monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 8 Jan, 2017 08:48 pm

tony5732 wrote:

While it COULD be argued that your pistol or rifle could never stand up to a tank or plane, but if we DID have something like Trump or Obama trying to go three terms, there would be some issues.

To which I would ask "How did those tanks and planes work for you in Viet Nam?"
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 08:52 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Classy, indeed! Grabs women by the crotch, a textbook racial bigot, a liar, and scammer of many.
When you're a star like Trump, you can do anything. Even shoot somebody in the middle of Manhattan, and nobody would care. He won't lose any voters.

Trump tells the truth 4% of the time.

Your Trump posts are tediously repetitive...


OK I guess everyones got it. (It's not OCD is it?)
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 08:59 pm

0 REPLYREPORT Sun 8 Jan, 2017 08:32 pm
Have you ever noticed when initiating discourse with a liberal if they are unable to provide a factual retort, instead they call you a name, as in this case a troll, to end the discussion. At this point I imagine I will be put on ignore.

OK its official. You are just another lying troll

And there ya have it right out of the liberal play book...No more proof needed.

No wonder they lost their asses big in November...This is who they cater too. A dying ideology and party...Good ******* riddance.
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:02 pm
Just ignore him. He and his kind have been marginalized... Yesterday's news. Throw it out with the bad fish.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:04 pm
That does not come close to proving or validating your assertion.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:05 pm
I gather you are a regular posting under a new name. Your're on ignore.
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:08 pm
blatham wrote:

I gather you are a regular posting under a new name. Your're on ignore.

Hey AC...You called it man. Hahahaha.
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:11 pm
Yeah. Typical. They can't seem to deviate from the playbook. Limited cerebral function.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:11 pm
Fortunately for Blathy, the "ignore" feature here provides a built-in "safe space" for him and his fellow-travellin cheese-eaters, eh, John?
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:12 pm
Media tycoon Arnon Mozes is the businessman who negotiated a quid pro quo with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in conversations caught on tape that came to light on Sunday.
Haaretz reported Sunday that suspicions in the main corruption affair involving Netanyahu are backed by recordings documenting contacts between him and a businessman over mutual benefits.

According to Channel 2, several months ago Netanyahu offered Mozes, publisher of the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper, a deal that would limit the circulation of the free daily Israel Hayom, Yedioth's top competitor and widely regarded as the prime minister's mouthpiece. In return, Mozes would make Yedioth's coverage more sympathetic to Netanyahu.
Ha'aretz (behind pay wall)

That's corruption. And it is a propagandist move.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:13 pm
Ya...They learn that at the liberal colleges...Go to your safe place when in danger from logical conservative thought.

And in this guy's case revert to cut and paste...No independent thought for this liberal...No sir.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 09:46 pm
In an announcement released today we are told that President-elect Trump accepts the recently provided evaluation of the Intelligence Community regarding the Russian sourcing of the hacked e mails from the DNC server.

What we have is a statement from Priebus. And what he said is about as weaselish as it gets.

Trump] “is not denying that entities in Russia were behind this particular hacking campaign”.
Note that "entities in Russia". Could be a 400 pound Russian kid.

“When this whole thing started, it started from the Russians 50 years ago, in other words this is something that has been going on in our elections for many many years. It happens every election period.”
That's purposefully deceitful.

Conway is maintaining the "there was no consequence for the election" as somehow a conclusion of the intel community, I guess, as she continues to insist this is a known fact. Of course it isn't. She's lying.

Neither of them are mentioning Putin. Neither are indicting Putin (or leadership figures in Russia). Like Trump, they are trying to run cover for Putin.

The other thing they are saying as with Priebus' statement that the DNC was a "sitting duck" has an obvious purpose. That's to suggest that it was mere opportunity that led the hackers to hack/release DNC documents but not RNC related docs. And/or to suggest the target was damaging Clinton, not advancing Trump. And toss in the notion that Dems are weak on security while Republicans are strong.

