement - officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) - collapse.

"Our governments remain committed to ensuring the agreement is upheld, and will work with all the remaining parties to the deal to ensure this remains the case including through ensuring the continuing economic benefits to the Iranian people that are linked to the agreement," they wrote

"After engaging with the US Administration in a thorough manner over the past months, we call on the US to do everything possible to preserve the gains for nuclear non-proliferation brought about by the JCPoA, by allowing for a continued enforcement of its main elements."

Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Iran nuclear deal represents a failure of British and European diplomacy. They were unable to persuade the US president to change his mind.

But it also marks the start of the next and perhaps harder task of trying to hold what is left of the agreement together. All three countries have promised to stay in the deal, known by its acronym the JCPoA.

All three countries have promised to work with the remaining signatories to uphold the agreement. The key question will be how far the UK and other European countries are ready and able to go to protect their banks and firms from US sanctions if they do business with Iran.

0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2018 03:47 am
MontereyJack wrote:
Even the "winner" of a nuclear war will be so hammered it will never be "great",or habitable, again. Talk about handing the world to China on a silver platter, trump just did.

The important thing is that President Trump prevents leftists from violating the Second Amendment.

Our freedom is important. Everything else is secondary.

Are you suggesting that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are uninhabited wastelands today?
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Wed 9 May, 2018 03:48 am
edgarblythe wrote:
He has just launched a process that will result in likely millions more deaths than otherwise might occur. Of course you genius types don't really mind, as most of them will be Muslims, at least in the beginning.

If Muslims don't want to suffer from our justified self defense, then they should stop their aggression against us.

Regardless, the most important thing here is President Trump's continued protection of the Second Amendment. Everything else is secondary.
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 9 May, 2018 04:21 am
I think, someone should tell Trump that the nuclear deal is not a bilateral agreement and that it is not in the hands of any single country to terminate it unilaterally.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 9 May, 2018 06:09 am
@Walter Hinteler,
With his Iran decision, as on climate and trade, Trump has split sharply with strong allies. "His man in Berlin" follows his president immediately.

First day in office, two hours after the official accreditation, the hosts duped:
(The answer below is by the former career top diplomat and now chairman of the Munich Security Conference, Wolfgang Ischinger)

Wed 9 May, 2018 06:41 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Well, Germany will wait in vain for Trump to explain his action regarding the "Iran deal."

Mr. President, how does this America safer?” she said. “How does this make American safer?”

Trump gathered his thoughts for a moment, then just restated the question in the form of an assertion.

“This will make America much safer,” he said, before getting up for the table on which he signed the memorandum.


I could answer the question, it don't make America or anyone else safer, it just Trump going out of his way to undo anything which was done by the Obama administration and Mrs Trump goes out her way to plagiarize anything Michelle Obama said or did.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 9 May, 2018 07:35 am

Because the the Parliamentary Group of the far right"Action for Germany" in the state of Brandenburg didn't allow questions from a journalist of the rightish mass-tabloid 'Bild', the press conference was done ... with no journalists at all

Wed 9 May, 2018 08:50 am
@Walter Hinteler,
I suppose The First Amendment means nothing to Trump and his supporters. Following the constitution for this president is quaint and outdated.
Wed 9 May, 2018 09:35 am
Not only does it make the World a lot less safer by making war and a nuclear arms race in the ME more likely, it diminishes America's reputation. Now America cannot be trusted when it signs treaties or any international agreement.

This is what the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry said in the Commons today.

“The whole world should stand united in condemning this reckless, senseless and immoral act of diplomatic sabotage by Donald Trump; one which immediately risks plunging the Middle East into deeper destruction, chaos and conflict.

“As every independent inspection has confirmed, the nuclear deal is working; Iran is complying in full; and it is simply false that Iran is continuing its nuclear programme.

“On the back of the success of this deal, we also have a platform to make real progress with Iran on other issues, including its ballistic missile programme, its regional activities, and its record on human rights.

“If the nuclear deal is torn up, we not only destroy that platform for future progress, we risk triggering a rapid nuclear arms race in the Middle East, we risk the hardline theocrats seizing all the reins of power in Tehran, and we risk the descent into an unimaginable conflict with Iran, a country nine times the size of Syria, with a population as big as Germany’s.

“Donald Trump is taking all those risks without a single care, without the slightest justification, and without the simplest rational thought as to what will come next.

“In doing so, he is also telling North Korea that there is no point negotiating an agreement with the US on denuclearisation, because it will not be worth the paper it is written on.

“The fact that Donald Trump has announced America’s exit from the Iran nuclear deal in the most destructive and immediate way possible shows how determined he is to scupper any chance of keeping the deal on track.

“Nevertheless, that is what Britain, the EU, China and Russia must now try to do. We urge Iran not to respond in kind to this confrontational act, but strain every sinew working with the other signatories to try and save the deal, stop firms trading with Iran from facing financial penalties, and prevent a descent into conflict.

“More broadly, if we did not know it before, what today’s announcement confirms is that – as long as Donald Trump remains President – we must get used to a world without American leadership.

“A world where efforts to secure peace and progress on the great challenges facing the planet must be made not just without American cooperation, but often in the face of this administration’s active opposition. That is the task we now face in relation to Iran, and the UK Government must show it is up to it.”

Wed 9 May, 2018 11:17 am
America cannot be trusted when it signs treaties or any international agreement.

When Obama did nothing about his red line, America could not be trusted. When Obama reneged on the missiles in Poland, America could not be trusted.

All Trump has done is show Obama and his weakness is no longer what America does. America will do what is best for America. Trump does not care what an emasculated governments like the UK and France does, or a mess like Germany or the opinion of the EU. Deal with it.
0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:21 am
WOW.....those people who think the Clinton Foundation was only a pay-to-play scheme must be LIVID at Trump and this Essential Consultants news that just came out.

I'll wait to get some proof of something before getting pissed off about this, but not everyone takes this same "wait-and-see" approach (or at least they don't when a Clinton is involved, maybe they're hypocrites).
0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:25 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Trump that the nuclear deal is not a bilateral agreement and that it is not in the hands of any single country to terminate it unilaterally.

He never said it was. He pulled the US out of what was no more than an executive order or memo from Obama that was never approved by Congress.
0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:35 am
@Walter Hinteler,
With his Iran decision, as on climate and trade, Trump has split sharply with strong allies.

He has Israel, the Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia with him on Iran, that is what counts.
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:38 am
I suppose The First Amendment means nothing to Trump and his supporters.

And countries without free speech sit in judgement? I don't think so. And who has Trump silenced?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:52 am
coldjoint wrote:
He has Israel, the Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia with him on Iran, that is what counts.
Did I miss that you became Muslim friendly? (The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is 85% Sunni Islam and 15% Shi'a, in the United Arab Emirates it's the same situation.)
Good that you changed your hate at least here!
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:55 am
Three Americans freed by North Korea ahead of Trump-Kim summit

Something Obama never even attempted. A lot of Americans died in prisons all around the world until now. Trump is doing what plainly no other president could do. I think the credit he deserves will never be allowed by the hateful media. But guess what Trump does not care, he cares about America and is the first president since Reagan who truly loves this country.
0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2018 11:58 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Did I miss that you became Muslim friendly?

I talk about Islam, not Muslims. Muslims have little to do with what Islam says, they cannot change it. Anything else you want to know about Islam? Do not be afraid to ask.
0 Replies
Wed 9 May, 2018 12:01 pm
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