It's telling that, at least to this point, Trump is not the one talking even though this idiocy came from him. He is not saying, "I was wrong". I don't expect him to say it at any point. I also don't expect Priebus and Conway to speak to the findings on Putin/leadership as prime agents here. Honesty isn't the game they are playing.

This statement surely arises simply because it had become apparent after the revelations of Friday that Trump's prior statements were beginning to look insane or corrupt.

Sun 8 Jan, 2017 10:02 pm
blatham wrote:

This statement surely arises simply because it had become apparent after the revelations of Friday that Trump's prior statements were beginning to look insane or corrupt.

No need to worry your pretty little head about such minor matters, eh, Blathy? You and your ilk will soon have much bigger problems. As the main stream media has amply demonstrated, Trump is plotting to establish a fourth reich which will implement a "final solution" to the left-wing problem.

I believe that investigative journalism has now conclusively established that Trump is recruiting para-military groups, Hell's Angels, Skinheads of every stripe, and other like-minded, able young men, to form a new "brown shirt" organization which will round up all traitors. Most of them probably won't make it as far as a concentration camp, because they will be summarily disposed of. No need for hearses or coffins...they will be left along the roadsides as food for scavengers.

But Trump thinks BIG, like, globally, ya know? Eliminating the domestic threat is simply the first step in his plan for world domination. As of right now it is projected that in or around July, 2017, Trump will pre-emptively launch nuclear strikes on every other country in the world, and then move in troops to clean up the scraps and assert Trumpian control.

Its gunna ROCK, eh!?

America first, Baby!
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 10:14 pm
Oh goody...Can I be the general in charge of the final solution of A2K liberals? Pretty please.
cicerone imposter
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 10:32 pm
The other thing they are saying as with Priebus' statement that the DNC was a "sitting duck" has an obvious purpose. That's to suggest that it was mere opportunity that led the hackers to hack/release DNC documents but not RNC related docs.

That should be a clue. All these conspiracy theories are nothing more than selling hog wash.

All countries have been spying on each other for the ages. It began long before computers. Really.

0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 10:43 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

I think he is a little vulgar, but I happily associate with a wide and diverse circle of friends many of whom have worse qualities than that, but all of whom enrich my life. They also accept themselves, and each other, enjoying what they can and ignoring the rest. I thnk that's wise.

Well in just a few days, Trump will be enriching all of our lives and frankly I can't wait. I'm sick of paying taxes and my bills, and Thank You Jesus for delivering me a president who throws off those shackles and points me in the direction of greater prosperity.
And of course they accept themselves, but they don't know that others exist that are like them, they don't think anyone else could be so dashing and special. And George, don't ever forget that people like Trump entertain admirers like you to catch a glimpse of their gloriousness in your adoring gaze. It's not wise to think otherwise.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 10:47 pm
It's understandable that Clinton was quite willing to establish highly insecure email servers to contain top secret State Department information. That's a trivial matter which merely jeopardized the lives of Americans overseas and ****. In the meantime, it protects the Clinton Foundation from exposure via the freedom of information act.

But, after being repeatedly warned by the FBI that the DNC emails were being hacked, why didn't she beef up security then? In was very important that those secrets NEVER see the light of day.

I guess habits are just hard to break, eh?
Sun 8 Jan, 2017 11:58 pm
Here's a couple hints. While Clinton was Sec of State she had a private server but not an unsecure system. So Layman, The State Department is indeed a government Department. However, both the RNC and DNC are private organizations so the government doesn't monitor or collect their data for FOIA. Lastly, The Clinton Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides health care and many other screening programs to improve the health conditions in some of the poorest countries. The Clinton's have another foundation separate from Clinton Global Foundation which is only for the Clinton's to disseminate their charitable contributions. It all there on Hillary Clinton's website, al of her financial dealings.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:08 am
Lol exactly.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:09 am
0 Replies

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